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ACTS 5:32. “And we are His witnesses of these things.” We Say: I will witness by example. Someone else can do the talking and visiting. Some will be a partner in the visit and not the one who talks. FEAR. Destroys our trust in God
ACTS 5:32 “And we are His witnesses of these things.” We Say: I will witness by example. Someone else can do the talking and visiting. Some will be a partner in the visit and not the one who talks.
FEAR. . . • Destroys our trust in God • Destroys our self-confidence (given to us by God as we depend on Him) • Fosters apprehensions---no basis for them to exist
FEAR . . . DOES STRANGE THINGS . . . Job said, “The thing which I greatly feared is come upon me.” Job 3:25 If you think you can’t---you are right! MOTTO: God and I can do anything He wants me to do!! It is God’s visit.
WHAT ARE WE AFRAID OF? • Won’t know what to say • We will do a “bad” job • The unknown. . . What is lurking behind the door • Rejection at the door
God Does Not Want You To Be Afraid . . . “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” II Timothy 1:7 “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But He who fears has not been made perfect in love.” I John 4:18
Promises . . . “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you. . .” Acts 18:9 “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear; what can man do to me?” Psalms 118:6
“If God be for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27
ACT . . . • A Ask in the morning for strength • C Claim the strength all day • T Thank God for the strength at night
JESUS’ METHOD OF SUCCESS (5 Steps) “Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow me’.” Ministry of Healing 143
FOLLOW JESUS’ EXAMPLE “Your success will not depend so much upon your knowledge and accomplishments, as upon your ability to find your way to the heart. By being social and coming close to people, you may turn the current of their thoughts more readily than by the most able discourse.” Gospel Workers, 193
The Example of Jesus • He went to the people and met them on their own “turf” Matthew 8:14, 15, Healing of Peter’s mother-in-law at Peter’s house “When Jesus Had Come Into Peter’s House”
Jesus looked for opportunities to direct people to a better life now and to spiritual things. Matthew 9:1-8 Healsand forgives a paralyzed man “Son be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you”
Ministry was very personal… usually one-to-one John 3:1-3 “Nicodemus and Jesus“This man came to Jesus by night”
Spoke words of sympathy, kindness and encouragement John 4:46-54, Father of sick boy and Jesus “Go your way, your son lives”
Viewed no one as hopeless or without worth John 4:6-10, Woman of Samaria “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?”
Believed all had abilities to be used by God Matthew 25:14-30, Parable of the talents “He gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability”
Ministered to all regardless of position, monetary status, education or behavior Luke 21:1-4 Widow’s offering “He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites…has put in more than all” Matthew 19:16-22 Rich Young Ruler “Good Teacher, what shall I do to have eternal life?”
Gentle and humble Luke 8:43-48 Jesus and woman with blood disorder “Daughter, be of good cheer, your faith has made you well. Go in peace.”
Socialized Luke 7:36 At Pharisee’s house “He went to the Pharisee’s house, and sat down to eat.” Luke 15:1, 2 Tax Collectors “...the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him.”
GATHER INFORMATION • Membership File • Interest File • Church Members • Pastor and Previous Pastors
Prayer…Invite God To Go With You • Holy Spirit • Wisdom • Tact • Fear • Response of Visit • Home Environment
Visit As A Team of Two • Moral & Prayer Support • Assist In The Home • Thinking While One Is Talking • Praying While One Is Talking
Approaching The Door • Pocket Bible vs. Larger Bible • Conversation/Deportment • Never Peek Through Windows, Doors • Doorbell/Knock Firmly • Backyard • Smile/Be Friendly • Interest/File card
Introductory Statements Three Immediate Questions: • Who Are You? • What Do You Want? • How Long Are You Going To Stay?
Beginning A Conversation • FORT F amily O ccupation R eligion T estimony
Shirt S chool H obbies I nterests R eligion T estimony
Some Tips on Visiting Missing Sabbath School Members • Preparation for Visiting • Team up with a timid or inexperienced member. • Pray at home or church for absentee: • For cleansing of sin and for Christ to fill your heart with love for the absentee, and • For the filling of the Holy Spirit and wisdom • Remember, “Angels of God attend you to the dwellings of those you visit”. (9T 41) • Study any information you have about the person. • Is the person a church member? For how long? • What is the person’s age, occupation, present interests? • What is the person’s home or school environment?
Some Tips on Visiting Missing Sabbath School Members • The Visit (15-20 minutes) • Pray with trainee in the car • Memorize the absentee’s name • Approach the home in a cheerful, optimistic attitude. Be warm, tactful, and gentle • If unacquainted, identify yourselves as from the specific Sabbath School class. • Ask questions about things you are sure they are interested in, such as: • The family • How they found the church • How long have they attended, etc.
Some Tips on Visiting Missing Sabbath School Members • Bring them greetings from the Sabbath School and your class • Let them know they are really missed when they are not there. If possible, present them with a greeting card with brief messages from class members. • Tell them of the wonderful lesson study the class had today. • Mention interesting special features of the Sabbath School program and the sermon topic.
Some Tips on Visiting Missing Sabbath School Members 10.If confronted with the person’s problem or a negative experience, listen sympathetically. • Say, “I appreciate what you are saying.” • Don’t argue or condemn • Gently share a Bible text or experience that helped you in responding positively to a similar negative experience • Minister to the person’s need as seems appropriate.
Some Tips on Visiting Missing Sabbath School Members 11. Assure the person or family that you visit that the entire class will be anxiously looking for them next Sabbath. 12. Assure them of the prayers of the other class members, especially if they have been ill. 13. To deepen friendship you might the person or family to your house for a meal and fellowship. • Close with prayer, mentioning names of family members. Report to your Sabbath School Action Unit Care Coordinator and Secretary.
Guidelines for Visiting Former Members • Pray for your prospect before and during the visit. Claim for yourselves the in-filling of the Holy Spirit, His wisdom and Christ’s love for the former member. • Certain things not to do when visiting former Adventists. a. Do not argue – you are a witness b. Do not defend yourself, the church or anyone else. You are not the defense attorney. Defending will only align you with the hurt that person has experienced. c. Do not preach by telling the person they should look to Jesus and not to other people. 3. Study any information you have about that person, for example, why dropped from the membership, age, present interests, etc.
Guidelines for Visiting Former Members • The first visit a. May be short b. Use warmth, tact, and gentleness – no pressure – be relaxed c. Introduce yourself as from the SDA Church. Say something such as the following : “Good morning! Is this where the Smiths live? Are you Mr. Smith (Don’t explain to another person). We don’t plan to stay long, but we do want to visit with you for just a little while. May we step in for a few minutes?
Guidelines for Visiting Former Members 5. If you are not acquainted you may wish to use FORT (Family /Occupation/Religion/ Testimony ) . a. Under "Religion" say, "Tell me something about your religious background." If the following information was not volunteered under "family" ask: (l) "Were both parents Adventists?" (2) "Did you attend church school ? If so, for how long?" (3) "Whom did you marry--an Adventist sweetheart?"
Guidelines for Visiting Former Members 6. To help the prospect remember the past with fondness, ask questions such as: a. "Who baptized you?" b. "Were you happy?" c. "Did you hold any church office?" d. "What did you especially enjoy?" 7. Then ask, "How long has it been since you've attended church?"
Guidelines for Visiting Former Members 8. "Would you mind sharing what caused you to become inactive?" * Express appreciation for honesty; don't refute or argue. Say, "This information will help me in helping others." 9. LISTEN. If the person was treated badly, don't take sides. After he or she is through unburdening, you might say,
Guidelines for Visiting Former Members a. "Brother (or Sister), that's too bad. I am so sorry to hear that I suppose that if I had been treated like you have told me you were, I would probably feel as badly as you do." b. "On behalf of the Adventist church, we would like to apologize and ask your forgiveness." c. "From the bottom of my heart, I ask you to forgive us. One thing I am very sure about, God loves you." 10. Ask, "May I ask you a personal question?" "Do you still believe the message the church teaches is still the message God has for the world?"
Guidelines for Visiting Former Members 11. "Have you thought recently of coming back?" 12. Invite the person back and do everything you can to be of help. You must get the prospect to read, study, pray and listen so the Holy Spirit can speak to his or her heart and create a desire. a. If the person expresses interest in returning to church: • Arrange to bring him or her to your Sabbath School class or to church. • Have sundown worship together. (3) Pray with and for the individual ( and the family, if appropriate ). (4) Leave something to read such as the 5-Day Plan to Know God, Open Secrets, Signs Digest, or Homecoming Review.
Guidelines for Visiting Former Members b. If the prospect is not ready to return, find a reason to visit again. Always pray for and during the following four suggested visits: (1) On the first visit: Leave Homecoming Review or Open Secrets. Say, "I'd like your opinion on this. There is a video (SpirituaI Journeys) I have seen recently that I think would be an encouragement to you. I'll drop back with it so you can see it." (If the family has no VCR, bring one.) (2) Second visit: Return with the video and ask how he or she liked the book. "I'd like to urge you to watch the video and tell me what you think of it I'll drop back next week and pick it up."
Guidelines for Visiting Former Members (3) Third visit: "What did you think of the stories you saw. Have you ever felt like any of those people on the video?" Vary appeal according to response. ( 4) Fourth visit: Bring Signs Digest and offer year's subscription. Make appeal. "I'd like to pick you up at o'clock next Sabbath and invite you to have lunch with our family ." (5) Arrange for members who have had similar struggles to visit the person. (6) Pray- Work -Pray -Work! God will bless.
Guidelines for Visiting Interests (Voice of Prophecy/It is Written) • PREPARATION: • ___________. Carry card on top of guides 1 & 2. • Have partner carry Bible in _______ of bag. • The visit should be short.
Guidelines for Visiting Interests (Voice of Prophecy/It is Written) • INTRODUCTION: • At the door ______ firm knocks/door bell - ________. • Smile/step back. • “Good ______. Are you _________? (Speak to only the name on the card). I am ________ and this is ________.
Guidelines for Visiting Interests (Voice of Prophecy/It is Written) • It is __________ to find you home this _____. • We represent the ______. Show ______. • We can’t ______ long, but we did want to _______ for just a _____ minutes. • You wouldn’t _______ if we _________in while we explained, _______you? • We ___________ you (ordered, purchased/give title).
Guidelines for Visiting Interests (Voice of Prophecy/It is Written) • Have you ________(it to them)? • Have you had a chance to ______ reading. • We are _______ for your ________ in the _________ of God. • We _________ if you have taken ________of the FREE Bible study _____we offer. • This is a ______ offer. We believe you will ______ enjoy, as _______ have.