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Investigating effects of IGF-1 Cissus q uadrangularis and Fagus crenata on the production of collagen in mouse fibroblast cells. Done by: Allison Meadows Gabi Guzman Cheng Yong Jian Er Yuan Zhi. Contents. Introduction Rational Objectives Hypothesis Materials Methods Timeline
Investigating effects of IGF-1 Cissusquadrangularisand Faguscrenataon the production of collagen in mouse fibroblast cells Done by: Allison Meadows Gabi Guzman Cheng Yong Jian Er Yuan Zhi
Contents • Introduction • Rational • Objectives • Hypothesis • Materials • Methods • Timeline • References
Rational • We aim to investigate the effectiveness of Cissusquadrangularis, IGF-I and Faguscrenatato stimulate the synthesis of collagen in mouse embryo fibroblast cells to develop new treatments for tendonitis.
Objectives • Determine the effectiveness of Cissusquadrangularisand FagusCrenata, and to determine the effectiveness of C.quadrangularis and F.crenata when combined with IGF-1 on the stimulation of synthesis of collagen in mouse embryo fibroblast cells
Hypothesis • Our hypothesis is that: Cissusquadrangularisand Faguscrenataincrease production of collagen synthesis in mouse embryo fibroblast cells when used both separately and together with IGF-1
Materials • 3T6 Swiss Albino Nuclear Lystate • Cissusquandrangularis • FagusCrenata • IGF-1 • Tissue Culture flask – 25cm2 • CO2 incubator • Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium • Variable volume micropipettes and pipette tips • Vortex mixer • Centrifuge machine • Spectrophotometer • Masson Trichrome staining kit • Sircol Assay Kit
References • CissusQuadrangularis—The Best Kept Secret in Bodybuilding. (2007). Retrieved September 28, 2009, from USPLabs Web site: http://www.usplabsdirect.com/supercissus.html • Erickson, L. (2002). Future treatments. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from http://www.tendinosis.org/future.html • Erickson, L. (2002). The Tendinosis Injury. Retrieved September 24, 2009, from http://www.tendinosis.org/injury.html • Takda, K., Suzuki, R., Guentert, M., Inomata, S., Hamada, C., and Sakiguchi, T., (June 14 2007) Anti-Aging composition and collagen production promoting composition
References • Borg, T. K., Ivarsson, M., McWhirter, A., Rubin, K. (1998). Type I collagen synthesis in cultured human fibroblasts regulation by cell spreading, platelet-derived growth factor and interactions with collagen fibers. Matrix Biology. 16, 409-425. • Daha, M. R., Geest, R. N., Lam, S., VanKooten, C., Verhagen, N. A. M. (2004). Secretion of collagen type IV by human renal fibroblasts is increased by high glucose via a TGF-B-independent pathway. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 19, 1694-1701. • Leeson, C. R., Leeson, T. S., & Paparo, A. A. (1985). Connective tissue proper. Textbook of Histology. Philidelphia: W. B. Saunders Company.
References • Ghahary, A. , Houle , Kilani, T. , Scott, G. , Shen and Tredget, E. , (2000), Vol. 17, No. 3, Pages 167-176. Mannose-6-Phosphate/IGF-II Receptors Mediate the Effects of IGF-1-Induced Latent Transforming Growth Factor β1 on Expression of Type I Collagen and Collagenase in Dermal Fibroblasts • Baroni, G., Benedetti, A., Casini, A., Folli, F., Gaglotti, G., Macarri, G., Marucci, L., Orlandoni, P., Perego, L., Ridolfi, F. and Sario, A. (1999) Insulin and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Stimulate Proliferation and Type I Collagen Accumulation by Human Hepatic Stellate Cells: Differential Effects on Signal Transduction Pathways
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