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Concepts and Applications. Engineering Optimization. Fred van Keulen Matthijs Langelaar CLA H21.1 A.vanKeulen@tudelft.nl. In practice : additional “tricks” needed to deal with: Multimodality Strong fluctuations Round-off errors Divergence. Summary single variable methods. Bracketing +
Concepts and Applications Engineering Optimization • Fred van Keulen • Matthijs Langelaar • CLA H21.1 • A.vanKeulen@tudelft.nl
In practice: additional “tricks” needed to deal with: • Multimodality • Strong fluctuations • Round-off errors • Divergence Summary single variable methods • Bracketing + • Dichotomous sectioning • Fibonacci sectioning • Golden ratio sectioning • Quadratic interpolation • Cubic interpolation • Bisection method • Secant method • Newton method 0th order 1st order 2nd order • And many, many more!
Descent methods Unconstrained optimization algorithms • Single-variable methods • Multiple variable methods • 0th order • 1st order • 2nd order Direct search methods
Examples of test functions: • Rosenbrock’s function (“banana function”) Optimum: (1, 1) Test functions • Comparison of performance of algorithms: • Mathematical convergence proofs • Performance on benchmark problems (test functions)
Many local optima: Optimum: (0, 0) Test functions (2) • Quadratic function: Optimum: (1, 3)
Random walk method: • Generate random unit direction vectors • Walk to new point if better • Decrease stepsize after N steps Random methods • Random jumping method:(random search) • Generate random points, keep the best
Simulated annealing (Metropolis algorithm) • Random method inspired by natural process: annealing • Heating of metal/glass to relieve stresses • Controlled cooling to a state of stable equilibrium with minimal internal stresses • Probability of internal energy change (Boltzmann’s probability distribution function) • Note, some chance on energy increase exists! • S.A. based on this probability concept
Obtain f(y). Accept new design if better. If worse, generate random number r, and accept new design when Note: • Stop if design has not changed in several steps. Otherwise, update temperature: Simulated annealing algorithm • Set a starting “temperature” T, pick a starting design x, and obtain f(x) • Randomly generate a new design y close to x
Increasingly negative Simulated annealing (3) • As temperature reduces, probability of accepting a bad step reduces as well: Negative Reducing • Accepting bad steps (energy increase) likely in initial phase, but less likely at the end • Temperature zero: basic random jumping method • Variants: several steps before test, cooling schemes, …
Random methods properties • Very robust: work also for discontinuous / nondifferentiable functions • Can find global minimum • Last resort: when all else fails • S.A. known to perform well on several hard problems (traveling salesman) • Quite inefficient, but can be used in initial stage to determine promising starting point • Drawback: results not repeatable
Cyclic coordinate search • Search alternatingly in each coordinate direction • Perform single-variable optimization along each direction (line search): • Directions fixed: can lead to slow convergence
Directions for cycle i+1 Steps in cycle i Powell’s Conjugate Directions method • Adjusting search directions improves convergence • Idea: replace first direction with combined direction of a cycle: • Guaranteed to converge in n cycles for quadratic functions! (theoretically)
Gradually move toward minimum by reflection: f = 10 f = 5 f = 7 Nelder and Mead Simplex method • Simplex: figure of n + 1 points in Rn • For better performance: expansion/contraction and other tricks
Biologically inspired methods • Popular: inspiration for algorithms from biological processes: • Genetic algorithms / evolutionary optimization • Particle swarms / flocks • Ant colony methods • Typically make use of population (collection of designs) • Computationally intensive • Stochastic nature, global optimization properties
1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 Genetic algorithms • Based on evolution theory of Darwin:Survival of the fittest • Objective = fitness function • Designs are encoded in chromosomalstrings, ~ genes: e.g. binary strings: x1 x2
Test termination criteria Create new population Crossover Mutation Reproduction Select individualsfor reproduction Quit GA flowchart Create initial population Evaluate fitness of all individuals
GA population operators • Reproduction: • Exact copy/copies of individual • Crossover: • Randomly exchange genes of different parents • Many possibilities: how many genes, parents, children … • Mutation: • Randomly flip some bits of a gene string • Used sparingly, but important to explore new designs
Mutation: 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 Population operators • Crossover: Parent 2 Parent 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 Child 1 Child 2
Particle swarms / flocks • No genes and reproduction, but a population that travels through the design space • Derived from simulations of flocks/schools in nature • Individuals tend to follow the individual with the best fitness value, but also determine their own path • Some randomness added to give exploration properties(“craziness parameter”)
Random numbers between 0 and 1 Control “social behavior” vs “individual behavior” PSO algorithm • Initialize location and speed of individuals (random) • Evaluate fitness • Update best scores: individual (y) and overall (Y) • Update velocity and position:
Summary 0th order methods • Nelder-Mead beats Powell in most cases • Robust: most can deal with discontinuity etc. • Less attractive for many design variables (>10) • Stochastic techniques: • Computationally expensive, but • Global optimization properties • Versatile • Population-based algorithms benefit from parallel computing
Unconstrained optimization algorithms • Single-variable methods • Multiple variable methods • 0th order • 1st order • 2nd order
Taylor: Best direction: x2 f = 1.9 -f • Example: f = 0.044 -f f = 7.2 x1 Steepest descent method • Move in direction of largest decrease in f: Divergence occurs! Remedy: line search
Steepest descent convergence • Zig-zag convergence behavior:
y2 • Ideal scaling hard to determine (requires Hessian information) y1 Effect of scaling • Scaling variables helps a lot! x2 x1
Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient method • Based on building set of conjugate directions, combined with line searches • Conjugate directions: • Conjugate directions: guaranteed convergence in N steps for quadratic problems(recall Powell: N cycles of N line searches)
Property: searching along conjugate directions yields optimum of quadratic function in N steps (or less): Optimality: Fletcher-Reeves Conjugate gradient method • Set of N conjugate directions: (Special case: orthogonal directions, eigenvectors)
Optimization process with line search along all di: Conjugate directions • Find conjugate coordinates bi:
? (definition) Conjugate directions (2) • Optimization by line searches along conjugate directions will converge in N steps (or less):
Line search: f = c+1 f = c -f2 d1 But … how to obtain conjugate directions? • How to generate conjugate directions with only gradient information? Start with steepest descent direction:
But, in general, A is unknown! Remedy: Line search: Gradients: Conjugate directions (3) • Condition for conjugate direction:
Eliminating A (cont.) • Result:
But because Now use Why that last step? By Fletcher-Reeves: starting from Polak-Rebiere version:
Polak-Rebiere: • Fletcher-Reeves: Three CG variants • For general non-quadratic problems, three variants exist that are equivalent in the quadratic case: • Hestenes-Stiefel: Generally bestin most cases
CG practical • Start with abritrary x1 • Set first search direction: • Line search to find next point: • Next search direction: • Repeat 3 • Restart every (n+1) steps, using step 2
Slower convergence; > N steps • After N steps / bad convergence: restart procedure etc. CG properties • Theoretically converges in N steps or less for quadratic functions • In practice: • Non-quadratic functions • Finite line search accuracy • Round-off errors
Equilibrium: • CG: Line search: Application to mechanics (FE) • Structural mechanics:Quadratic function! • Simple operations on element level. Attractive for large N!