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KILLING SACRED COWS. How renegade marketing thinkers question everything you thought you knew about our discipline. Planning Director CEE. Johann Wachs. Agenda. Differentiation Engagement Participation. DIFFERENTIATION.
KILLING SACRED COWS Howrenegademarketingthinkersquestioneverythingyouthought youknewaboutourdiscipline PlanningDirector CEE Johann Wachs
Agenda • Differentiation • Engagement • Participation
Brands don’thaveexclusiveimage attributes, butsharethemwithotherbrands
Brand knowledgeisnothelduniformlyby all buyers 50% of all brand knowledgeisconcentrated in only 20% of buyers Theother 50% of brand knowledgeisspreadthinlyacross 80% of buyers
People don’tregardevaluatingbrandsas veryimportant‚Low involvementprocessing’
Whydo wefetishizetheone-sentence brand benefit?Whydo weagonizeovertheprecisephrasing of the brand essence? Whydo wefiddlewith brand personalityadjectives?
People don’thave to think of a brand as different to buy it. Theyjust have to think of itat all.
Advertisingthatcontainsno message,propositionorbenefitsisnotnecessarilydeficient
The real goal of communicationsisthecreation of vividmemoriesthatarepresentat themoment of purchase
Weneed to recognizethatmostpeoplein the real worldarejust notthatinterested. Thisisthe realbarrierto oursuccess.
„We spend toomuch timeon whatwewant to say,ratherthanwhatpeoplewantto hear.“
It’snotwhetherweinterruptor not.It’swhetherweaddvalue. Becauseengagementisnot justa behavioralresponse,butalso a cognitiveone.
Doesengagementhaveintrinsicvalue?Do peoplebuy a brandbecausethey’refans –oraretheyfansbecausetheybuythe brand more?
Do peoplecaredeeplyaboutbrands?‚Low involvementprocessing’
Most peopledon’tknowyourbrand very well 50% of all brand knowledgeisconcentrated in only 20% of buyers Theother 50% of brand knowledgeisspreadthinlyacross 80% of buyers
Thepeople LEAST likely to engagedeeply ... Paradox TheParticipation ... arethe MOST important forgrowth
Thebattleis forattention –notloyalty 2. Fans areactors, nottheaudience Thismeans 2 things:
Thepeople LEAST likely to engagedeeply ... Paradox TheParticipation ... arethe MOST important forgrowth
Reach still matters - Participationismerelynichemarketing, unlessitisoverheard and witnessedbythemainstream. So buildtalkvalueintotheparticipation-idea