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VERITAS NETBACKUP DATACENTER Local V880 Overview. NETBACKUP Training. The following slides cover only a brief overview of Netbackup functionality. You will need to review the referenced documents and websites for a better comprehension. You should perform test backups and restores.

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  2. NETBACKUP Training • The following slides cover only a brief overview of Netbackup functionality. • You will need to review the referenced documents and websites for a better comprehension. • You should perform test backups and restores. • You MUST have a backup schema & DRP plan to keep your job. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  3. NETBACKUP OVERVIEW • Q. What is Veritas Netbackup? • A. Veritas Netbackup is an enterprise backup and recovery solution that is the industry standard. • Q. How does Veritas Netbackup help Unix Admins? • A. Ensures every file gets backed up and is able to be restored by using cataloging. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  4. NETBACKUP OVERVIEW • Netbackup will backup, restore and archive files. • Uses GNU tar format • Use TCP to establish communications. • Performs both FULL and incremental backups • Full reporting and management capacity of backup and recovery procedures Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  5. NETBACKUP OVERVIEW • Netbackup manages heterogeneous backups. UNIX, NT, NOVELL, IBM, etc • Highly scalable and flexible architecture • Advanced tools, utilities and wizards. • Management from server, client or workstation. • Role & User based security Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  6. NETBACKUP OVERVIEW • Three products levels of Netbackup 4.5. • Netbackup Professional. • Netbackup Business server. • Netbackup Datacenter. • Netbackup has a collection of “add on” products and agents. None of which were purchased. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  7. JTAV NETBACKUP FYI • We currently have an Oracle database. • The person that specified this configuration did not specify the Netbackup for oracle or nor the oracle database agent to allow “hot or online” backups, advanced recovery and management, etc. • We will require a “cold” backup increasing downtime. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  8. VERITAS NETBACKUP DATACENTER FYI CURRENT JTAV BELVIOR CONFIG • Version 4.5 GA Datacenter • SUN L25 Autoloader with Tape Library/Bar Code reader & two drives • Throughput on Autoloader is 5Mbps per sec • Media is DLT 8000 Tape 40gig/80gig • Currently managing Valiant and Hood Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  9. JTAV SITE NETBACKUP FYI Current JTAV site CONFIG • Remote sites (EECOM, PACOM, CENTCOM, KOREA,JIFFCOM) • Version 4.5 BusinessServer • SUN L7 autoloader with one drive, no bar code reader • Throughput on autoloader is 5mbps per sec • Media is DLT 8000 tape 40gig/80gig Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  10. JTAV SITE NETBACKUP FYI • These remote sites need to be configured completely and correctly. • Performance tuning needs to be completed(refer to my “NETBACKUP 4.5 PERFTUNEJTAV.Doc”. • On site training never materialized. • Catalog backups. • Need to establish site backup schema. • Update patches to MP 5 as of 11/09/2003. • Perform test restores and backups. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  11. JTAV SITE NETBACKUP FYI • Sites need to establish tape rotation • Off site consideration for DRP • Configure self monitoring and alerting • Cleaning schedule should be set to around 10 hours • Print out Netbackup documentation from Veritas.Com Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  12. Veritas Netbackup DataCenter • Netbackup automates the backup and archive routines on Valiant and Hood. • Full backups run weekly on Fridays and Incremental-Differentials daily. • Valiant is the “Master” server and the “Media” server. (Master being the manager and Media being the controller of media such as tape drives and disks.) Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  13. Veritas Netbackup DataCenter • We could add more servers to list. • Just have to add the Netbackup client agents and configure the client backup policy. • Netbackup uses ports to connect to clients and for processes. • Netbackup is broken into two subsections. • Netbackup and Media Manager Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  14. VERITAS PORTS • Veritas uses ports to communicate over the network. TCP port connections to be exact. The next page covers the ports used by Netbackup and the Media Manager. • The configuration of these is done during the installation of Netbackup. • These can be found in the /etc/services file. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  15. # NetBackup services # bprd 13720/tcp bprd bpdbm 13721/tcp bpdbm bpcd 13782/tcp bpcd vnetd 13724/tcp vnetd vopied 13783/tcp vopied bpjava-msvc 13722/tcp bpjava-msvc bpjobd 13723/tcp bpjobd nbdbd 13784/tcp nbdbd visd 9284/tcp visd # End NetBackup services # NETBACKUP PORTS Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  16. Client Ports Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  17. # Media Manager services # vmd 13701/tcp vmd acsd 13702/tcp acsd tl8cd 13705/tcp tl8cd odld 13706/tcp odld ts8d 13709/tcp ts8d tldcd 13711/tcp tldcd tl4d 13713/tcp tl4d tsdd 13714/tcp tsdd tshd 13715/tcp tshd tlmd 13716/tcp tlmd tlhcd 13717/tcp tlhcd lmfcd 13718/tcp lmfcd rsmd 13719/tcp rsmd # End Media Manager services # MEDIA MANAGER PORTS Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  18. Important words Important processes Use daily Netbackup Terminology Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  19. NETBACKUP Terminology • The following several slides cover common NETBACKUP terms and principals to give a brief understanding of terms and principals. • Review the bibliography for more info. • Review the documents on www.veritas.com. • Review the HELP menu. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  20. Netbackup Terminology • Archive. An archive is special backup in Netbackup where it will backup up the file(s) and then delete the file(s) from the local disk. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  21. Netbackup Terminology • Catalog. A catalog is a an internal database that contain info about configuration, media, devices, errors, logs, etc. • Policy. A policy is a template for backup a single client or a group of clients. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  22. Netbackup Terminology • Disk image backup A disk image backup is a bit by by bit backup rather than a file system backup. • Duplicate image A duplicate image is a copy of a backup. • Expiration Time when a volume is considered unusable Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  23. Netbackup Terminology • Multiplexing. • Netbackup can send multiple concurrent backups from one client or several to a single storage device(tape, disk, NDMP, etc). • Multiplexing is used to reduce backup time. • Multiplexing is done sequentially onto the media. • Multiplexing reduces restore performance. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  24. Netbackup Terminology • Why multiplex! • Reduce backup times • Slow network connections • Many short backups (incrementals on small and lightly used file systems) • Software compression Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  25. Netbackup Terminology • Configure Multiplexing Must be configured in two places (menus) • Storage Unit “Maximum Multiplexing per Drive for Storage Unit” Number range 1 – 32 Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  26. Netbackup Terminology 2. Schedule setting “Media multiplexing” value Must be also set for multiplexing to work. Important Storage unit and schedule settings must be set. If you set 8 for storage unit and 6 for schedule then the max “multiplexes” will be 6. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  27. NETBACKUP TERMINOLOGY • Multistreaming Multistreaming establishes multiple connections, or threads, from a single system to the backup server. This is useful if you have a large system with multiple I/O devices and large amounts of data that need backing up. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  28. Netbackup Terminology • Storage Unit A Storage Unit is a group of one or more storage devices that are the same type (disk, tape, etc) and density (DLT, SDLT, etc) • There are 4 types of storage units in Netbackup and for the JTAV project only two can be used currently. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  29. Netbackup Terminology • Storage Unit (four types) • Media Manager – uses tape robots, standalone drives or optical disk drives that are under the Media Manager control. • Disk – A storage unit that is basically a directory on a disk. Unlimited can be set up in Netbackup. **Notes Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  30. Netbackup Terminology 3. NDMP – NDMP is an optional functionality but also requires you have a NDMP host (NetAPP). 4. Fastrax – another optional functionality and requires an EMC system. **optional in Veritas means “separately purchased product” **Note Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  31. Netbackup Terminology • True Image backup - is a snapshot of files done at the directory level at a certain point in time. When a "True Image" backup is restored, the directory restored will be brought to the same state as when it was backed up. Any files or sub-directories that did not exist at the time of backup will be deleted when the restore occurs if it is restored to the same location. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  32. Netbackup Terminology • Volume group - is a group of volumes that have some common physical location or characteristic, such as being in the same library, at the same offsite location, having the same media density, or the like. There may be more than one group in a location, however, all media in a volume group must be in the same location. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  33. VERITAS NETBACKUP • bp.Conf. The main configuration file for Netbackup is. /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf. This is true for clients, media and master servers. The only difference is the types and number of OPTIONS you can specify and how. Refer to the Netbackup system administrator guide for UNIX. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  34. VERITAS NETBACKUP • Backup policy. • A backup policy is a “template” for backup up clients. • Every client must be in at least one policy but can be in many policies. • Easier to divide clients into group by the requirements. Then create policy for each group of clients. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  35. VERITAS NETBACKUP • Backup policies are configured within four tabs of the policy menu • 1. General attributes determines policy storage units, settings, types of backups, etc • 2. Schedules specifies when the backup occurs and the type of schedule (automatic or user set) Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  36. VERITAS NETBACKUP 3. File list contains the list of files to be backed up. You can use the parameter ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES to backup all of the files and drives. • Select “cross mountpoints”, true image recovery & allow Mutiple data streams. • Do not select compression (software). • Our DLT drives support hardware compression Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  37. VERITAS NETBACKUP 4. Client List is the “clients” that are to be backed up by the policy. • Example: all UNIX clients use “Standard” Policy. • Remember to add the client to /etc/hosts. You can also use an IP address. • To install a client you configure the /.rhosts file on the client. **Notes Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  38. VERITAS NETBACKUP • Catalogs. A catalog is a an internal database that contains info about configuration, media, devices, errors, logs, etc. • Catalogs are in “binary” format in NB 4.5. • Netbackup places the catalog backup in default locations. You can change this. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  39. VERITAS NETBACKUP • Netbackup catalogs are important to maintain for recovery purposes. If you lose your server or need to restore to a new machine then the catalog is critical. • JTAV servers catalog backups up the following directories. Media catalog. /usr/openv/netbackup/db. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  40. VERITAS NETBACKUP Volume catalog & device catalog. /usr/openv/volmgr/database. Logs & config. /usr/openv/var. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  41. VERITAS NETBACKUP • Reporting Netbackup has great reporting capability for reporting the management, verification and troubleshooting of Netbackup operations. • Refer to the Netbackup Systems Administrator Guide for UNIX Chapter 5, page 195 Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  42. Backup Levels • Full – Need to explain (Level 0) • Cumulative incremental backup is the backup of all files that have changed since the last full backup. • Differential incremental backup is the backup of all files that have changed since the last backup. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  43. Busy Files • Busy file processing is a series of configurations and actions set in the bp.conf file that can be executed when a file that cannot be read (read-locked) is encountered. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  44. Reporting Reports (10 types) • Status of backups • Client backups • Problems • All log entries • Media list reports • Media contents reports Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  45. Reporting 7. Images on media • Media logs • Media summary • Media written Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  46. Reporting • View all backup job stats /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpdbjobs -report -all_columns • You can select the fields you need by specifying bpdbjobs -report –state –status –class –schedule –client -server Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  47. Four media states Full Suspended Frozen Imported Media States Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  48. Media States • Full – No more space on Media Can use it for restore but you can not use it for backup • Suspended – Cant do nothing. • Frozen – Put on Hold Can restore bu Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  49. Media States • Imported - Media was imported (restored) to the NB database. Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

  50. Utilize tpclean command Utilize GUI List cleanings Tpclean –L Initiate cleaning Tpclean –C drive1 Schedule cleaning Tpclean –F drive1 Media Cleaning Joe Holbrook, CHPTP XXXXX

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