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ECOCRITERIO – Avaliación de los critérios ecológicos aplicados a los embalses de Algarve

ECOCRITERIO – Avaliación de los critérios ecológicos aplicados a los embalses de Algarve y massas de água adjacentes. Florescências tóxicas de cianobactérias e critérios de qualidade ecológica da água de albufeiras abastecedoras do consumo humano CIANOALERTA I.

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ECOCRITERIO – Avaliación de los critérios ecológicos aplicados a los embalses de Algarve

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  1. ECOCRITERIO– Avaliación de los critérios ecológicos aplicados a los embalses de Algarve y massas de água adjacentes

  2. Florescências tóxicas de cianobactérias e critérios de qualidade ecológica da água de albufeiras abastecedoras do consumo humano CIANOALERTA I Florescências tóxicas de cianobactérias e qualidade da água para consumo humano CIANOALERTA II Florescências tóxicas de cianobactérias e qualidade ecológica da água CIANOALERTA III Herramientas para la pronta detección de episodios de contaminación biológica en aguas de embalses para consumo humano CIANOTOOLS

  3. Application of phytoplankton based ecological indices to the management of cyanobacteria blooms in southwest Iberian reservoirs : Odeleiteand Beliche reservoirs as case studies. Subproyecto ECOCRITERIO Margarida P. Reis, Cristina Costa, Sandra Caetano, Sandra Mesquita, Conceição Gago Eduardo Forján and Carlos Vilchez (Jefe de Fila) 1º Workshop i2tep Huelva , 17 /11 / 2011

  4. Application of phytoplankton based ecological indices to the management of cyanobacteria blooms in southwest Iberian reservoirs : Bravura and Funcho Subproyecto ECOCRITERIO Margarida P. Reis, Cristina Costa, Sandra Caetano, Sandra Mesquita, Conceição Gago Eduardo Forján and Carlos Vilchez (Jefe de Fila) 2º Workshop I2TEP Beja , 26 /06 / 2012

  5. III WORKSHOP TRANSFRONTERIZO PROYECTO I2TEP “INVESTIGACIÓN Y TRANSFERENCIA TRANSFRONTERIZA ESPAÑA-PORTUGAL” ECOCRITERIO: estado actual de la investigación 7 de marzo 2013 Carlos Vilchez cvilchez@uhu.es Cristina Costa, Eduardo Forján Maria Rodrigues Sandra Caetano Sandra Mesquita Margarida P. Reis mpreis@ualg.pt Conceição Gago conceicao.gago@apambiente.pt

  6. Reference conditions Quality elements for the classification of ecological status Aquatic Ecology (including Microbial Ecology) Ecological status Hidromorphologic elements Biological elements Phycico-chemical elements

  7. WFDGlossary Ecological status is an expression of the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems associated with surface waters. Such waters are classified as being of good ecological status when they meet the requirements of the Directive. Surface water good status is a general term meaning the status achieved by a surface water body when both the ecological status and its chemical status are at least good. Good surface water chemical status means that concentrations of pollutants in the water body do not exceed the environmental limit values specified in the Directive.http://www.euwfd.com/html/glossary.html Good < good

  8. «good ecological potential» Artifitial waters WFDecological quality criteria AWB HMWB Ecological potential maximum, good or moderate ,according to how much the values of the biological, physico-chemical hidromorphological and general elements depart from the ones found for reference conditions of the similar natural ecosystem.

  9. Ecological targets and criteria: Management in the scope of the WFD Main objective - good ecological status of all waters by 2015 Monitoring Tendencies detection Ecological tools for water management Multivariate analysis tools Correction or mitigation measures

  10. Biotic factors in surface water ecosystems Terrestrial fauna and flora in the drainage basin Riparian flora Aquatic flora Nectonic fauna Bentonic fauna Virio- , bacterio-, phyto- and zooplankton

  11. Monitoring within the WFD is based on an analysis of the pressures within a catchment and the impact of these pressures on a water body.

  12. Environmental indicators suit particular pressures • Monitoring phytoplankton composition • & abundanceaddresses: • nutrient pressure (eutrophication), • toxic contamination, • acidification • Monitoring profundalbenthic invertebrate compositionelucidates • deoxygenation pressure • Monitoring macrophyteand littoral benthic invertebrate composition • water abstraction, • regulation of flow and • morphological alterations pressures.

  13. Phytoplankton (micro-) aquatic primary producers “Passively transported photoautotrophic aquatic (micro)organisms” Dinoflagellates Diatoms Build upon

  14. Phytoplanktontoxic blooms >5000 planktonic algal species traditionally grouped in: (>100 toxic species) Clorophyta (green algae) Chrysophyta (including diatoms and golden algae) Pyrrophyta (including dinoflagellates) Euglenophyta (plastidic unicelul mobile flagellates) and Cyanobacteria ( = Cyanophyta, blue-green algae)

  15. Annex V of the Water Framework Directive mentions phytoplankton blooms in the normative definitions of ecological status classifications, next to taxonomic composition and abundance (Table 3). It is acknowledged that phytoplankton blooms may also occur at high ecological status, but the frequency and intensity of blooms are supposed to increase with the amount of anthropic disturbance, specially eutrophication. At moderate status even persistent blooms may occur during the summer months. Table 3. A description of planktonic blooms in the normative definitions of ecological status classification in the WFD. Waters achieving a status below moderate shall be classified as poor or bad.

  16. Harmonisation of freshwater biological methods Sampling for phytoplankton abundance, composition and biomass

  17. Phytoplankton based ecological indices should report: • Cyanobacteria and other Potentially Toxic Organisms: • Occurrence of ecotoxicity and production of bioactive compounds; • Eutrophication in lentic systems and constitute: • Ecological tools for the management of cyanobacteria blooms and the Water Framework Directive context

  18. ECOCRITERIO • Continued the monitoring programs started CIANOALERTA  and CIANOTOOLS projects, producing a longterm time series databases, that include data for extreme and oposite situations, such as a severe drought in 2005/2006 and anormaly high pluviosity in 2010 • Data was used to compare the EU recommended ecological criteria for lakes of the Mediterranean region with other criteria better adapted to reveal the phytoplankton dinamics and their consequences. • Publihed in January 2012: Helena M. Galvão, Margarida P. Reis, Rita B. Domingues, Sandra M. Caetano, Sandra Mesquita, Ana B. Barbosa, Cristina Costa, Carlos Vilchez and Margarida Ribau Teixeira (2012). Ecological Tools for the Management of Cyanobacteria Blooms in the Guadiana River Watershed, Southwest Iberia, in Studies on Water Management Issues, Dr. MuthukrishnavellaisamyKumarasamy (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-961-5, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/28283.

  19. The ecological multi-metric indices recommended for the Mediterranean region by the European Commission Decision of 30 October 2008 (2008/915/EC) failed to do achieve the discriminant value needed in terms of cyanobacteria blooms risk • Simple metrics like Berger-Parker dominance correlate better with cyanobacteria blooms (CHABs) risk. • From all the proposed metrics the most useful for CHAB management seems to be the contribution of Cyanobacteria to total phytoplankton biovolume. • In any case new boundaries must be established for the Mediterranean region. In fact the Med GIG recognized strong limitations of the dataset used and the fact that not all typologies of Mediterranean lakes and HMWBs were covered. Nevertheless, actual law enforcement stipulates that ecological potential of the reservoirs in the Guadiana watershed should be classified, according to the proposed metrics.

  20. EPA (USA) guidelines for the evaluation of ecological indices include the following criteria: • obtainability • relevance in term of specific objectives, • discriminant capacity, • allowance of natural variability and • reliability. 10µm 10µm 10µm 10µm 10µm Aphanizomenon flos-aquaeand Microcystis aeruginosa

  21. Selection of ecological indicators Qualitative Analysis of WFD Elements EU: • Justification of importance (role in ecosystem structure and function) • Applicability to WFD • Classification and monitoring schemes • Modelling Quantitative scoring of WFD Elements as Pressure Indicators 1. Sensitivity = how well is variation in the element correlated to change in the pressure? Further scoring in relation to items 2-3, below, was only undertaken for elements scoring 3 or 4 on the sensitivity scale (i.e. high levels of sensitivity) 2. Measurable / Analytically sound = how accurately and precisely can it be measured? 3. Cost and Practicality = how expensive is it and how easily can the method be implemented? 4. Established Monitoring Scheme = to what level has a monitoring scheme been developed and applied

  22. This evaluation is to be published in articles in preparation, such as: • “Seasonal variations in phytoplankton specific mean cellular biovolumes in Algarve reservoirs and their impact on the adopted General Algal Index • “Specificities of Southern Portugal reservoirs and their implication in ecological status evaluation” • “Chronological clustering as a tool in ecological status classification” • “Cyanotoxins in Southern Portugal reservoirs”

  23. Thank You!

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