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Slides before 1st Section Divider. Praklasik. Klasik. Tokoh-tokoh klasik lainnya. Referensi. Unused Section Space 1. Unused Section Space 2. Unused Section Space 3. Unused Section Space 4. PERKEMBANGAN EKONOMI PRAKLASIK-KLASIK. (VERSI 01.1601.2011) Oleh : Rira Nurmaida.
Slides before 1st Section Divider Praklasik Klasik Tokoh-tokoh klasik lainnya Referensi Unused Section Space 1 Unused Section Space 2 Unused Section Space 3 Unused Section Space 4
MasaYunaniKuno • Skolastik • Merkantilisme • MazhabFisiokrat
1. MasaYunaniKuno Oikos+ nomosistilahdariXenophone (440-335 SM) PandanganAristoteles
2. Skolastik tercerminhubungan yang kuatantaraekonomidenganmasalahetisdanbesarnyaperhatianterhadapaspekkeadilan (pengaruhbesardarigereja)
Tokoh-tokohekonomiskolastik • Albertus Magnus (1206-1280) Mencetuskankonsepharga yang adildanpantas • Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) Memunguthargaitutidakadil (dalam Summa Teologica)
Merkantilisme • Doktrinutamanyaadalahbahwanegara yang majuharusmelakukanperdagangandengannegara lain surplus dariperdaganganitu yang akanmenjadipemasukannegara • PendapatBodin: Masuknyauangdariluarnegeridapatmeningkatkanhargabarang-barang di dalamnegeri • Tokoh-tokohlainnya: Hume, Colbert, Petty, Mun
MazhabFisiokratis • SDA merupakansumberkekayaannegara • Doktrinutama: laissez faire-laissez passer • TokohUtama: Quesnay
Dikatakanklasikkarenanyaristidakmemuatkonsepbaru, hanyabentukansistematisdarimasapraklasik • Kanonnyaadalahbuku Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations
Konsep-konsepUtama • Jikamelaluiperdagangan, komoditasdapatdiperolehlebihmurah, makatakperlumemproduksisendiri di dalamnegeri • Sifatutamamanusiaadalahserakah, egois, bertumpupadakepentinganpribadi. Pernyataaninisesuaidengan Mandeville, namunkesimpulan yang diambilkeduanyaberbeda. • Value Theory • Division of Labor • Capital Accumulation
Value Theory • Smith menyatakanadaduajenisnilai:
Natural price • Total utility: aggregate level of satisfaction or fulfillment that a consumer receives through the consumption of a specific good or service.
Nilaipertukaransuatubarangterkaitdenganusaha yang dibutuhkanuntukmenghasilkansuatuproduk • Misalkanjikadalamdua jam seorang rata-rata dapatmenangkapseorangberang-berang, sementarapadawaktu yang samabisamenangkapduaekorrusa, maka natural price-nya, hargaseekorberang-berangtadisetaradenganduaekorrusa
Division of Labor • Denganpembagiankerja terdapatspesialisasi, makaaknmeningkatkanproduktivitas
Capital accumulation • Investasiindividudihitungsebagaiakumulasi modal negara ekonomi liberal • Doktrin: harmonisosialjustrumunculdarikonflikantarindividu
Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834) The English economist Thomas Robert Malthus was one of the earliest thinkers to study population growth as it relates to general human welfare. After studying philosophy, mathematics, and theology at Cambridge (1784-88), Malthus took holy orders (1790) and became (1805) professor of history and political economy at East India College near London.
Ide-ide Malthus • Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometric ratio, while subsistence increases only in arithmetic ratio. • Accordingly, there is a strong and constantly operating check on population because of the difficulty of subsistence. • The price of food will tend to increase, owing to the necessity of employing additional land of inferior quality to increase production: This is the law of diminishing returns. • Bersama Ricardo pernahmembantahteori Say yang menyatakanbahwapenawaranakanselalumenciptakanpermintaannyasendiridandalamperekonomiantakpernahterjadi surplus produksi
David Ricardo (1772-1823) one the most important figures in the development of economic theory. He articulated and rigorously formulated the 'classical' system of political economy.
Ide-ideD.Ricardo (1) • Mengembangkanide Smith terkaittenagakerja (labor) yang memegangperananpentingdalmperekonomianmenjaditeori-teorihargarelatifberdasarkanbiayaproduksi • Dalamstudi-studinyaterkaitfaktor-faktorpenentutinggirendahnyasewatanah, iamenggunakanmetodeanalisisbaru marginal analysis
Ide-ide D. Ricardo (2) • Kalauharga yang ditetapkan > biaya-biaya (termasukupahalami) dalamjangkapendekperusahaanakanmendapatkanlabaekonomi perusahaan-perusahaanbarumasuk produksimeningkat terdapatkelebihanproduksi hargaturun mencapaikeseimbangankembali • Karenakargabarangmentahrelatifkonstan, disimpulkanbahwa yang menentukantingkathargaadalahtingkatupahalami yang besarnyahanyacukupuntukparaburuhbertahanhidup (berdasarkankebiasaansetempat) • Comparative advantage international trade theory. It asserts that individuals or nations trade because they have superior productivity in particular industries, and that they should produce and export goods for which they possess a comparative advantage and import others which other nations possess a comparative advantage for. Governments may attempt to counter comparative advantage by erecting trade barriers, allowing young, uncompetitive, industries enough time to become established
Jean-Baptiste Say (1767 –1832) Frencheconomist and businessman. He had classically liberal views and argued in favor of competition, free trade, and lifting restraints on business
Ide-ide J.B. Say (1) • Say’s Law: Supply creates it’s own demand Asumsinya, nilaiproduksiselalusamadenganpendapatan. Setiapadaproduksi, makaakanadapendapatan yang besarnyasamadengannilaiproduksi. • Konsepentrepreuneurship • Pencetusidepembagianfaktor-faktorproduksi (land, labor, capital)
Ide-ide Say (2) It is worthwhile to remark that a product is no sooner created than it, from that instant, affords a market for other products to the full extent of its own value. When the producer has put the finishing hand to his product, he is most anxious to sell it immediately, lest its value should diminish in his hands. Nor is he less anxious to dispose of the money he may get for it; for the value of money is also perishable. But the only way of getting rid of money is in the purchase of some product or other. Thus the mere circumstance of creation of one product immediately opens a vent for other products. (J.B. Say, 1803: p.138-9)
John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) British philosopher, economist, moral and political theorist, and administrator, was the most influential English-speaking philosopher of the nineteenth century.
Ide-ide J.S. Mill • Konsep return to sale • Elastisitaspermintaan • Membolehkancampurtangannegaraberupaperaturandankebijaksanaan yang dapatmembawakearahpeningkatanefisiensidaniklim yang lebihbaik
Deliarnov, 2007. PerkembanganPemikiranEkonomi. Ed. Revisi V. Jakarta: Rajawali Press • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy • Economy Professor