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This lecture notes provides an overview of motion capture hardware and workflow, covering passive optical capture, active optical capture, markerless systems, mechanical systems, and the differences between keyframe animation and motion capture.
Motion Capture:Hardware & Workflow Rama Hoetzlein, 2011Lecture NotesAalborg University at Copenhagen
Hardward for Motion Capture 1. Passive optical2. Active optical3. Time modulated active4. Markerless5. Non-optical: mechnical, magnetic
Passive Optical Capture Reflectors are placed on the body. Advantages:1. High resolution (sub-pixel)2. Works in ambient light3. No wires or electronics!Disadvantages:1. Occlusion – objects may block cameras2. Marker identity – how does the camera tell which marker is which?3. Requires rest of body to be blocked out (another color) 4. Variable lighting is problematic In common setups 6 to 24 cameras are used to avoid occlusion.
Active Optical Capture LED lights used as markers. Advantages:1. Works in the most lighting conditions – including in dark. 2. Similar resolution as passiveDisadvantages:1. Power must be supplied to LEDs – wires on the suit2. Occlusion, Marker identity and Error are still the main issues. Marker swap problem – Caused by lack of marker identity Identity of markers may switch when nearby. 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1
Time Modulated Active Markers Strobe each LED light, one at a time, at the same frame rate as the camera. Camera sees only one marker at a time. Advantages:1. Solve marker identity 2. Data recorded is much cleaner and higher resolutionDisadvantages:1. Harder to implement – requires radio signal to transmit camera frame sync to the LEDs2. LEDs must have additional hardware to determine order of strobe.3. Frame rate is divided by the number of markers. Factual = F camera / N markersCost: $50,000 for 8 camera, 1 actor systems
Markerless Systems Most markerless systems use structured light.A projector or emitter casts out light in a coherent pattern, such as vertical bars.Advantages:1. No markers needed on the body2. Can record depth information with one camera Disadvantages:1. Most systems record point clouds. The do not record marker positions. 2. Addition steps are needed to fit a skeleton inside the point cloud.3. Occlusion is still a problem4. Frame rate depends more on processing time for data fit than on camera rate. (We will come back to this.)
Mechanical Systems Rigid structures attached to body – can be lightweight.Electrogoniometer – records absolute angle in space.Accelerometer – records inertial changes in motion (using gyroscopes)Magnetometer – records motion based on changes in magnetic fieldsSystems can be extremely accurate (depending on technique).Used in automotive robotics, remote surgery.Haptics: Motors placed in the frame provide feedback on virtual objects.
Keyframe Animation Motion Capture Results take timeWork may increase if themotion is complexCostly to do work overSecondary motions must beadded by handAnimators proficient withmany kinds of creaturesNo special hardware (only computer)No physical space neededData takes time to createExaggeration and squash/stretch are naturalLaws of physics may be brokenPose-to-pose isolated motions.Facial animation is natural (can be improved with tweaking) Results obtained in real-timeWork does not depend on the kind of performanceEasy to repeat or redoSecondary motions – e.g. weight,are easy to captureResults difficult to apply to other creatures. e.g. Ape hands Special hardware is requiredSpace is required – performance limited to volumeData recorded in a short timeis very highHard to achieve squash/stretchLaws of physics must be followedMotions are not easily isolated.Facial animation may cause uncanny valley (cannot be easily fixed by recapture)
Motion Capture Workflow 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2. automated by most mocap systems
1. Camera Setup & Input Field-of-view determines the volume of an individual camera.Collection of cameras define a capture volume.More cameras = Less occlusion = Large capture volume = High accuracyVideo input must record capture data from all cameras simultaneously.
3. Camera Calibration Problem: Determine the exact position and orientation of virtual cameras to match real world cameras? 11 unknowns Camera position Xo, Yo, ZoCamera direction Uo, VoCamera angles Xr, Yr, ZrCamera scaling Sx, SyCamera distance d Generally solved using Direct Linear Transform (DLT).System of equations with 11 unknowns.Requires at least 6 known non-coplanar points.To provide known axes, a calibration targer or wand is used.
Remember: The camera information must be known exactly c0 = camera location, V = camera rotation, P = projection matrixDirect Linear Transform (DLT) uses the colinearity condition.Points C,I,O must be colinear by definition of projection.Given known points in 3D space, we can construct a system of equations that solves for C. http://www.kwon3d.com/theory/dlt/dlt.html
3. Pose Calibration Establishes the 3D marker locations when the joint system is in the T-pose position.Joint centers are not the marker centers.Pose calibration allows the system to match marker locations to joint distances in the resting position
4. Marker Data (Compare to Keyframe animation. Key points are recorded at every frame) With calibrated cameras, a performance sessionrecords and computes the 3D position of markers from input images.Marker data = 3D positions (of markers) Must convert positions into joint angles?
6. Retargeting World space Joint 1 space Joint 0 transform Given Mx,My,Mz – Marker position in worldFind Rx,Ry,Rz – Angles for Joint 1Simple method:1. Transform Joint 1 to origin using Joint 0 inverse basis transform2. Use trigonometry to calculate 3D angles from position
6. Retargeting Static sphere:Radius and motion cannot be determined. Rotating sphere:Radius and motion canbe found over time.Markers are constrained. Problem: Markers are on the outside of the joints.Solution: Think of markers as moving rigidly on a sphere. What is the center and motion of the sphere?
6. Retargeting L. Herda, P. Fua, R. Pl¨ankers, R. Boulic and D. Thalmann, Skeleton-Based Motion Capture for Robust Reconstruction of Human Motion. Computer Animaiton, 2000 Define one or more markers to be on a sphere centered on each joint.Use least squares to fit the skeleton inside the markers, with constraints.
5. Data Cleaning Why? Causes of error: - Incorrect calibration (usually fix this, don’t data clean) - Calibration accuracy - Video noise - Camera shake - Camera focus - Lighting conditions - Line intersection error (magnifies errors)When? Data cleaning takes time.Best way is to avoid bad data. Good calibration. Lots of cameras. Some occlusion may still occur.What?Clean marker data.. Don’t clean joint data.
5. Data Cleaning - Operations Remove spikes What would a spikelook like on ananimated character? From: Midori Kitagawa & Brian Windsor, MoCap for Artists: Workflow and Techniques for Motion Capture. Focal Press, 2008
5. Data Cleaning - Operations Remove gaps (caused by occlusion) What would a gaplook like on ananimated character? From: Midori Kitagawa & Brian Windsor, MoCap for Artists: Workflow and Techniques for Motion Capture. Focal Press, 2008
5. Data Cleaning - Operations Remove noise What would noiselook like on ananimated character? From: Midori Kitagawa & Brian Windsor, MoCap for Artists: Workflow and Techniques for Motion Capture. Focal Press, 2008
Data Output & Formats Typical output of a Motion Capture session is: - A joint hierarchy - Body translation (root joint) over time - Joint rotations over time for all jointsData Formats:.C3D National Inst. of Health Used in Biotech Binary data (large amonts), Analog also.ASF Acclaim, Inc. (closed 2004). – Joint hierarchy Used by Vicon.AMC Acclain, Inc. – Joint motion, and original 3D User by Vicon.BVA Biovision – Contains motion only Obsolete.BVH Biovision – Contains hierarchy and motion Widely used. Simple..FBX Originally FilmBox, became MotionBuilder Widely used. Universal. Contains textures, geometry, motion, etc..MA Maya – Stores data as script commands Widely used. Universal. Contains textures, geometry, motion, etc..MB Maya – Binary format. Not directly readable.
7. Data Import What you need: Put file here: man_cap.ma Maya mocap rigimocaputilz.mll BVH Import plug-in \Maya8.0\bin\plug-ins imocapImportOptions.mel BVH Import options \Maya8.0\scripts\startupjoint_map.mel Joint renaming script \Maya8.0\scripts\startup joint_map.txt Joint renaming inputdata.bvh BVH mocap data Available in mini-module as mocap_files.zip
BVH Format How does BVH store motion capture data?
Carnegi-Mellon UniversityGraphics Lab Motion Capture Database 2,548 free motions (for any use)Available in BVH format by cgspeed Recorded with:Vicon system, 12 infrared MX40 cameras120 Hz per camera, 4 megapixelVolume: 3m x 8m41 markers https://sites.google.com/a/cgspeed.com/cgspeed/motion-capture/cmu-bvh-conversion
BVH Import – Steps 1. Install BVH plugins Put plug-in files in proper folders Goto Window -> Settings/Preferences -> Plug-in Manager to enable the plugins2. Load the mocap man rig (man_rig.ma)3. Goto File -> Import to import any BVH skeleton & motion Note: This will create a separate, movingskeleton4. Open the Script Editor (bottom right corner)5. Load and run the joint_map.mel script6. Select the joint_map.txt as input to the mapping script. This specifies which joints on the mocap skeleton will be copied to joints on the man rig skeleton.7. Delete the mocap skeleton.