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A Day in the Life…. Exploring the Lives of Kids Around the World. Spain’s National Anthem. Long live Spain! We sing together, with different voices, and only one heart. Long live Spain! From the green valleys, to the immense sea, a hymn of brotherhood.
A Day in the Life… Exploring the Lives of Kids Around the World
Spain’s National Anthem Long live Spain! We sing together, with different voices, and only one heart. Long live Spain! From the green valleys, to the immense sea, a hymn of brotherhood. Love the Fatherland, which knows how to embrace, below the blue sky, people in freedom. Glory to the sons, who have given to history, justice and greatness, democracy and peace.
Yago Tismer Pensado lives with his mother and younger brother in Madrid. Spend a day with him. • 8 a.m. Mami wakes us, and we get dressed for school. My little brother, Martin, and I have sponge cake or cold cereal with milk for breakfast. • 9 a.m. School starts. Our first lesson is Spanish language. I don't mind that one. Next we study natural science. I like learning about the world. At 11:30, we have a half hour of recreation time, when we can go outside to play. • 1 p.m. We have lunch. The food isn't too bad. Today it was a two-course meal of soup followed by stewed meat, chickpeas and cabbage. After lunch, we kick a ball around, play catch or other games. Three times a week, we have phys ed. That is my absolute favorite. • 4:30 p.m. We finish school. Some afternoons, we have swimming lessons or volleyball. We walk home from school through the park and often stop to play. • 7 p.m. I usually have homework to do in the evenings. Sometimes my mother helps me. Then we eat supper, have our bath and read a book before going to bed. I love to read. I always read before I go to sleep. I usually go to bed around 9:30 or 10:00, even later on weekends.
Italy’s National Anthem Brothers of Italy,Italy has awakened;Scipio's helmetshe has put on her head.Where is the Victory? (ref. 1) Offer her the hair; (ref. 2)because slave of RomeGod created her.Let us unite!We are ready to die;Italy called.We have been for centuriesstamped on, and laughed at, because we are not one people, because we are divided. Let's unite underone flag, one dream; To melt together Already the time has come. Let us unite!We are ready to die;Italy called.Let's unite, let's love;The union and the loveReveal to the peopleGod's ways.We swear to liberatethe native soil:United, for God,Who can beat us? Let us unite!We are ready to die;Italy called.From the Alps to Sicily,Everywhere is Legnano; (ref 3)Every man of Ferruccio (ref 4)has the heart and the hand;the children of Italyare called Balilla; (ref 5)The sound of every church bellcalling for evening prayers.Let us unite!We are ready to die;Italy called.They are branches that bendthe sold swords; (ref. 6)Already the eagle of Austriahas lost its feathers.the blood of Italyand the Polish blood (ref. 7)Drank with CossacksBut its heart was burnt. Let us unite!We are ready to die;Italy called.
Ciao! My name is Ilaria Rizzi. I am 10 years old and in fifth grade. I live with my parents in Rome, the capital city of Italy. • 7:30 A.M. I wake up on my own. I wash my face, brush my teeth and make sure I have everything in my book bag for school. For breakfast, I drink milk and eat chocolate cookies. 11:30 A.M. Science is next. We are studying the human body and nutrition. We've learned about the food pyramid. 1:30 P.M. Lunch! On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, my grandpa picks me up and takes me home to eat with him and my parents. We usually have pasta and tomato sauce, a salad and prosciutto, which is cured ham. On Tuesday and Thursday, I eat at school. 4:00 P.M. Twice a week, I have a swimming class. This year, I've been learning the butterfly stroke. In Italian it's called delfino, which means dolphin. 6:00 P.M. I have about an hour of homework each night. Sometimes I work on the computer. When I'm online, I also use my webcam to talk to my cousin. 8:20 P.M. I help my mom set the table for dinner. Tonight, it's baked fish and steamed vegetables 10:00 P.M. Bedtime! I usually read a little bit in bed before I fall asleep. The book I'm reading now is Around the World in 80 Days. • 8:10 A.M. My dad drives me to school. It usually takes about five minutes to get there. • 8:20 A.M. While we are waiting for class to begin, my friends and I chat about what we saw on TV the night before. One of my favorite shows is Il Mondo di Patty (Patty's World). It's about a girl in Argentina who's a little bit older than me. • 8:30 A.M. My teacher checks to see if there are any students absent, and then we begin our history lesson. History is my favorite subject because I learn about how people lived long ago. We study the ancient Etruscans, the Roman Empire and medieval times. • 11:00 A.M. Morning snack time. I usually bring a piece of plain white pizza. It's topped with ricotta cheese instead of tomato sauce. I get a few minutes to play.
Peru’s National Anthem With its influx the peoples woke up, and like lighting ran the opinion; from the Isthmus to Tierra del Fuego, and from Tierra del Fuego to the icy region. Everyone vowed to break the link that Nature denied to both worlds, and break the scepter that Spain had reclined, proud, on both. Lima fulfilled this solemn vow, and, severe, her anger showed by throwing out the powerless tyrant, who had been trying to extend his oppression. On her endeavor the shackles cracked, and the furrows that she had repaired in herself stirred up her hatred and vengeance, inherited from her Inca and Lord. Countrymen, may we see her a slave no more. If for three centuries she moaned, humiliated, forever may we vow that she be free, maintaining her own splendor. Our arms, until today unarmed, be they always readying the cannon, that some day the beaches of Iberia will feel the horror of its roar. We are free, may we always be so, and let the sun rather deny its light Than that we should be absent to the solemn vote that elevated the motherland to Eternity. For a long time the oppressed Peruvian dragged the ominous chain; sentenced to a cruel servitude for a long time in silence he moaned. But as soon as the sacred cry of "Liberty!" was heard on its coasts, he shook off the indolence of slavery, he raised the humiliated neck. Now the roar of rough chains that we had heard for three centuries of horror from the free, at the sacred cry that the world heard astonished, ceased. Everywhere the inflamed San Martín "Liberty", "Liberty" pronounced; and the Andes, rocking their base, announced it as well, in unison. May we arouse the jealousy of Spain since it has a premonition, with want and furor, that in a contest of great nations our country will enter in comparison. On the list formed by these we shall fill the line first, ahead of the ambitious Iberian tyrant, who devastated all of America. On its summit may the Andes sustain the two-color flag or standard, may it announce to the centuries the effort that gave us being free forever. Under its shadow may we live calmly and, at the sun's birth over its summits, may we renew the great oath we rendered to the God of Jacob.
Hello! My name is Aramí Farfán Garay. I am 11 years old and in sixth grade. I live with my parents and three siblings in Lima, the capital of Peru. We moved here from Cuzco three years ago. • 6:30 A.M. I wake up and get ready for the day ahead. I share a room with my two younger sisters. 12:15 P.M. Lunchtime! I snack on a sandwich and a piece of chocolate cake from home. I will eat a bigger meal after school. During recess, I like to jump rope. 12:45 P.M. We spend the next two hours studying Spanish. 2:45 P.M. Mom picks us up from school. At home, I enjoy a real lunch. Today, we are having oven-baked rice, chicken and pineapple. For dessert, we have fruit with sweetened condensed milk. Watermelon is my favorite fruit. 5:00 P.M. Off to ballet! My class ends at 6:30. When I get home, I shower and do homework. 8:00 P.M. We have dinner with Dad. It is more like a light snack. We have yogurt or a milkshake, and a ham-and-cheese sandwich. 8:30 P.M. Time for bed. I am not allowed to go on the Internet or watch TV during the school week, only on weekends. I am very tired. Mom and Dad give me a kiss before they tuck me in. Buenas noches. That means "good night." • 7:00 A.M. My family eats breakfast together. We have bread with jelly, some fruit, cornflakes and yogurt. • 7:30 A.M. It is time to go to school. Mom drives Dad to work first. Then she takes me, my older brother and my sisters to school. • 8:00 A.M. Classes begin. My teacher starts the school day with a short lecture. After that, we jump into English and math. • 10:00 A.M. It is time for our morning break. Sometimes, my friends and I play volleyball. Other times, we like to just chat. • 10:45 A.M. Art class is next. We are preparing a present for Mother's Day. I am making a clay picture frame decorated with my mom's favorite flowers. I plan to put a photo of our family in the frame when it's done.
Kenya’s National Anthem “Oh God of all creationBless this our land and nationJustice be our shield and defenderMay we dwell in unityPeace and libertyPlenty be found within our borders.Let one and all ariseWith hearts both strong and trueService be our earnest endeavourAnd our homeland of KenyaHeritage of splendourFirm may we stand to defend. Let all with one accordIn common bond unitedBuild this our nation togetherAnd the glory of KenyaThe fruit of our labourFill every heart with thanksgiving.”
This is 12-year-old Caroline Wambui of Nairobi, Kenya's capital city. • 6 A.M. I wake up and wash up. For breakfast, I have a cup of chai—tea with lots of milk. Sometimes I eat a meat samosa. [Samosas are fried triangular pastries.] 11 A.M. Now it's time for either arts and crafts or French lessons. French is difficult, but I like drawing houses, animals or people. I like to use lots of colors! 12:45 The school provides our lunch. Usually it's rice, ugali [cornmeal porridge] and chapati [fried dough] or potato chips. 1:30 P.M. After lunch we study religion. My father is a minister. He's working in America. 3:10 P.M. I walk home from school, then I wash up, wash my uniform for the next day and sweep the floors. After I'm done, I play with my dolls. I have a Barbie and a teddy bear. 6 P.M. I do my homework. We have a television, but I don't get to watch much. I don't have the time. Homework keeps me busy! 8 P.M. My family sits down for dinner. On most evenings we have ugali, but for special occasions we have nyama choma [roasted meat]. It's very tasty—you'd like it! 9 P.M. Bedtime. • 6 A.M. I'm already dressed and ready for school. I have to nag my little sister to hurry up. She drinks a glass of milk before school. I hate milk! • 7 A.M. I walk to school, which takes less than five minutes. I like my school very much. After I arrive, I go to my classroom and read while I wait for the bell to ring. • 8 A.M. My classmates and I line up on the playground. We sing songs and read the Bible. • 8:30 A.M. We have lessons—math, English, history and geography. My favorite subject is English. I speak three languages—Kikuyu, which is the language of my parents; Swahili, which everyone in Kenya learns; and English. Swahili is hard to learn—some things you just cannot understand. • 10:30 A.M. We have our morning break. I eat a piece of cake and then play ball with friends or go on the swings.
India’s National Anthem Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people,Dispenser of India's destiny.Thy name rouses the hearts of the Punjab,Sind, Gujarat, and Maratha,Of the Dravid, and Orissa and Bengal.It echoes in the hills of Vindhyas and,Himalayas, mingles in the music of theJamuna and the Ganges and is chanted bythe waves of the Indian sea.The pray for the blessings,and sing by the praise,The saving of all peoplewaits in thy hand.Thou dispenser of India's destiny,Victory, victory, victory to thee.
What's it like to grow up in a small village in India? We asked 11-year-old Asan Kumar Thakur of Galand village. He lives in the northern state of Uttar (Oo-thar) Pradesh (Pruh-desh). • 5 A.M. When it is hot, I sleep out in our courtyard to stay cool. I am always awake early because the birds make a lot of noise. • 6 A.M. I'm already dressed and ready for school. I have to nag my little sister to hurry up. She drinks a glass of milk before school. I hate milk! • 7 A.M. After walking my sister to her school, I wait for my school bus. I get good grades, so my father pays for me to go to a private school for boys. It is far but nicer than the public school I went to before. The boys got into fights all the time, and many skipped classes. At my new school, the teachers are very strict. • 7:30 A.M. We line up for our daily assembly. The principal makes announcements, then we sing a prayer song. Kids lead the prayers. I would like to lead them, but my teacher says I don't sing very well. • 7:45 A.M. Classes. Now that I'm in middle school, I have to work hard. We study Hindi, English, science, geography, history, math and art. • 10:15 A.M. Recess. Most kids bring packed food from home, but my father gives me pocket money and I buy fruit and chana-bhatura [spicy chick peas and fried bread] from a man outside our school gates. The other boys play during the break, but I don't like rough games. I prefer to sit and talk. • 10:45 A.M. More classes. We often have drawing classes in the afternoon. Those are great fun. We are learning to use watercolors. Our school doesn't have any computer lessons. I've never seen a computer, but I'll take private computer lessons when I am older. I know, these days everything is done on a computer. • 2 P.M. Back home. After we eat a big lunch, my mother packs food for my father. I take it to his shop. My father owns a small shop where he sells snacks, cigarettes and cold drinks like Coke and Pepsi. It is close to the bus stop, so we get lots of thirsty customers. • 3 P.M. I mind the shop while my father takes a break. I am good at it! Even when there are many people asking for things, I help them quickly. • 5 P.M. I go back home. If there's a lot of homework, I start working as soon as I get back. If not, I play for a bit with the other kids. My mother does not like me to stay out of the house after dark. When I finish my homework, I do chores, and then we watch television. • 9 P.M. Dinnertime. We all eat together. • 10 P.M. Bedtime.
Vietnam’s National Anthem March to the Front Soldiers of Vietnam, we go forward,With the one will to save our FatherlandOur hurried steps are sounding on the long and arduous road Our flag, red with the blood of victory, bears the spirit of our country The distant rumbling of the guns mingles with our marching song. The path to glory passes over the bodies of our foes. Overcoming all hardships, together we build our resistance bases. Ceaselessly for the people's cause we struggle, Hastening to the battle field! Forward! All together advancing! Our Vietnam is strong eternal. Soldiers of Vietnam, we go forward, The gold star of our flag in the wind Leading our people, our native land, out of misery and suffering Let us join our efforts in the fight for the building of a new life. Let us stand up and break our chains. For too long have we swallowed our hatred Let us keep ready for all sacrifices and our life will be radiant. Ceaselessly for the people's cause we struggle, Hastening to the battlefield! Forward! All together advancing! Our Vietnam is strong eternal.
This is 11-year-old Tran Vu Hong Son who lives in Hanoi, Vietnam's capital city. • 6:30 a.m. My mother calls me, and I wash, dress in my school • uniform and then go downstairs. My bedroom is on the fourth floor of our house. Most houses in Hanoi are narrow but very tall, so one family can be on four floors. 11:20 a.m. School is out! Some kids go home, but I go to my teacher's house for after-school study. My parents are busy working and they want me to study hard. About 25 kids go to my teacher's house. She gives us cabbage, pork and noodles for lunch. Then we take naps, as most people do after lunch. 2 p.m. Our teacher gives us extra tutoring. 5 p.m. My mother picks me up. 5:30 p.m. I help my mother clean the floors. It can get very dusty, but in Vietnam no one wears shoes inside the house. It's rude. 6 p.m. My only other chore is to feed my cat, Bon. He can't leave our house because someone might catch him and sell him to a restaurant. I don't ever eat cat myself, but a lot of people in Vietnam do, so Bon and I have to be careful. 7 p.m. Our family eats dinner in the kitchen on the second floor, and we talk about our day. 8 p.m. I have a lot of homework. Sometimes it takes me two hours to finish. 10:30 p.m. I go to my own room for bed. Tomorrow, I'll get up and do it all over again. • 6:40 a.m. We have a light breakfast. I love sausage with French bread. • 7:15 a.m. On her way to work, my mother gives me a ride to school on her motorcycle. Not many people can afford cars here. • 7:45 a.m. We start the day studying Vietnamese grammar and language, then math. There are 57 students in my class. I'm lucky to sit in one of the front rows so that I can hear the teacher. • 9:25 a.m. Recess! My favorite time. I run outside to play soccer with my friends. • 10 a.m. Back to the classroom for morality lessons. We learn things like showing respect to our elders and to ethnic minorities. • 10:40 a.m. History. We've studied the war for independence from France but not the American War yet. My grandfather fought against the Americans. He doesn't talk about it much.
Japan’s National Anthem The Emperor’s Reign May the Emperor's rule lastTill a thousand years, then eight thousand years to comeTill sand, pebbles, and rocksTo be united as a ledgeTill moss grows on it
Konnichi wa! My name is Ryuichi Kishi. I am 10 years old. I live with my parents, grandmother and sister in Maebashioa city 70 miles from Tokyo. 10:50 A.M. It is time for gym. We do gymnastics. After that is shosha, or learning letters by copying. We do calligraphy using special black ink, a brush and Japanese paper. The kanji (Chinese character) I am practicing is hikari, which means "light." The character has different types of strokes, so it's hard. 12:25 P.M. Lunchtime! We have miso ramen noodles, stir-fried vegetables, deep-fried dumplings, soybean snacks and milk. We clean up after lunch. My group is in charge of the school's entrance. We sweep and scrub the floors. At 1:55, we go to Japanese class. 3:00 P.M. School is out! At home, I have a snack and play in the yard with Nao and her friend. We also play video games. I like Doraemon, which is based on a popular cartoon. I want to be a cartoonist. I do homework, then read or watch TV. Sometimes I help Otosan ("dad" in Japanese) make supper. 7:00 P.M. We sit down to eat supper together. Ginger pork is my favorite. Otosan is a good cook! Afterward, I take a bath and go to bed. Good night! • 6:00 A.M. I wake up to two alarm clocks. I check the weather report and decide what to wear. I'm the weatherman for my parents. At 6:30, I wake up my younger sister, Nao. We watch the news and help Okasan ("mom" in Japanese) make breakfast. Today's menu is white rice, grilled fish, boiled vegetables, and miso (soybean paste) soup. If we are rushed, we just have cereal. • 7:30 A.M. I wash my face, brush my teeth and leave with Nao to meet with eight other kids in my neighborhood. We walk to school together in a single line along a narrow path. It takes about 25 minutes. School starts at 8:20. We have a morning meeting. Our teacher checks the day's attendance. • 8:50 A.M. Class starts. The first subject is mathematics. Right now we are learning division. I love math because I enjoy explaining how to solve problems. Next is science. We learn about air pressure. It's fun experimenting with a toy popgun. Pop, pop, pop!