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AP Lang. for Oct. 22(A Day) and Oct. 23 (B Day). Daily Objective: To understand how to write an AP Style argument essay. Daily Assignments: Students who missed the Quarterterm must take it today in-class since today is the last day of the nine weeks for your class
AP Lang. for Oct. 22(A Day) and Oct. 23 (B Day) • Daily Objective: To understand how to write an AP Style argument essay. • Daily Assignments: • Students who missed the Quarterterm must take it today in-class since today is the last day of the nine weeks for your class • Assign Socratic Seminar on Summer Reading Packet (p. 165-166); we will do this next class period; show short video on what NOT to do during the Socratic Seminar from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0a-NO8xHBA • Pop Quiz on Solitude and Brute Neighbors/ Also go over Reading and Where I Lived and What I Lived For • Begin to go over AP Argument essays (p. 168), including reading my response to an essay from 2007 I completed in my workshop
AP Lang. for Oct. 24(B Day) and Oct. 25 (A Day) • Daily Objective: To understand how to communicate effectively using the Socratic Method. • Daily Assignments: • Socratic Seminar on Summer Reading • Go over additional argument essays/rhetorical analysis essays • Warning:On November 5/6 you will be completing TWO AP essays; a rhetorical analysis on an early English language passage and an argument essay on the summer reading packet; this is worth 150 points.
ENC 1101 for Oct. 22 • Daily Objective: To continue to realize that Chaucer is awesome. • Daily Assignments: • Finalize who can volunteer to help for which period for the ScarevengerHunt • Work on rough draft of Classification/Division essay—due tonight by 11:59 pm • Warning: Your “Midterm” Test will be on November 1 and will be worth 200 points. Study guide will be given out next week.
ENC 1101 for Oct. 24 • Daily Objective: To be successful in the writing of a classification/division essay. • Daily Assignments: • Go over due dates for research paper • Work on peer editing of Classification/Division Essay and/or research paper in Rm. 213 (including Paper Proposal/Response; Hyperlinks)