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Eating House license is required by a business that falls under the category of 'Eating House' for example, a place that serves a variety of nutrition and beverages to the overall population for use, e.g. For restaurants, bistro, bars, and so forth.
Rechercher Login + Create my blog RNI REGISTRATION: PROCESS, CERTIFICATE, FORM, APPLICATION STATUS Finance & Business Consultant HOME CONTACT EA TI NG HO USE LI CENSE, EA TI NG HO SUE,, REGI STRA TI O N, EA TI NG HO USE, LEGA L A DVI SO R, BUSI NESS CO NSULTA NT, CO RPSEED WHAT IS EATING HOUSE LICENSE? AND HOW CAN YOU OBTAIN IT. MAY 22 2020 Written by Rishabh Parihar and from Overblog The Delhi Police Act requires a license to operate an ea?ng house. An applicant has to apply for Ea?ng House license under City / State Police Headquarters and Commissioner of Police, Licensing-. By order of delega?on of Power issued by Commissioner of Police, Delhi. The Commissioner of Police, Licensing, is the registra?on authority regarding the registra?on of Delhi Ea?ng House. Ea?ng House means: - "Any place where the public is given entry, and where any kind of food or drink is supplied". This license is granted by the licensing police commissioner of that city. SEARCH Search... OK NEWSLETTER Enter your email here Subscribe RNI REGISTRATION: PROCESS, CERTIFICATE, FORM, APPLICATION STATUS Finance & Business Consultant ABOUT ME Eating House License x Procedure for obtaining Eating House license Licensing of Ea?ng House can be obtained by recording the duly filled applica?on form in the organiza?on given in Delhi and joining the Assistant Archives with the Commissioner of Police, Delhi Police Commissioner. An applica?on to apply for an Ea?ng House license in Delhi must be documented with a supported fee. FOLLOW ME When confirming the applica?on and suppor?ng the archives, it is necessary to catch up with the authority to check the status of the applica?on. If there are any oversights or mix-ups, the police
authority may reject the applica?on and the expenses presented will be waived. Along these lines, it is Rechercher Login + Create my blog fundamental to consult a decent business legal consultant in India to think about the process and CATEGORIES requirements of applying for an Ea?ng House license in Delhi. Business Consultant (1) Eating House (1) Eating House License, Eating Hosue, (1) Legal Advisor (1) Corpseed (1) Documents required for Eating House license To apply for a license online you will need a copy of all official documents. Below we have prepared a list of all the documents that you need to keep. The list is long but extensive, so when you apply for the same online you will not have to look anywhere else. Identity proof like permanent account number, passport, voter ID card, etc. Proof of residence such as passport, voter ID, government bank account proof, etc. Proof of tenancy of land area (proof of ownership or lease documents). Ownership of tenancy or ownership or lease of Aadhaar (registered lease/sale deed/rent deed). A self-attested No Objection Certi?icate (NOC) from the owner of Aadhaar. A trade license from NDMC / DCB / MCD / Airport Operator. Certi?ication of incorporation of companies and LLPs. Memorandum of Association of Eating Homes and LLP. Director name and a complete list of current Form 32. The nomination of the authorized signatory ?ixed on the company's letterhead. Board resolution for conducting business. A copy of FSSAI license/registra?on papers. GST registration certi?icate updated. A certi?icate of registration is issued by the Labor Department of Delhi, GNCT. A ?ire safety certi?ication that is applicable for eating in homes, which seats a minimum of 50 people at a ?me. List of all employees working in the eating house. It includes food handler details - name, paternity, and address. A consent letter from the DPCC (a provisional license which is granted based on application submission evidence). An approved site plan with ?ire safety measures certi?icates. A self-attested af?idavit for the issuance of new licenses. A copy of the Police Clearance Certi?icate (PCC). Permission from the Indian Performing Rights Society (IPRS) for entertainment ac?vi?es such as DJs, live bands, and discotheques. Proof of CCTV or surveillance systems that are ?itted with a video recording of at least 30 days detailing the installation or invoice of CCTV. Pictures of allocated space. Eating House License Validity The validity of the registra?on cer?ficate depends on a case to case basis. Typically, the period of validity is defined by registered officers (who issue licenses by police officers of the respec?ve states). How to renew the Eating House license? Ea?ng house license is usually issued for 3 years. A?er the validity period expires, you need to start the renewal process. The procedure to be followed for renewing a license is similar to the procedure for issuing a license. Conclusion Applying for an Ea?ng House license in India is quite simple. You need to enter your details correctly on the police website, keep your documents for verifica?on. Follow regularly for more updates. We hope that this ar?cle has given you all you need to know about an Ea?ng House License. SHARE THIS POST Share 0 Tweet Repost 0 0 Save Subscribe to newsletter You might also like: x
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