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Learn how to design effective questionnaires and instruments for management research, considering factors like communication method, question content, wording, and response strategy. Explore the various issues impacting instrument quality, reliability, and validity. Understand the importance of pretesting questions and instruments.
Chapter 14 Questionnaires and Instruments
Learning Objectives • Understand the link forged between the management dilemma and the communication instrument by the management-research question hierarchy • Understand the influence of the communication method on instrument design • Understand the three general classes of information and what each contributes to the instrument
Learning Objectives • Understand the influence of question content, question wording, response strategy, and preliminary analysis planning on question construction • Understand each of the numerous question design issues influencing instrument quality, reliability, and validity • Understand the sources for measurement questions • Understand the importance of pretesting questions and instruments
Strategic Concerns in Instrument Design What type of scale is needed? What communication approach will be used? Should the questions be structured? Should the questioning be disguised?
Technology Affects Questionnaire Development • Write questionnaires more quickly • Create visually driven instruments • Eliminate manual data entry • Save time in data analysis WebSurveyor used to write an instrument.
Example: Typical descriptive survey with straight-forward, structured questions Example: Survey with open-ended questions to discover “new” answers or focus group interview Example: Survey interview to measure brand A’s image versus competitive brands’ images or brand recall (unaided recall) Example: Projection techniques used mostly for exploratory research Classifying Surveys by Degree of Structure and Degree of Disguise Structured Unstructured Undisguised Disguised
Question Categories and Structure Administrative Classification Target
Question Content Should this question be asked? Is the question of proper scope and coverage? Can the participant adequately answer this question as asked? Will the participant willingly answer this question as asked?
Shared vocabulary Adequate alternatives Single meaning Misleading assumptions Personalized Biased Question Wording Criteria
Objectives of the study Participant’s motivation to share Participant’s level of information Ease and clarity with which participant communicates Degree to which participants have thought through topic Response Strategy Factors
Free-Response Strategy What factors influenced your enrollment in Metro U? ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Dichotomous Response Strategy • Did you attend the A Day at College program at Metro U? • Yes • No
Multiple Choice Response Strategy • Which one of the following factors was most influential • in your decision to attend Metro U? • Good academic standing • Specific program of study desired • Enjoyable campus life • Many friends from home • High quality of faculty
Checklist Response Strategy • Which of the following factors influenced • your decision to enroll in Metro U? Check all that apply. • Tuition cost • Specific program of study desired • Parents’ preferences • Opinion of brother or sister • Many friends from home attend • High quality of faculty
Ranking Please rank-order your top three factors From the following list based on their Influence in encouraging you to apply to Metro U. Use 1 to indicate the most encouraging factor, 2 the next most encouraging factor, etc. _____ Opportunity to play collegiate sports _____ Closeness to home _____ Enjoyable campus life _____ Good academic reputation _____ High quality of faculty
1a. How many years have you been playing tennis on a regular basis? Number of years: __________ b. What is your level of play? Novice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1 Advanced . . . . . . . -4 Lower Intermediate . . . . . -2 Expert . . . . . . . . . -5 Upper Intermediate . . . . . -3 Teaching Pro . . . . -6 c. In the last 12 months, has your level of play improved, remained the same or decreased? Improved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1 Decreased. . . . . . . -3 Remained the same . . . . . -2
2a. Do you belong to a club with tennis facilities? Yes . . . . . . . -1 No . . . . . . . -2 b. How many people in your household - including yourself - play tennis? Number who play tennis ___________ 3a. Why do you play tennis? (Please “X” all that apply.) To have fun . . . . . . . . . . -1 To stay fit. . . . . . . . . . . . -2 To be with friends. . . . . . -3 To improve my game . . . -4 To compete. . . . . . . . . . . -5 To win. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -6 b. In the past 12 months, have you purchased any tennis instructional books or video tapes? Yes . . . . . . . -1 No . . . . . . . -2
Dear Passenger: American Airlines is pleased to have you on board today. To help us provide the best service possible, we need to know more about you and your opinions of our service. If you are over 11 years old, we would appreciate it if you would complete this questionnaire. Your flight attendant will pick up your completed questionnaire shortly. Thank you.
1. Please indicate: Flight number ___________ Date_____________ 2a. At the city where you boarded this particular plane, did you make a connection from another flight? Yes, from American . . . . 1 Yes, from Other Airline . . 2 No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 b. Did you board this plane at the airport from which it just took off, or were you a through passenger for which that was an intermediate stop? Boarded here . . . . . . . . . . 1 Through passenger. . . . . . 2 3. How would you rate the overall service from American for this flight, all things considered, from your arrival at the airport terminal until now? Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall Service . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4
4. Please rate each of the following with regard to this flight, if applicable. Excellent Good Fair Poor 1 2 3 4 Courtesy and Treatment from the: Skycap at airport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Airport Ticket Counter Agent . . . . . Boarding Point (Gate) Agent . . . . . Flight Attendants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your Meal or Snack. . . . . . . . . . . . . Beverage Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seat Comfort. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carry-On Stowage Space. . . . . . . . Cabin Cleanliness . . . . . . . . . . . . . Video/Stereo Entertainment . . . . . . On-Time Departure . . . . . . . . . . . .
Handbook of Marketing Scales The Gallup Poll Cumulative Index Measures of Personality and Social-Psychological Attitudes Measures of Political Attitudes Index to International Public Opinion Sourcebook of Harris National Surveys Marketing Scales Handbook American Social Attitudes Data Sourcebook Exhibit 14-8 Sources of Questions
Exhibit 14-8 Web Sources of Questions Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research iPoll Online Survey Research/ Public Opinion Centers Survey Research Library, Florida State University The Odum Institute
Guidelines for Question Sequencing Interesting topics early Classification questions later Sensitive questions later Simple items early Transition between topics
Illustrating the Funnel Approach • How do you think this country is getting along in its relations with other countries? • How do you think we are doing in our relations with Iran? • Do you think we ought to be dealing with Iran differently than we are now? • (If yes) What should we be doing differently? • Some people say we should get tougher with Iran and others think we are too tough as it is; how do you feel about it?
Overcoming Instrument Problems Build rapport Redesign question process Explore alternatives Use other methods Pretest
Administrative question Branched question Buffer question Checklist Classification question Dichotomous question Disguised question Double-barreled question Free-response question Interview schedule Leading question Multiple-choice question Key Terms
Pretesting Primacy effect Ranking question Rating question Recency effort Screen question Structured response Target question Structured Unstructured Unstructured response Key Terms
Assignment • Roll No. 1-10 – Develop a Likert scale for measuring attitude towards NCM • Roll No. – 11-20, Develop a Likert scale for measuring attitude towards canteen facilities in the campus • Roll No. 21-30 Develop a Likert Scale for measuring attitude towards cricket match watching on television • Roll No. 31-40 Develop a Likert Scale for measuring attitude towards Religion • Roll No. 41-50 Develop a Likert Scale for measuring attitude towards Pollution • Roll No. 51-58 Develop a Likert Scale for measuring attitude towards Globalisation