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The case for interoperability in CRIS solutions

This presentation discusses the importance of interoperability in Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) and highlights the role of CILEA in promoting and developing interoperable solutions. It covers the benefits of data sharing and reuse, as well as the use of open standards and protocols to enhance interoperability among systems.

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The case for interoperability in CRIS solutions

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  1. The case for interoperability in CRIS solutions euroCRIS membership meeting Bologna May 26-27 2011 Susanna Mornati, CILEA

  2. Mission & Members • CILEA is an inter-university not-for-profit consortium, based in Italy and founded in 1974 to: • promote innovation • coordinate initiatives • develop services in information and communication technologies (ICT) • 12 members (Italian Ministry of HE and Research and 11 universities)

  3. Main dimensions • Over 27M € annual revenue (red: financial contribution from the Ministry, green: revenues from activities) • Over 120 employees (high degree of specialization) • Headquarters in Milan (Segrate) and offices in Rome.

  4. Main activities (by revenue) ICT services for Higher Educatioon E-learning Cultural Heritage CileaDigitalLibrary ICT services for Research ServerFarmStorage Mainframe Libraries Automation ICT services for the Ministry Network Systems mgm HPC

  5. CILEA’s role in CRIS • Some years ago CILEA started to partner with Italian universities and research centres that needed a CRIS to control and enhance their performance: • 2003  repositories (DSpace) • 2004  research activities management • 2006  business intelligence • 2008  complete platform for Current Research Information Systems: SURplus was born

  6. SURplus architecture

  7. Interoperability(standards & protocols) Input from legacysystems:1. merge peopleand organizations Researchers Faculties External Partners Students & courses Suppliers Customers Telephone directory Input / Data reuse (ROI)

  8. Interoperability(standards & protocols) Input from legacysystems:2. merge financial data External Funding Accountability Contracts Supplies Purchases Input / Data reuse (ROI)

  9. Interoperability(standards & protocols) Input from legacysystems:3. merge data on research activities External Projects Internal Funding procedures Depts info Seminars & events Input / Data reuse (ROI)

  10. Interoperability(standards & protocols) Input from legacysystems:4. merge data(+full-text) on publications Digital collections Depts Publications directories E-Publishing systems Legacy lists Input / Data reuse (ROI)

  11. Interoperability(standards & protocols) Input from externalsystems:merge datafrom any sources! Bibliographic metadata (CrossRef, PubMed, ArXiv, RePEc, …) Sherpa/ Romeo Ministry Databases (publications, projects,…) Bibliometric data (Scopus, WoS, …) Future: Linked data, … Input / Data reuse (ROI)

  12. OUTPUT to internal & external systems Interoperability(standards & protocols)

  13. RC OUTPUT to publish data for visibility & prestige Interoperability(standards & protocols)

  14. How we do it • RELATIONAL DATABASES • XML/HTML • SOAP • REST • JSON • OAI-PMH • SWORD • ATOM/RSS • ….. Interoperability(standards & protocols)

  15. Technologies

  16. SURplus architecture

  17. Data Aggregation

  18. Dissemination & Impact

  19. Visibility • first two results out of 424,000

  20. Data Reports Impact Factor

  21. Statistics and data analysis Average number of publications per researcher by disciplinary area

  22. Statistics and data analysis Average IF per researcher by quintile Quintile: the portion of a frequency distribution containing one fifth of the total sample.

  23. Diagrams and Dashboards

  24. OLAP CUBES online analytical processing for multi-dimensional analytical queries

  25. Why interoperability? • Interoperability among components and external systems goes beyond system integration • It preserves independence in choosing how to build one’s own CRIS infrastructure • It preserves previous investments in technologies and organizational efforts

  26. Conclusions • There is a need to share your data among systems and reuse them • There is a need to disseminate your research output • Open standards and protocols enhance your chances for interoperability, so: go beyond integration, go open!

  27. Thanks for your attention! Susanna Mornati CILEA mornati@cilea.it

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