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International Cooperative mechanisms on the use of space based info for drr. Cooperative Mechanisms. There are no of Regional and International Cooperative mechanisms which emphasize the use of Earth Observation data and GIS solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
International Cooperative mechanisms on the use of space based info for drr
Cooperative Mechanisms • There are no of Regional and International Cooperative mechanisms which emphasize the use of Earth Observation data and GIS solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) • Space Based Information for Disaster Management & Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER) working under United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs(UNOOSA) • Regional Space Application (RESAP) programme under auspices of UN-ESCAP(Economic & Social Commission for Asia & the Pacific • Sentinel Asia • Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APSARF)
UN-SPIDER “ The United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management andEmergencyResponse - UN-SPIDER" was establisshed in 14 December 2006, with the following mission statement: "Ensure that all countries and international and regional organizations have access to and develop the capacity to use all types of space-based information to support the full disaster management cycle". UN-SPIDER is the first to focus on the need to ensure access to and use of such solutions during all phases of the disaster management cycle, including the risk reduction phase which will significantly contribute to a reduction in loss of lives and property. The UN-SPIDER programme is achieving this by focusing on being a gateway to space information for disaster management support, by serving as a bridge to connect the disaster management, risk management and space communities and by being a facilitator of capacity-building and institutional strengthening, in particular for developing countries. UN-SPIDER is being implemented as an open network of providers of space-based solutions to support disaster management activities. Besides Vienna (where UNOOSA is located), the programme also has an office in Bonn, Germany as well as an office in Beijing, China.
UN-SPIDER-Space Applications Space Application for Disaster Management: “What can be done with space technology, and how?” The Space Application section contains information on available space-based products and services, on their application, sources and access options. It is worth noting that this information covers the full disaster management cycle, all earth-directed space technology, and all types of major natural or man-made hazards. Emergency Mechanisms The Emergency Mechanisms section provides an overview of relevant organizational frameworks such the mechanism of the International Charter "Space and Major Disasters". The understanding of these frameworks, mechanisms, procedures and workflows is a prerequisite to bringing technological assets to bear on disaster management to the best possible effect.
UN-SPIDER-Space Applications (cont’d) Space Application Matrix In the Space Application Guides section, the user finds guidance on space applications and how disaster management can benefit from them. This information can be retrieved through the Space Application Matrix. Guides and case reports outlining the underlying principles, methodical workflows and best practices, advantages, restrictions, and accessibility of data and services are offered in order to inform the user and to support his decision making.
UN-SPIDER-Technical Advisory Support Advisory Support Bridging the gap: UN-SPIDER's Technical Advisory Support UN-SPIDER is aiming at bridging the gap with its Technical Advisory Support. The goal is to ensure that all countries recognize the value of all types of space-based information to prevent, mitigate, and use them effectively when challenged with natural hazards and related humanitarian crises. There are three types of Technical Advisory Support that UN-SPIDER carries out: Capacity Building: UN-SPIDER's Capacity Building aims at strengthening the capacity of individuals and institutions related to the use of space-based information to prevent, to mitigate, and to react effectively to the challenges posed by natural hazards and humanitarian crises. It includes providing policy-relevant advice, making available three databases on training opportunities and conducting training courses.
UN-SPIDER-Technical Advisory Support (cont’d) Emergency Support: UN-SPIDER's Emergency Support targets immediate emergencies and disasters. In such cases, UN-SPIDER activates upon request its network of Regional Support Offices and other partners to make accessible space-based data and services as well as derived products such as maps. Advisory Missions: To make sure that all interested stakeholders can benefit from space-based information in the most effective way possible, UN-SPIDER provides Technical Advisory Support to Member States through missions. These missions include Technical Advisory Missions, Institutional Strengthening Missions and Expert Missions.
Technical Advisory Mission to Bangladesh ( 2010) • DRR institutional structure is well established • Excellent capacity exists • BMD, SPARSO, CEGIS, SOB, FFWC, IWM • Cyclone prediction: Proven and effective example of employing space based information • Spatial databases exist • Operational data is available
Technical Advisory Mission to Bangladesh ( 2010) • Space-based information and products are in incubation stage. They are ready for up scaling for operational use for disaster risk management; • Satellite images are yet to be used during emergency response and damage assessment; • No provision of Emergency communication system • Early warning (flood and cyclone predictions) can be further strengthened by providing better access to the space based information and related Technologies
UN-SPIDER-Knowledge Base Knowledge Base Knowledge Base: “What are the basics? What background information do I need?”In-depth information and guides The Knowledge Base holds guides on technologies, disaster management and health support. The technology guides offer background information on satellite technology and specific satellite missions (including Earth Observation, communication and navigation satellites), while the disaster management guides provide information about policies and procedures concerning the management of different disaster types. Health support guides focus on the application of space technology in disaster medicine.
UN-SPIDER-Knowledge Base (cont’d) • The knowledge gained about the application of satellite technology will benefit the decision making process in the event of a disaster and especially for disaster management policy and emergency planning. Knowledge of technological background and of best practices is also crucial for the development of mitigation and preparedness strategies. • The Knowledge Base is complemented by a directory of institutions whose activities are related to disaster management and the use of space technology. • Technology Guides • Disaster and Risk Management Guides • Health Support Guides • Institutions
UN-SPIDER-Geo Portal UN-SPIDER-World See a geographical representation of news, events, contact points, etc.
UN-SPIDER- Regional Support Offices A Regional Support Office (RSO) is a regional or national centre of expertise that is set up within an existing entity by a Member State or group of Member States that have put forward an offer to set up and fund the proposed RSO. An RSO can be hosted by a space agency, a research center, a university, or a disaster management institution These offices communicate and coordinate with UN-SPIDER on a regular basis, covering the realms of Outreach and Capacity building, as well as Horizontal Cooperation and Technical Advisory Support.
UN-ESCAP UN-ESCAP The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) is the regional development arm of the United Nations for the Asia-Pacific region. Made up of 62 member States, with a geographical scope that stretches from Turkey in the west to the Pacific island nation of Kiribati in the east, and from the Russian Federation in the north to New Zealand in the south, the region is home to 4.1 billion people, or two thirds of the world’s population. This makes ESCAP the most comprehensive of the United Nations five regional commissions, and the largest United Nations body serving the Asia-Pacific region with over 600 staff.
UN-ESCAP (cont’d) Established in 1947 with its headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, ESCAP works to overcome some of the region’s greatest challenges by providing results oriented projects, technical assistance and capacity building to member States in the following areas: Macroeconomic Policy and Development Trade and Investment Transport Social Development Environment and Sustainable Development Information and Communications Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Statistics Sub-regional activities for development The ESCAP secretariat comprises the Office of the Executive Secretary, seven substantive Divisions (MPDD, TID, TD, ED, IDD, SDD, and SD), the Division of Administration, and the Programme Planning and Partnerships Division. The delivery of ESCAP’s programmes is supported by the subregional offices and the regional institutions.
UN-ESCAP (cont’d) Subregional activities for development Given the vast coverage and diversity of the Asian-Pacific region, ESCAP’s programme on subregional activities for development strengthens the Commission’s presence and interventions at the subregional level in order to better target and deliver programmes that address specific key priorities, including poverty reduction and sustainable development, of member States in the respective subregions. The programme on subregional activities provides more focused and in-depth technical assistance to address key development challenges, including capacity-building activities. Upon the request of member States, ESCAP provides through advisory services, organizes training workshops and implements field projects. The subregional work also serves as a means of putting into action the analytical and normative work of ESCAP at the subregional and national levels.
UN-ESCAP (cont’d) ESCAP’s work on subregional activities for development cover five subregions: The Pacific (Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, New Zealand, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu); East and North-East Asia (China, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan, Mongolia, the Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation); North and Central Asia (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan);Note: Afghanistan participates in activities relating to Central Asia as a member of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA). South and South-West Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Turkey); and South-East Asia (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Viet Nam).
UN-ESCAP-Publications 2013 Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific The Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific is the oldest and most comprehensive annual review of economic and social development in Asia and the Pacific. This flagship publication of ESCAP outlines policies to sustain dynamic growth and to make it inclusive such as boosting internal demand, enhancing connectivity to create a seamless and region-wide market, and building productive capacities in the least developed countries. Library
UN-ESCAP- Data sets Annual core indicators online database The ESCAP online database includes country-level data related to demography, migration, education, health, poverty, gender, employment, economy, government finance, employment, transport, and environment. The comparability of indicators across countries and over time is maximized by limiting the data to a single source per indicator and by using well-recognized international data sources. The database also includes aggregate data for the world, major geographic regions, ESCAP subregions, income groupings of ESCAP members, ESCAP LDC countries and ESCAP LLDC countries.
Sentinel Asia Sentinel Asia aims to promote international cooperation to monitor natural disasters in the Asia-Pacific region. It uses earth observation satellites and other space technologies to collect disaster-related information, and shares it over the internet. The aim is to mitigate and prevent damage caused by natural disasters such as typhoons, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcano eruptions and wildfires.
Sentinel Asia (cont’d) Sentinel Asia, first advocated in 2005, now counts 8 international organizations and 51 participating organizations from 20 countries as members, and utilization of its systems is steadily expanding. Sentinel Asia receives images from JAXA's Land Observing Satellite Daichi, and helps assess damages caused by natural disasters. Pakistan is also the member of Sentinel Asia Joint Project Team (JP-3)
International Charter-Space & Major Disasters The International Charter aims at providing a unified system of space data acquisition and delivery to those affected by natural or man-made disasters through Authorized Users. Each member agency has committed resources to support the provisions of the Charter and thus is helping to mitigate the effects of disasters on human life and property
International Charter-Text of Charter Preamble RECOGNISING the potential applications of space technologies in the management of disasters caused by natural phenomena or technological accidents, and in particular Earth observation, telecommunications, meteorology and positioning technologies; RECOGNISING the development of initiatives concerning the use of space facilities for managing natural or technological disasters; RECOGNISING the interest shown by rescue and civil protection, defence and security bodies and the need to respond to that interest by making space facilities more easily accessible; ;
International Charter-Text of Charter (cont’d) DESIROUS to strengthen international cooperation in this humanitarian undertaking; HAVING REGARD to United Nations Resolution 41/65 of 1986 on remote sensing of the Earth from space; BELIEVING that by combining their resources and efforts, they can improve the use of available space facilities and increase the efficiency of services that may be provided to crisis victims and to the bodies called upon to help them
InternationalCharter- Pakistan Floods 2013 The charter has been activated in Pakistan floods 2013