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Scorpio Full Moon. All is Energy!. For those of you who are not familiar with esoteric philosophy – or do not know it well – I will remind you that all is energy. Thus you should simply relax and try to feel the energy rather then concern yourself with understanding everything.
All is Energy! For those of you who are not familiar with esoteric philosophy – or do not know it well – I will remind you that all is energy. Thus you should simply relax and try to feel the energy rather then concern yourself with understanding everything. During the lecture you can ask questions or make comments. After the meditation you may also ask questions.
Scorpio Presentation • The Sign of Scorpio • The Labour of Hercules in Scorpio • The Scorpio Full Moon Chart - Short Break - • Meditation
Which sign is the Sun in? The Sun is in Scorpio. And which sign is the Moon in? The Moon is in Taurus.
What do we know about theFixed mode? Scorpio is fixed in terms of their emotional reactions. maintaining something, changing things so they are the same as before, or stabilizing things
What do we know about Water? Less Limited More Limited Feelings Impressionable Emotions Reflective
What about Water people? Beliefs are based on feelings rather than on reason, passion, or practicality. Sensitive Perceive life through their emotions Water rises into the air and falls as rain, nurturing the land. Need close emotional relationships, and rarely have superficial affairs.
So what happens when we put the mode of fixed together with the element of water?
We get Scorpio! As the eighth sign of the zodiac, Scorpio represents the eighth stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. This stage is concerned with an emotional development that goes beyond Cancerian concern with home and family.
Scorpios they may seem easy-going, congenial, and gregarious they want answers and doggedly persist until they get them. stubborn and impervious to changes
they express their feelings. Scorpios react emotionally to everything they experience in life. Scorpios are not apt to wear their hearts on their sleeves. Even when they seem to be open, they always hold back something of themselves.
Scorpio’s Astrological Symbol Scorpions have “two lobster-like claws” and when a scorpion captures its victims with its claws, it “inflicts a disabling sting with its tail”. Scorpios are thought to be rather cunning, and sometimes revengeful.
Scorpio’s Astrological Glyph Scorpio’s glyph, or symbol, looks like a letter M with a tail. The curves show the grounded nature of the sign, ending in an upward-turned arrow, symbolizing the need for action and the striving for something higher. Some believe the symbol represents the male genitals -- the sign of Scorpio is strongly connected to sex.
The Scorpio Myth Serpents and Scorpions Hercules Orion and the Scorpion
Serpents Scorpio was represented not by the familiar scorpion, but by the serpent. a symbol of the wisdom of the earth itself He has equally great power for good or evil, healing or destruction the serpent sheds his skin cynically, and was thought by the ancients to be immortal and capable of constant self-renewal.
Scorpions The scorpion is an isolated animal. although the scorpion is a deadly creature, he is completely nonaggressive Scorpio would rather destroy himself, and go down in flames by his own hand - literally or psychologically - than submit to another's ultimatum or control.
The myth behind the astrological sign of Scorpio focuses on Artemis, who called on the giant scorpion to destroy Orion. As a giant and son of Poseidon, Orion thought much too highly of himself and forgot to show proper respect to the immortals.
How does this myth relate to the Scorpio characteristics? Orion thought much too highly of himself and forgot to show proper respect to the immortals. What does a Scorpio do when someone wrongs them? The scorpion stung Orion … and killed him.
We’ll now mention some of the challenges of Scorpio. Remember though we are talking about the energy of Scorpio and there are many types of energy.
Scorpio Non-Challenging Energies • Passionate • Tenacious • Complex • Clever • Investigative • Magnetic • Brave and Loyal • Social • Intuitive • Determined • Good Memory • Protective • Deep • Sensual • Resourceful • Self-Reliant • Dynamic • Totally Hypnotic
Scorpio Challenging Energies • Volatile • Obsessive • Demanding and Jealous • Suspicious • Brooding • Moody • Shrewd • Compulsive • Hot-tempered • Overbearing • Cunning • Intense • Lustful • Impenetrable and Secretive
Who are some Scorpios? • Pablo Picasso • Hillary R. Clinton • Theodore Roosevelt • Emily Post • Bill Gates • Truman Capote, Grace Slick, Dan Rather, Larry Flint, James K. Polk, Michael Dukakis, Marie Curie, Billy Graham, George Patton, Kurt Vonnegaut, Jonathan Winters, Whoppi Goldberg, Mamie Eisenhower, Prince Charles, Martin Luther, Ted Turner, Alistair Cooke, Stan Musial, Goldie Hawn, etc.
The Esoteric and ExotericRuler is Mars • Mars is definitely the planet which rules and controls the physical vehicle. • In Scorpio, the result of all the struggle carried forward during the pilgrimage around the zodiac is brought to a point of climax through the activity of Mars. • The disciple has now to demonstrate the strength, character and quality which he has unfolded and developed within himself during his long pilgrimage.
The Esoteric and ExotericRuler is Mars • All aspects of the lower nature are involved in this crisis, and the tests applied involve the form nature--gross and subtle, integrated and potent. • The effect of Mars is largely mass effect and group results, producing great struggles but leading finally to great revelation.... • In Scorpio, it is the revelation of the vision of liberation and service; .. . It must never be forgotten that Mars establishes relations between the opposites and is a beneficent and not a malefic factor, as is so often supposed.
The Hierarchical Ruler is Mercury • We shall find that Scorpio rules and governs the fourth Creative Hierarchy, the human, from the angle of the soul and not from the angle of the lower nature. • The final struggle in Scorpio only takes place when the point of balance between soul and body has been reached in Libra and it is in Scorpio that the preponderance of spiritual energy is imposed upon the lower personal forces. • Scorpio governs "the initiates", which is the true esoteric name of man, and through its hierarchical planetary ruler, the Sons of Mind, the Messengers of Deity are revealed, but it is through Mars and the Martian activity that the revelation comes about.
Ray Ruler for Scorpio • The fourth ray of “Harmony through Conflict” is associated with Scorpio. • It is through such conflict that the real task of Scorpio rising takes place—transformation! • And while Scorpio is transforming herself, she is also encountering those life experiences which bring her into contact with the opportunities to be an agent of transformation and renewal for others.
The Labour in Scorpio His challenge in this sign is to destroy the hydra.
The Labour in Scorpio When a drought occurred in Argos, Amymone called upon the aid of Neptune, who commanded her to strike a rock, from which, when she did, gushed out three crystal streams. But soon a terrible hydra came to live there and a plague spread over the whole countryside. Hercules must now destroy this monster with its nine heads, of which one is immortal.
Hercules completes his task In the stench of the Lernean swamp, Hercules tracks the foul beast to its lair and is forced to resort to firing arrows, dipped in burning pitch, to draw it out into the open. Provoked, the raging monster attacks Hercules and battle commences—the hydra growing stronger, not weaker, with each assault.
Interpretation of the myth Scorpio has been described both as a turning point for the individual and in the life of humanity. In the hydra, we have depicted the serpent of desire and all the unredeemed aspects of human nature and in the associated tests and trials are illustrated the formidable problems of self-mastery. Its symbolism is particularly appropriate in our contemporary way of life in the ethos of a consumer society that feeds selfish desire with little regard to the consequences or the pressing material needs of others.
Interpretation of the myth If we aspire to reconnect to the wellspring of spiritual life, we must free ourselves from the prison of clamoring desires. Like Hercules, the disciple must first recognize the existence of the hydra, search for it with patience and finally, with humility, destroy it. The concise reminder, given to Hercules by his Teacher, is revealing: “We rise by kneeling, we conquer by surrendering; we gain by giving up”.
Interpretation of the myth In Scorpio, Hercules becomes the triumphant disciple. He demonstrates to himself that he can rise above the thrall of matter and stand, for all time, in spiritual being. The same test awaits each disciple and humanity, the world disciple.
Scorpio Hercules Question What do each of the nine heads represent?
The three tests in Scorpio concern the three aspects of the human being as they fuse and blend upon the physical plane. • Tests of appetite/physical plane • Sex—the relation of the pairs of opposites.—These can be selfishly utilized or divinely blended. • Physical comfort—life conditions, selfishly appropriated. • Money—selfishly cornered. • Tests of desire/emotional plane • Fear—which conditions activity today. • Hate—which is a factor in conditioning relationships • Ambition—conditioning objectives. • Tests of lower critical mind/mental plane • Pride—which is intellectual satisfaction, making the mind the barrier to soul control. • Separativeness—which is the isolated attitude and which makes the mind the barrier to right group relationships. • Cruelty—which is satisfaction with personality methods and which makes the mind the instrument of the sense of power.
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Why are we here tonight? The time of the full moon there is a direct alignment between the energy of the sign the sun is in and the affairs of the sign the moon is in. Sun – Scorpio – The pause to weight, choose, decide Moon – Aries – benefits the next beginning In our meditation this evening, let us visualize a common goal for humanity. Groups of men and women of goodwill bonding together to support right-human values. Let us use our magical powers of manifestation, and see this happen. Leaders and ordinary people alike, afire with goodwill and humanitarian vision, acting in concert for the good of mankind as a whole.
Seed Thought for Scorpio Warrior I am, and from the battle I emerge triumphant.