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Nom University date. CIMPA’s mission. To promote international cooperation for developing research in mathematics and its applications in higher education to this end CIMPA organizes r esearch schools and supports schools or networks in connection with continental mathematical societies
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CIMPA’s mission • To promote international cooperation for developing research in mathematics and its applications in higher education • to this end CIMPA organizes research schools and supports schools or networks in connection with continental mathematical societies • its actions are concentrated in locations where there is the will to further develop mathematics and where a research project is sustainable • a main endeavour is to maintain three equilibria: gender, geography and subject
CIMPA’s history • CIMPA is: • a non-profit organization created in 1978 by mathematicians, with offices in Nice, France • mainly funded by Ministère de l’enseignementsupérieur et de la recherche (France), the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France) , CNRS (France) and the laboratory of excellence CARMIN. More recently, it is also funded by Spain, Norway and the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland). • a category 2 centre of UNESCO since the 90’s
CIMPA’s organization • CIMPA is a category 2 UNESCO centre • Its General Assembly elects 6 individual members to the Governing Board, where there also permanent institutional members : UNESCO, French and Spanish Ministries, University of Nice • The Governing Board selects its 4 member Bureau. • CIMPA also has a Scientific Council and a Steering Council • The Director is appointed by the Governing Board. • The Directorselects a Management team: several Regional Scientific Officers and an Officer in charge of Communication
Composition of the Bureau President: TSOU Sheung Tsun University of Oxford (Mathematicalphysics) Vice‐President: Alain DAMLAMIAN Université Paris 12 (Nonlinearanalysis, nonlinear partial diff. equations) Secretary: Jean-Marc BARDET Université Paris 1 (Probability and statistics) Treasurer: Bernard ROUSSELET Université de Nice (Nonlinear vibrations, optimisation)
The ScientificCouncil • Chairman: Enrique ZUAZUA (Spain) (Applied Maths) • Jean-Marc AZAÏS (France) (Probability, statistics) • Viviane BALADI (France) (Dynamicalsystems) • Edy Tri BASKORO (Indonesia) (Graph theory) • Suzanne BRENNER (USA) (Numericalanalysis) • Maria Luiza FERNANDEZ (Spain) (Differentialgeometry) • Vaughan JONES (USA) (Fields Medal) • Orlando LOPES (Brazil) (PDE, Non linearanalysis) • Youssef OUKNINE (Marocco) (Probability, stochasticequations) • Carlos DI PRISCO (Venezuela) (Logic) • Ragni PIENE (Norway) (Algebraicgeometry) • Ramdorai SUJATHA (India) (Numbertheory, K-Theory)
Management team • Director : Claude CIBILS (U. Montpellier 2, on leave at U. Nice Sophia-Antipolis) • Regional coordinators: • Sub-Saharan Africa:Marie-Françoise ROY (U. Rennes 1) • Mediterranean: Ahmad EL SOUFI (U. Tours) • Latin America and Caribbean: Claude CIBILS • South-east Asia: Christian MAUDUIT (U. Aix Marseille II) • India and West Asia: Jorge JIMENEZ URROZ (U. Politècnica de Catalunya) • Transverse Regional coordinator:Mercedes SILES MOLINA (U. Malaga) • Communication coordinator: Rosane USHIROBIRA (U. Bourgogne, on leave at INRIA Lille)
Scientific partners Université Nice Sophia-Antipolis (UNS), Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA), Centre National de la recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Société Mathématique de France (SMF),Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI), International Mathematical Union (IMU), International Council for Industrial and AppliedMathematics (ICIAM), EuropeanMathematical Society (EMS), International Centre for TheoreticalPhysics (ICTP), Union Mathématique Africaine (UMA), South East AsianMathematical Society (SEAMS), Union Mathématique d'Amérique Latine et Caraïbes (UMALCA), Comité National Français des Mathématiciens (CNFM), Centro de ModelamientoMatematico (CMM), Bordeauxthèque, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Comité Español de Matemáticas (CEMAT), Real SociedadMatemáticaEspañola (RSME), SocietatCatalana de Matemàtique (SCM), SociedadEspañola de MatemáticaAplicada (SEMA), SociedadEspañola de Estadística e Investigaciónoperativa (SEIO)
Numbers • More than 220 ResearchSchools • 100 participations in higherleveleducation and research networks (seminars, workshops and doctoral courses) • Countries • Africa : 18 • Asia : 12 • South America and Caribbean : 13 • Middle East : 8 More than12 000 youngmathematicians More than 2 250 speakers, 1 050 fromSouthern countries
Budget 2011 • 364 K€ • 70% from MESR (France) • 5% from Spain • 3% from UNESCO • 6% from CNRS • 13% from CARMIN Half of the budget for Africa (Sub-Saharan and Mediterranean) • paid from budget : one and a half full time secretaries • not included in budget: salary of director, salary of the person in charge of the web site and computers. • all others (members of the Board, scientific coordinators, members of councils, lecturers) are volunteers
CIMPA Research Schools OUGADOUGOU - 2009
CIMPA Research Schools • Open call every year • proposals for two-week schools come from everywhere • some are encouraged by CIMPA members • the Scientific Council analyzes, evaluates and make recommendations • the Steering Council select about 15 to 20 research school projects Schools are organized locally with scientific and administrative help from CIMPA, in a North-South-South format
CIMPA Research Schools • Young participants from neighboring countries apply • Among the young accepted by the organizers and CIMPA, several receive full CIMPA financial support (at least 2/3 of CIMPA total support is for this purpose) • Lecturers and speakers are not paid. In most cases, they use their own funding for travel • CIMPA helps through letters, discussions with organizers, explanation to authorities, fund raising etc.
CIMPA Research Schools • Average budget for a CRS: 40k€ CIMPA participation is about 12k€, mainly for young people from neighboring developing countries • A four-page Road Map helps from the very beginning to have a successful RS with exchanges, discussions and to insure an open future for participants • Each RS has two final reports. One from the main local organizers, the other from CIMPA representative.
CIMPA Research Schools Mathematics is a continuum from Fundamental to Applied, with application to other sciences. The themes of the Schools can be anywhere on this continuum, or a combination (Mixed combined with interactions). We have used the Classification by MathSciNet and Zentralblatt in collaboration with the Governing Board and the Management Team. 2012 : F=6 A=6 MI=5 2005 - 2011
New initiatives Short Mathematical Visits (with CARMIN) Launched in 2011. Intended for young mathematicians (pre or post-doc) interested in visiting one of CARMIN’s centres with a possible extension to other institutions in member countries (France, Norway, Spainor Switzerland). The application includes a precise program, a motivation letter and recommendations from confirmed mathematicians. A scientific committee will select candidates for 2012.