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EXCLUSIVE JCBL Passion-driven behemoth of mobility solutions India’s foremost body building and customised mobility solutions provider opens up on the chance to innovate, experiment, try things that no one else has done, and set examples for the rest of the industry to follow. By Dhiyanesh Ravichandran ?Lighi?g the path of I??o?aio??, ?lai?s a sloga? used ?? the Cha?diga?h-?ased JCBL Ltd. This is so?ethi?g I ?a?ted to put to the test. “o I sta?ted to ??ai?sto?? a litle, to ?aptu?e ?hate?e? ?o?es up o? ?alli?g JCBL. I had ?oi?ed its Ce?ita i?te?-?it? ?oa?hes se?e?al ?ea?s ago ?he? ?isii?g Mu??ai, ?ut ?? p?ofou?d i?p?essio?s ?e?e f?o? its ?ello?-?olou?ed lo?-loo?ed lu?u?? s?hool ?uses pl?i?g i? the ?eigh?ou?hood, i? fa?t, I e?e? sa? o?e ea?l? i? the ?o??i?g o? ?? ?a? to Cha?diga?h. What else, I s?ueezed ?? head. A ?o?ile ?lood ?a?k ?ehi?le at ?? ?ollege ?a?pus? Yes. The e??lusi?e poll ?a?paig? ?ehi?le usi?g Me??edes-Be?z ?uli-a?le ?hassis ?uilt fo? Akilesh Yada?, oh ?eah! Moto?ho?es a?d spe?ial appli?a- io? ?ehi?les fo? defe??e, ?ep. A?d last ?ut ?ot the least, the latest Bha?atBe?z sleepe? ?oa?h ?ith u?e?-lu?u?ious interiors and goodies. A da?-lo?g i?te?a?io? ?ith JCBL?s Ma?agi?g Di?e?to? M?. ‘ishi Agga??al a?d a ?alk a?ou?d at its ?a?ufa?tu?- i?g e??la?e o? the outski?ts of Cha?diga?h sho?ed ?e ho? o?tuse I a? to put thei? ?i??o?ai?e ?i?ds? o? test! At o?e e?d of the ?a?pus, t?u?ks a?e li?ed up fo? ?a?go ?o? ?o?st?u?io?, a?d a sepa?ate se?io? of i??e-glass ?aste?i?g ?aki?g ?od? ?asks fo? the Che??ai Met?o ?oa?hes, ?hile, o? the othe? side, I see a lood of ?us a?d ?ail a??esso?ies like seats, ?i?do? f?a?es, a?d plasi? ?a?ks l?i?g a?ou?d. “o?e ?i?tage ?a? ?o?po?e?ts fo? ?lassi? Musta?gs a?d Che?? I?palas ?e?e o? displa? too. Ha?i?g ?ealized that I sill ha?e??t got i?to thei? ?o?e ?us ?od? se?io?, I ?ade up ?? ?i?d. O? the othe? side of the Delhi-Cha?diga?h high?a? is Mr. Rajinder Aggarwal, Chairman and MD, JCBL Group MOTORINDIAuAugust 2017 176
EXCLUSIVE g?o?th sto?? – g?adual ?et t?a?sfo??ai?e – e?pa?di?g thei? footp?i?ts to ?e?e? le?els to feed thei? ?e?e?-e?hausi?g pas- sio? a?d appeite fo? desig?i?g a?d ?uildi?g ?ehi?le shells a?d allied components. No?, the JCBL G?oup is a leadi?g ?o?glo?e?ate i? the ?ou?t??, ?ith a CAG‘ of ?? pe? ?e?t ?losi?g at ‘s. ?,??? ??o?es last i?a??ial ?ea?. The g?oup i??ludes JCBL Ltd. ofe?i?g a ?ide ?a?ge of ?o?ilit? soluio?s i? passe?ge? a?d ?a?go seg?e?ts, a?d Mo?ilit? “oluio?s Ltd. ?M“L? fo? ?oa?h ?o?po?e?ts, pha?- ?a?eui?al ?usi?esses, a?d auto?oi?e deale?ships. ?Ou? ?isio? fo? ???? is to ?o?e tha? dou?le the size a?d g?o?th of toda??, ?lai?s M?. ‘ishi, ?out of ?hi?h the ?o?ilit? soluio?s ?usi?esses is e?pe?ted to ?e the ?hief g?o?th d?i?e??. With st?o?g ‘&D a?d te?h?ologi?al k?o?-ho?, JCBL Ltd. has a well-laid-out strategy to be the market leader in all the seg- ?e?ts of ?od? ?uildi?g a?d othe? allied ?e?tu?es, he adds. Building ‘mobility’ Last ?ea?, JCBL Ltd. has ?olled out o?e? ?,??? passe?ge? ?uses, ??? spe?ial-pu?pose ?ehi?les ?“PVs?, ?,??? t?aile?s, ?,??? ?a?go ?o?es, a?d ?,??? ?o?e?ed ?o?tai?e?s at its t?o fa?iliies i? Pu?ja? a?d a?othe? o?e do?? “outh. The ?o?pa?? is the ?a?ket leade? i? the p?e?iu? s?hool ?us, a??ula??e a?d “PV seg?e?ts, ?hile the ippe? ?od? a?d ip-t?aile?s of JCBL a?e ?lass-leadi?g i? the “outh I?dia? ?egio?. Go?e a?e the da?s ?he? ?od? ?uildi?g ?as di?t? a?d tedious, la?gel? do?e ?ith ?a?ual la?ou? a?d ha?d tools. JCBL?s fa?ilit? is fa? ad?a??ed a?d sophisi?ated, ?esuli?g i? p?e?isio? a?d ?ualit? ?o?k, a?d a ?ui?ke? fa??i?aio? i?e. M?. ‘ishi at?i?utes this i?p?essi?e feat to the ?o?pa???s ?e?? i?teg?ated ?a?ufa?tu?i?g a?d sou?d ‘&D, ?ight f?o? p?o?essi?g ?a? ?ate?ials to desig?i?g a?d e?e?uio? all do?e i?-house. Fo? ippe?s a?d t?aile? ?aki?g, its ?ete? u?de?sta?di?g of ?etal- lu?g? is the ke? to su??ess. A ?e? fa?ilit? is also gei?g ?ead? at JCBL?s Che??ai u?it to ?ake ta?ke?s fo? pet?oleu? a?d othe? purposes. Mr. Rishi Aggarwal, Managing Director, JCBL the ?o?pa???s dedi?ated ?od? ?uildi?g tu??e??, that?s ?he?e it got ?o?e i?te?esi?g. Hu?d?eds of ?hassis a?e li?ed up, so?e a?e ?ei?g d?essed up as a??ula??es a?d ?ello?ish s?hool ?a?s, ?hile othe?s a?e i?i?idai?gl? gei?g ?ead? as a??o?ed t?oop ?a??ie?s, ?ugged a??ula??es, a?d pat?ol ?ehi?les fo? defe??e appli?aio?s. A huge ?hu?k of ?egula? passe?ge? ?a?s a?d lu?u?? coaches in the making hardly stayed in my mind. I?? sill half ?a? th?ough the fa?ilit?. While ?o?i?g past a? a??a? of e?te?da?le ?oto?ho?es, displa? ?a?s a?d a??o?ed passe?ge? ?a?s that a?e i? the ?aki?g, I ?ealized that this is ?ot a usual ?o?pa?? that is d?i?e? si?pl? out of p?oit ?oi?e. All these p?odu?ts that JCBL ?uilds a?e ?i?he a?d ?usto?ized o?es that sta?d out i? the ??o?d, suii?g spe?ialised ?eeds a?d ap- pli?aio?s, a?d ?o o?e-size-its-all app?oa?h ?a? a?tuall? ?o?k he?e. The?e is a? i??ate passio? that li?ge?s a?ou?d, thoughfull? ?o??ei?ed, a?full? ?a??ed-out, a?d supe?io?l? e?gi?ee?ed. I??o?aio? is at the fo?ef?o?t ?he?e the ?ha??e to i??o?ate, e?pe?i?e?t, t?? thi?gs that ?o o?e else has do?e, is a?u?- da?t, a?d ?a??e e?e? set e?a?ples fo? the ?est of the i?dust?? to follo?. I i??l? ?ealise that ?o?pa?ies like JCBL hold the ke? to the future prosperity of the auto industry – set- i?g ?e? sta?da?ds ?? ?Lighi?g the path of I??o?aio??! M?. ‘ishi Agga??al ?e?ou?ts: ?It all ?ega? ?ith the deale?ship of Mazda ?uses, late? embarking on body building for the brand i? ???? u?de? the aegis of ?? fathe? M?. ‘aji?de? Agga??al?. “i??e the? the fa?il?- owned enterprise vowed to the Indian MOTORINDIAuAugust 2017 177
EXCLUSIVE The ?o?pa?? is ?o?ki?g closely with almost every OEM i? I?dia, i??ludi?g Ashok Le?la?d, Tata Mo- to?s, Dai?le?, Vol?o-Ei?he?, “ML Isuzu, Mahi?d?a, et?., providing body building soluio?s. Du?i?g ?? ?isit, hundreds of ambulances ?e?e o? the a??il, as a pa?t of the I?dia? A????s purchase order from Ashok Le?la?d. O? t?aile?s a?d lat?eds, it has joined hands with Ge??a? gia?t Doll G??H fo? ?aki?g lat?eds that a?e A‘AI- approved. M?. ‘ishi also ?e?ealed that the ?o?pa?? is u?de? talks ?ith the I?dia? A??? fo? ?ode??, state-of-the-a?t ?? a?d ??-to??e? spe? lat?eds fo? ?o?i?g ?atle ?a?ks a?d ?ulge logisi?s. ?We g?o? alo?g ?ith ou? pa?t?e?s, OEMs, “TUs a?d leet ope?ato?s, ?et o? ?hat the ?aio? ?a?ts fo? its g?o?th, a?d the?e lies the sustai?a?ilit? of ou? su??ess?, he o?se??es. Mo?ilit? “oluio?s Ltd. ?M“L?, o? the othe? ha?d, suppo?ts the ?us i?dust?? ?? its A‘AI-?e?iied a?d ?us-?ode ?o?plia?t ?oa?h ?o?po?e?ts fo? all seg?e?ts of ?uses, i??ludi?g seats, ?i?do?-f?a?es, doo? lo?ks, hat ?a?ks, ?e?ilato?s a?d ?oof hat?hes. I?iiall? ?o??ei?ed to suppo?t the g?oup?s ?od? ?uildi?g po?folio, the ?o?pa?? ?o? sells o?e? t?o-thi?d of its p?odu?e to the ?a?ket. It is the se?o?d leadi?g fa??i?ato? of seats, ?ith a feat of o?e? ???,??? u?its pe? ?ea?. ?The i?st-?o?e? ad?a?tage of JCBL i? ?od? ?uildi?g a?d ?us i?dust?? has paid of, i? ??i?gi?g out i??o?ai?e a?d ?ualit? p?odu?ts f?o? M“L?, e?plai?s M?. ‘ishi. Mo?eo?e?, the ?o?pa?? is spea?headi?g i??e-glass ?a?ufa?tu?i?g, tha?ks to its JV ?ith “t?aifo??e I?dust?ies of F?a??e, de?elopi?g F‘P ?o?po?e?ts, e?d-?a?i?s, toilet?? ?odules fo? ?ail?a?s a?d ?et?os. Nota?le ?usto?e?s i? this ?ega?d i??lude Ge?e?al Ele?t?i?, Alsto?, Bo?- ?a?die? a?d ICF. Ce?tai? i??o?ai?e p?odu?ts fo? I?dia? ‘ail?a?s a?e also u?de? de?elop?e?t, he ?e?ealed. Asked o? the e?? a?d flo? of his ?usi?ess, M?. ‘ishi la- ?e?ts that la?k of p?ope? i?ple?e?tatio? of the Bus Code and standardisation is taking a heavy toll on the growth of the ?us i?dust??, pa?ti?ula?l? o? the li?es of effi?ie???, safet? a?d ?o?solidatio?. The?e e?ists a? u?fai? ?o?petitio?, he sa?s, ?ith ?ast u?o?ga?ised pla?e?s o? the o?e ha?d a?d OEMs ?e?tu?i?g i?to sta?da?dised ?us ?od? ?uildi?g o? the other hand. ?I?? ?ei?g s?ueezed ?et?ee? the t?o, as the?e is ha?dl? a?? fai? pla? ?ith ?espe?t to ?o?fo??aio? of ?o??s, ?ualit? a?d ?ost f?o? u?o?ga?ised pla?e?s?, he ?eg?ets. He does??t ?a?t the i?fo??al ?od? ?uilde?s to ?e ?iped out, ?ut ?a?ts the? to ?e t?ai?ed a?d i?p?o?e thei? ?apa?iliies fo? the i?dust?? sta?da?ds so as to e?su?e a pe?fe?t a?d health? ?o?peiio?. The Go?e??- ?e?t should help the? adopt the i?dust?? ?o??s, he o?se??ed, poi?i?g out that ?o?ilit? poli?ies ote? la?k lo?g-te?? ?isio? for ensuring sustainability. MOTORINDIAuAugust 2017 178
EXCLUSIVE I? fa?t, I ?as told that he took pe?so?al i?te?est i? the de?elop?e?t of the Bha?atBe?z sleepe? ?oa?h, fo? ?hi?h his team took just two months to unleash the wonder. The g?oup?s CMD, M?. ‘aji?de? Agga??al, feels g?aiied the ?a? his e?te?p?ises ha?e g?o??. ?M? tea? ?o?ks pas- sio?atel? a?d ha?de? tha? ?e, a?d ?hat ?e ha?e ??eated is ?e?o?d a??o?e?s i?agi?aio?, it?s a g?eat jo?. Passio? a?d dete??i?aio? is all it takes, a?d ?e as a tea? ?e?e? gi?e up a??thi?g easil??, he sa?s. Du?i?g ou? ?ui?k ?hat, I ?oi?ed the ?ook he ?as ?eadi?g - ?Go?e??i?g Busi?ess a?d ‘elaio?ships? autho?ed ?? A. Pa?thasa?ath?. At his age a?d e?pe?ie??e i? ?u??i?g a su?- ?essful ?usi?ess ?o?glo?e?ate fo? de?ades, does he ?eall? ?eed that? Pe?haps, that?s ?hat i?spi?ed ?i?ds a?e! w Inspired minds O? JCBL?s ?i?tues a?d sho?t?o?i?gs, M?. ‘ishi is ?ui?k to poi?t out sophisi?ated desig?i?g a?d ups?alli?g ?apa?iliies as its ?iggest st?e?gths, also a?k?o?ledgi?g that the ?o?pa?? is ?ot that la??o?a?t i? ?a?kei?g. He sa?s his fa?il? up??i?gi?g a?d company approach relied on the fact that the product should do all the talking. O? the sou??e of his u?i?ue ?o?k ethi?s a?d ?oi?aio? to- ?a?ds fai? ?usi?ess, he poi?ts out to his fathe? ?ho sits at the bus body plant everyday working on new projects and designs just as da? o?e ?he? he ?ega? this auto?oi?e e?pi?e ?alled JCBL. ?Dad al?a?s ?a?ts so?ethi?g ??eai?e o? his ta?le, his mind is constantly running on something that is likely to a phe?o?e?al idea o? p?odu?t?, sa?s M?. ‘ishi, ?alli?g ate?- io? to his latest pet p?oje?t – ?o?tai?e?ised lu?u?? lou?ge o? ho?e! MOTORINDIAuAugust 2017 179