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Evaluating Impact Force Dissipation of Wheelchair Cushions Using ISO 16840-2 Standard

This study presents findings from testing 35 wheelchair cushions and a reference foam using the ISO 16840-2 standard to assess impact force dissipation characteristics. The research highlights the importance of cushion properties in minimizing tissue damage from impact forces, especially during wheelchair transfers and on rough terrain. Results show how materials and design features influence impact force dissipation, providing valuable insights for manufacturers, users, and clinicians to make informed decisions for comfort and skin protection.

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Evaluating Impact Force Dissipation of Wheelchair Cushions Using ISO 16840-2 Standard

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  1. Applying the ISO 16840-2 Standard to differentiate impact force dissipation characteristics of a selection of commercial wheelchair cushions Martin Ferguson-Pell, PhD; Grace Ferguson-Pell, BA, BSc, RN; Farhood Mohammadi, BSc, MSc; Evan Call, MS

  2. Aim • Report results from applying the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 16840-2 test method for determining impact damping characteristics of 35 wheelchair cushions plus a high resilience (HR70) polyurethane reference foam. • Relevance • Generation of impact forces when a wheelchair user either transfers onto a cushion or the wheelchair encounters rough terrain or bumps down a step can endanger the viability of tissues, especially if these forces occur repeatedly.

  3. Method • Performed impact test 6 times for each cushion with an interval of 60 ± 20 s between each impact.

  4. Results • Materials, proprietary design, and construction features of wheelchair cushions in combination dictate impact force dissipate properties. • Cluster analysis results generate a model that can be used to compare impact damping properties obtained from the ISO 16840-2 test method with those of a range of cushions and a reference cushion.

  5. Conclusion • Therefore, manufacturers will be able to provide users and clinicians with information about the impact force dissipation properties of cushions that will enable them to make more informed product choices for achieving comfort and to protect skin integrity.

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