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Determination of Alkalinity Toxicity Limits in Greenhouse Plants

This study investigates the tolerance limits of selected greenhouse ornamental plants to alkalinity and explores the effects of bicarbonate in irrigation water on plant growth. Results provide insights into the mechanisms of alkalinity tolerance, with implications for plant cultivation.

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Determination of Alkalinity Toxicity Limits in Greenhouse Plants

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  1. Determination of Alkalinity Toxicity Limits of Selected Greenhouse Ornamental Plants Luis A. Valdez-A. and David Wm. Reed Dept. of Horticultural Sciences Texas A&M University

  2. Alkalinity Concentration of soluble alkali Alkali have capacity to neutralize acids Major contributors: HCO3- CO32- Minor contributors: OH-, NH3 Phosphates, Silicates, Borates

  3. Buffer Capacity Capacity to resist sudden changes in pH CO2 HCO3- H2CO3 H+ OH- H+ H2O OH- H+ H+

  4. Effect of pH on Activity of Nutrients Lindsay, 1981

  5. Alkalinity-induced Fe Deficiency Whipker et al., 2001

  6. Objectives • Provide information about the limits of tolerance to alkalinity • Determine the effects of HCO3- in irrigation water on the growth of selected greenhouse ornamental plants • Determine the mechanisms of tolerance to alkalinity

  7. Experiment 1: Tolerance to Alkalinity on Selected Greenhouse Crops

  8. Materials and Methods • Species: Chrysanthemum ‘Miramar’ Rosa ‘Pink Cupido’ C. roseus ‘Apricot Delight’ H. rosa-sinensis ‘Mango Breeze’ H. rosa-sinensis ‘Bimini Breeze’

  9. Rose Chrysanthemum 0 mM 2.5 mM 5 mM 2.5 mM 0 mM 5 mM 7.5 mM 10 mM 10 mM 7.5 mM 5 mM 0 mM 2.5 mM Vinca 10 mM 7.5 mM

  10. 5 mM 5 mM 2.5 mM 2.5 mM 0 mM 0 mM 10 mM 7.5 mM 10 mM 7.5 mM Hibiscus ‘Mango Breeze’ Hibiscus ‘Bimini Breeze’

  11. Rose NS * * * 0 % Change NS * * Shoot dry mass * SPAD index NaHCO3(mM)

  12. 50 16 14 12 40 10 8 30 6 4 2 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Rose SPAD index Shoot dry mass (g) Y=45.3-6.01X+0.40X2 R2=0.86 Y=12.4-0.61XR2=0.94 NaHCO3 (mM)

  13. Chrysanthemum NS NS NS NS % Change NS * * Shoot dry mass SPAD index * NaHCO3 (mM)

  14. 70 20 60 16 50 12 8 40 4 30 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Chrysanthemum SPAD index Shoot dry mass (g) Y=62.8-0.76X-0.38X2 R2=0.99 Y=17.6+ 0.20XR2=0.87 NaHCO3 (mM)

  15. Vinca NS NS NS NS % Change 0 NS NS * * Shoot dry mass SPAD index NaHCO3 (mM)

  16. 12 50 10 40 8 6 30 4 2 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Vinca SPAD index Shoot dry mass (g) Y=45.3-6.01X+0.40X2 R2=0.86 Y=8.79-0.14XR2=0.32 NaHCO3 (mM)

  17. Hibiscus ‘Mango Breeze’ * NS % Change * * NS * * Shoot dry mass * SPAD index NaHCO3 (mM)

  18. Hibiscus ‘Bimini Breeze’ % Change NS NS NS NS NS NS * * Shoot dry mass SPAD index NaHCO3 (mM)

  19. 60 50 40 30 20 Bimini Breeze Mango Breeze 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Hibiscus 12 Y=55.0-1.30XR2=0.96 Y=8.92-0.05XR2=0.20 10 8 SPAD index Shoot dry mass (g) Y=52.2-2.50XR2=0.95 Y=8.16-0.40XR2=0.93 6 4 Bimini Breeze 2 Mango Breeze 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 NaHCO3 (mM)

  20. % Shoot Mass Decrease as a Function of NaHCO3 Concentration *NS growth reduction up to 10 mM NaHCO3tested

  21. % SPAD Index Decrease as a Function of NaHCO3 Concentration

  22. Experiment 2: Mechanisms of Tolerance to Alkalinity of Hibiscus

  23. Materials and Methods Cultivars ‘Bimini Breeze’ ‘Carolina Breeze’ Growing Medium pH Fe-Reductase Assay Rosenfield et al., 1991

  24. Growing Medium pHBottom Container Layer pH NaHCO3 (mM)

  25. 12 Bimini Breeze 10 Carolina Breeze 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Iron Reductase Activity c a b b ab (µM Fe3+.g-1.h-1.x10-3) a a b b b NaHCO3 (mM)

  26. Conclusions • Vinca>‘Bimini Breeze’>Mums>‘Mango Breeze’>Rose 6.0 mM 4.2 mM 3.2 mM 2.1 mM 0.8mM • ‘Bimini Breeze’ exhibits • a higher acidification of the growing medium • a higher Fe-reductase activity

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