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Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games

S2 Homework Task - May. Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games. S2 Homework Task - May. Checklist. Section A. Section B. Activity 1. Activity 1. ‘Glasgow 2014’ Report. ‘The Commonwealth’. Activity 2. ‘Commonwealth Games’. Activity 3. ‘Glasgow 2014’ Sports. Activity 4. Focus Sport.

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Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games

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Presentation Transcript

  1. S2 Homework Task - May Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games

  2. S2 Homework Task - May Checklist Section A Section B Activity 1 Activity 1 ‘Glasgow 2014’ Report ‘The Commonwealth’ Activity 2 ‘Commonwealth Games’ Activity 3 ‘Glasgow 2014’ Sports Activity 4 Focus Sport Activity 5 Conclusion

  3. Curriculum for Excellence ‘Experiences and Outcomes’ • Learning Intentions: • I can make notes and organise them. I can use my notes to recall and remember things. I can use my notes to explore issues and create new texts, using my own words as appropriate. • I can convey information, describe events, explain processes or concepts, and combine ideas in different ways. • I can use strategies and resources to spell my words accurately, including specialist vocabulary. • I can use punctuation to make the meaning of my sentences clear. • I can accurately structure and arrange my sentences to make their meaning clear. • I can use paragraphs, and show a straightforward relationship between them. LIT 3-15a LIT 3-28a LIT 3-21a LIT 3-22a

  4. Section A – Information Gathering

  5. There are 5 activities to complete in Section A. 1. The Commonwealth. 2. The Commonwealth Games. 3. The Sports. 4. Focus Sport. 5. Conclusion.

  6. This month we are looking at: The Commonwealth Games, which are coming to Glasgow this summer. Section A - Activity 1 In a short paragraph write down what exactly is ‘The Commonwealth’ – what is it, when and why it was formed.

  7. Section A - Activity 2 • Note down information about The Commonwealth Games’: • When did they begin? • Why were they organised and by whom? • How often do they take place? • In addition to Glasgow, what other countries have been host nations. • -

  8. Section A - Activity 3 • Note down information about The Commonwealth Games’: • How many sports will be featured? • List the sports which are the most popular with the public. • List a minimum of 3 (and a maximum of 5) sports about which you are • interested. • -

  9. Section A - Activity 4 • From the list you made in during Activity 3, identify one sport and produce at least • three paragraphs that include the following: • Description (number of players, equipment, team/individual, etc. ) • Medals available • World/Commonwealth Records (holder, country, year)

  10. Section A - Activity 5 • You will need to produce an ending (conclusion) for the report that you will • produce in Section B. Think about adding one or more of the • Following: • The hopes for Scotland’s athletes competing this year. • The benefits to Glasgow and Scotland during the event. • The legacy that ‘Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games’ will leave.

  11. End of Section A

  12. Section B – Submit your ‘Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games’ Report

  13. You are to produce a report: ‘Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games’ 1. It may contain images. 2. It must include the information gained from undertaking the activities in Section A . 3. It may include additional information.

  14. Section B - Activity 1 1. All about ‘The Commonwealth’ 2. ‘The CommonwealthGames’ 3. The Sports 4. Focus sport 5. Conclusion

  15. End of Section B

  16. S2 Homework Task – May Checklist Section A Section B Activity 1 Activity 1 ‘Glasgow 2014’ Report ‘The Commonwealth’ Activity 2 ‘Commonwealth Games’ Activity 3 ‘Glasgow 2014’ Sports Activity 4 Focus Sport Activity 5 Conclusion

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