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In this task for the subject of Mathematics in 3rd grade ESO, students will work in pairs to design a logo for the school activity "Sponsored Walk" using Geogebra. The logo should incorporate translations, rotations, and reflections, and should represent solidarity, physical effort, teamwork, the importance of water, and environmental consciousness. The final logo design will be used for various promotional materials.
Designing a logo fortheevent ‘SponsoredWalk’ MATHS ESO3 Matemáticas 3º ESO Ámbito Científico – Técnico PDC
Unit 3: Transformations of a plane Task: Designing a Logo withGeogebra • Work in pairstodesignthe logo fortheschoolactivity ‘SponsoredWalk’. Do itusingGeogebra. • Makesureyou use thethreetransformationswe’vebeenworkingon in class. Translations, rotations and reflectionsmust be involved in yourdesign. Geogebra has specifictoolsforthese. • Youmustknowwhatkind of transformationyou are applyingevery time and howto describe itbyusingvectors, lines of symmetry, centre and angle of rotation. • Takeintoaccountthatthe logo will be reducedorenlargedtoprintitonforms, letters, envelopes, T-shirts, stamps, cards, posters, etc. • The logo should be a tooltobuildanidentityfortheorganization of the ‘SponsoredWalk’, whichis a schoolactivitytocollectmoneyfor a projectrelatedtowatersupply. Select symbols thatbest describe solidarity, physicaleffort, teamwork, importance of water and environmentalconsciousness.
Deadline: Tuesday, 2ndDecember 2014. • Final products: • ggb file withyour final logo. • Word file orequivalentfortheprojectreport, whereyoumustinclude: • Tasktitle, subject and group. • Authors’ Names. • Introduction: Write a couple of short paragraphstoexplainwhatthetaskconsists of. • Original Idea: Shortlyexplainthe idea youstartedwithtodesignyour logo. Youmayadd a sketch. • DesignwithGeogebra: Explain in a fewstepshowyour logo wasbuiltusingGeogebra. Use appropiatevocabularyforgeometricshapes and transformations. You can addpictures, forexample, takingsomescreenshots. • Insteadof a writtendocument, you can make a video forthereport.
OUR CHOICE 1.- The CLIL teamchose 5 logos out of 35. 2.- The Eco-leader of every ESO classvotedfor 3 of the 5 logos thatreachedthe final, giving 3 pointstotheone he/shelikedbest, 2 pointstothefollowing and 1 pointtothelast. 3.- The logo chosenbystudentswasslightlymodified in orderto show a clearimage of Africa.