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Mississippi 4-H Forestry

Explore various forest insects like Variable Oak Leaf Caterpillar, Eastern Tent Caterpillar, Tussock Moths, Gypsy Moth, and more for educational purposes. Detailed images included.

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Mississippi 4-H Forestry

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mississippi 4-H Forestry Insects and Disease Identification PPB4-0001.00 Study Slide Set: Insects

  2. Compiled By Dr. Bob Daniels Extension Professor Department of Forestry

  3. Presentation Prepared by Kathy Nash MSU-ES Support Services AV Reference Room Manager/Information & Graphics Technician

  4. Forest Insects

  5. Variable Oak Leaf Caterpillar (VOLC)

  6. Variable Oak Leaf Caterpillar on Leaf

  7. Close Up of Variable Oak Leaf Caterpillar (VOLC)

  8. Eastern Tent Caterpillar (ETC)

  9. Multiple Pictures: ---------- ETC Nest Egg Mass and Caterpillar

  10. (FW) Fall Webworm

  11. FW Caterpillar and Nest

  12. FW Adult and Caterpillar

  13. FW Nest and Caterpillars

  14. Tussock Moths

  15. Hickory Tussock Moth Adult (HTM)

  16. Hickory Tussock Moth Caterpillar

  17. HTM Caterpillar

  18. Sycamore Tussock Moth Caterpillar

  19. Western Tussock Moth Caterpillar

  20. Western Tussock Moth Adult

  21. Spiney Elm Caterpillar (Mourning Cloak Butterfly)

  22. Spiney Elm Caterpillars (SEC)

  23. SEC Adult (Mourning Cloak Butterfly)

  24. Gypsy Moth (GM)

  25. GM Caterpillar

  26. GM Caterpillar

  27. GM Adults (Male is dark moth)

  28. GM Adults

  29. GM Adult Females Laying Eggs

  30. GM Larvae On Partly Devoured Oak Leaves

  31. Trees On Hilltop Defoliated By GM

  32. Life Cycle & Picture of Southern Pine Bark Beetle: IPS Species, Southern Pine Beetle & Black Turpentine Beetle

  33. Black Turpentine Beetle (BTB)

  34. BTB Pitch Tube (entry into host tree)

  35. BTB Adult

  36. Tree with BTB Pitch Tube

  37. Southern Pine Beetle (SPB)

  38. SPB Adult and Eggs and Larval Galleries

  39. SPB Pitch Tubes On Bark


  41. IPS Adult

  42. IPS Larval Galleries

  43. Texas Leaf Cutting Ant

  44. Texas Leaf Cutting Ant

  45. Periodic Cicada

  46. Periodic Cicada

  47. Periodic Cicada Injury To Maple

  48. Periodic Cicadas (note arrow where eggs have been laid)

  49. White Oak Borer (WOB)

  50. WOB Adult

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