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Understanding Similar Polygons in Geometry

Explore how similar polygons have the same shape but different sizes. Learn about properties like corresponding angles and sides to determine similarity. Practice with examples and ratios to enhance your understanding.

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Understanding Similar Polygons in Geometry

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  1. Lesson 8-2: Similar Polygons shape size • Similar: “Same _______ – different ______” • Think of it is ______________________ expansion/contraction A X 10 6 15 C 9 B 8 Z Y 12 angles Look for properties about _____________ and __________________ sides

  2. Two properties: • Corresponding angles in similar figures are ____________ • Corresponding sides are_____________ congruent proportional matching Corresponding means _____________ Similarity We can write a ___________ Statement: ABC XYZ ∆ _________ ~ ∆ __________ NEW SYMBOL!!! ~ MEANS _________________ “similar to

  3. Solution: a) 780; corresponding angles are congruent b) AC; corresponds to BC – sides are proportional Solution: Check sides are proportional: Check corresponding angles are congruent: 1st figure: 120, 60, 120, 60; 2nd: 100, 80, 100, 80 NOT SIMILAR

  4. Solution: Set up a proportion: Cross-multiply & divide: x = 16 _______________ Ratio: the ratio of a corresponding ________ in similar figures Similarity sides Example 3 Similarity Ratio = ______ = _______

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