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God’s Harvest Day

Explore the parable of the wheat and tares in Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43 and learn about the presence of evil, the work of the devil, and the coming judgment. Discover the importance of discernment and where you will end up in the end.

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God’s Harvest Day

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Presentation Transcript

  1. God’s Harvest Day Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43

  2. Facts About The Parable • The plant we refer to as “tares” is more properly known as bearded darnel. • It is a noxious weed that can cause upset stomach and dizziness if ingested. • If there were only small amounts of darnel, it was pulled up; if too much it was left until harvest. • This story is based in reality…it was considered a serious crime to plant darnel in a neighbor’s wheat.

  3. Wheat Vs. Tares: Can You Tell The Difference?

  4. Wheat Vs. Tares: Can You Tell The Difference?

  5. Could You Uproot One Without The Other?

  6. Details Of The Parable • The Sower- Jesus, the Son of Man • The Field- The World • The Good Seed- The Sons of the Kingdom • The Tares- The Sons of the Evil One • The Enemy- The Devil • The Harvest- The end of the age • The Reapers- Angels

  7. A Note About “The Kingdom” • When you see the Word “Kingdom” you should immediately think “rule or reign.” • ALWAYS let the context tell you what the word “Kingdom” means in a passage. • Three different meanings in this parable: • The Church (13:38) • The World (13:41) • The Heavenly Realm (13:43)

  8. What Does This Parable Teach? • Evil has a real presence and effect in this world. • 1 Cor. 15:33; Heb. 12:1 • The Devil exists and works secretly to counteract the work of God. • 1 Pet. 5:8 • The righteous need to live in this world, even though we are surrounded by evil. • 1 Cor. 5:9-13

  9. What Does This Parable Teach? • False doctrines and brethren may seem to have many similarities to true ones. • 2 Cor. 11:12-15 • God allows the wicked to prosper and grow alongside the righteous in the world. • Psalm 73 • We are not the ones responsible for condemning people, God is. • James 4:12

  10. What Does This Parable Teach? • There WILL be a judgment, it is certain. • Heb. 9:27 • The fruit borne in a person’s life determines where they will go in that judgment. • Rev. 20:11-12

  11. There will be a day of separation when the wicked will be destroyed and the righteous will be glorified… Where Will YOU End Up?

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