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Searching Algorithms in Data Structures: Overview and Implementation

Learn about search algorithms, including serial and binary search, in data structures. Understand their analysis, implementation, and relevance in computer technologies. Explore boundary cases and binary search limitations.

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Searching Algorithms in Data Structures: Overview and Implementation

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  1. 15-121 Introduction to Data Structures Lecture 9: Searching Lecture 9: Searching

  2. Outline • The simplest method: serial search • Binary search • Open-address hashing • Chained hashing Lecture 9: Searching

  3. Search Algorithms Whenever large amounts of data need to be accessed quickly, search algorithms are crucially involved. Lecture 9: Searching

  4. Search Algorithms Lie at the heart of many computer technologies. To name a few: • Databases • Information retrieval applications • Web infrastructure (file systems, domain name servers, etc.) • String searching for patterns Lecture 9: Searching

  5. Search Algorithms: Two Broad Categories • Searching a static database • Accessing indexed Web pages • Finding a file on disk • Evaluating a dynamically changing set of hypotheses • Computer chess (search for a move) • Speech recognition (search for text given speech) We’ll be concerned with the first Lecture 9: Searching

  6. The Simplest Search: Serial Lookup • Items are stored in an array or list. • To search for an item x: • Start at the beginning of the list • Compare the current item to x • If unequal, proceed to next item Lecture 9: Searching

  7. Pseudocode for Serial Search // Find x in an array a of length n int i=0; boolean found = false; while ((i < n) && !found) { if (a[i] == x) found = true; else i++; } if (found) ... Lecture 9: Searching

  8. Analysis for Serial Search • Best case: Requires one array access: Θ(1) • Worst case: Requires n array accesses: Θ(n) • Average case: To access an item, assuming position is random (uniform):(1+2+3+...+n)/n = n(n+1)/2n = (n+1)/2 = Θ(n) Lecture 9: Searching

  9. A Useful Combinatorial Identity 1+2+3+…+n = n(n+1)/2 Why? Algebraic Proof in Main Visual Counting Lecture 9: Searching

  10. Visual Counting n*n Lecture 9: Searching

  11. Visual Counting n Lecture 9: Searching

  12. Visual Counting n*n - n Lecture 9: Searching

  13. Visual Counting (n*n - n)/2 + n = n(n+1)/2 Lecture 9: Searching

  14. Binary Search • Can be used whenever the data are totally ordered -- e.g., the integers. All elements are comparable. • Requires sorting in advance, and storing in an array • One of the simplest to implement, often “fast enough” • Can be tricky to handle “boundary cases” • This a classic divide-and-conquer algorithm. Lecture 9: Searching

  15. Idea of Binary Search • Closely related to the natural algorithm we use to look up a word in a dictionary • Open to the middle • If target comes before all words on the page, search in left half of book • Otherwise, search in right half. Lecture 9: Searching

  16. Interface for Binary Search int search(int [] a, int first, int size, int target) • Parameters: • int [] a: array to be searched over • Search over a[first,first+1,...,first+size-1] • Precondition: • array is sorted in increasing order • first >= 0 Lecture 9: Searching

  17. Implementation int search (int [] a, int start, int size, int target) { if (size <= 0) return -1; else { int middle = start + size/2; if (a[middle] == target) return middle; else if (target < a[middle]) return search(a, start, size/2, target); else return search(a, middle+1, size/2, target); } } Lecture 9: Searching

  18. Implementation Where’s the error?? Suppose size is odd. Are new sizes correct? Suppose size is even. Are new sizes correct? Lecture 9: Searching

  19. Implementation int search (int [] a, int first, int size, int target) { if (size <= 0) return -1; else { int middle = first + size/2; if (a[middle] == target) return middle; else if (target < a[middle]) return search(a, first, size/2, target); else return search(a, middle+1, (size-1)/2, target); } } Lecture 9: Searching

  20. Boundary Cases • Binary search is sometimes tricky to get right. • A common source of bugs. • Test cases are not always helpful for checking correctness of code. • How many test cases would our first implementation solve? Lecture 9: Searching

  21. Binary Search with Other Data Structures • Can binary search be implemented using linked lists rather than arrays? • Are there any other data structures that could be used? Lecture 9: Searching

  22. Analysis of Binary Search • Recursively dividing up array in half represents data as a full binary tree. • Consider the simplest case -- array of size n = 2k -1, complete binary tree. • Take away one and divide by 2. • New Size = 2k-1 - 1. • We can only do that k times and k = Lg(n+1). • Thus, worst case involves Θ(log n) operations. Lecture 9: Searching

  23. Average Case • A complete binary tree with k leaves has k-1 internal nodes. • So, about half of the n data elements require Θ(log n) operations to find. • Thus, assuming uniform distribution on target elements, average cost is also Θ(log n). Lecture 9: Searching

  24. Binary Search is Limited When we have a large number of items that will be accessed in part of the program, where efficiency is crucial, binary search may be too slow. Lecture 9: Searching

  25. Try to guess more precisely where the key is located in the interval. Generalize middle = first + size/2 (key – a[first]) middle = ------------------------------ * size (a[first+size-1] – a[first]) Improving Binary Search Lecture 9: Searching

  26. Interpolation Search • This modifies method is called interpolation search. • Uses fewer than log(log(N)) comparisons in the average caes. • But uses Θ(N) in the worst case. • For analysis, see Perl, Ital, Avni “Interpolation Search – A Log Log N search” CACM 21 (1978) Pages 550 – 553 • Is log (log (N)) better that log (N)? Lecture 9: Searching

  27. Comparing Log N to Log(Log N) • Suppose N = 2^100 Log N = 100 Log (Log N) = Log (100) = 6.65 • Suppose N = 2^(2^100) Log N = 2^100 Log (Log N) = Log 2^100 = 100 Lecture 9: Searching

  28. Comparing Log(N) to Log(Log N) • Or, by taking limits… • Lim Log(Log(n)) / Log(n) n->∞ is of the form inf. / inf. • Apply L’Hopital and take derivatives. • Lim 1/(Log N) * 1/n n->∞ -------------------- = 0 1/n Lecture 9: Searching

  29. Hashing • Fortunately, we can often do better • Hashing is a technique that where the access time can be O(1) rather than O(log n) Lecture 9: Searching

  30. Open Address Hashing The basic technique: • Items are stored in an array of size N • The preferred position in the array is computed using a hash function of the item’s key • When adding an item, if the preferred position is occupied, the next open position in the array is used instead. Lecture 9: Searching

  31. Open Address Hashing Main’s presentation for Chapter 11 Lecture 9: Searching

  32. A Basic Hash Table • We keep arrays for the keys and data, and a bit indicating whether a given position has been occupied private class Table { private int numItems; private Object[] keys; private Object[] data; private boolean[] hasBeenUsed; .... } Lecture 9: Searching

  33. The Hash Function • We can use the built in hashCode() method that Java provides private int hash (Object key) { return Math.abs(key.hashCode()) % data.length; } Lecture 9: Searching

  34. Calculating the Index // If found return value is index of key private int findIndex(Object key) { int count=0; int i=hash(key); while ((count < data.length) && (hasBeenUsed[i])) { if (key.equals(keys[i])) return i; i = nextIndex(i); count++; } return -1; } Lecture 9: Searching

  35. Inserting an Item public Object put (Object key, Object element) { int index = findIndex(key); if (index != -1) { Object answer = data[index]; data[index] = element; return answer; } else if (numItems < data.length) { .... Lecture 9: Searching

  36. Inserting an Item public Object put (Object key, Object element) { ... else if (numItems < data.length) { index = hash(key); while (keys[index] != null) index = nextIndex(index); keys[index] = key; data[index] = element; hasBeenUsed[index] = true; numItems++; return null; } else throw new IllegalStateException(“Table full”) .... Lecture 9: Searching

  37. Two Hashes are Better than One • Collisions can result in long stretches of positions with keys not in their “preferred” position • This is called clustering • To address this problem, when a collision results we jump a “random” number of positions, using a second hash function Lecture 9: Searching

  38. Double Hashing • Find the first position using hash1(key) • If there’s a collision, step through the array in steps of size hash2(key): i = (i + hash2(key)) % data.length • To avoid cycles, hash2(key) and the length of the array must be relatively prime (no common factors) Lecture 9: Searching

  39. Double Hashing • Knuth’s technique to avoid cycles: • Choose the length of the array so that both data.length and data.length-2 are prime hash1(key) = Math.abs(key.hashCode()) % length hash2(key) = 1 + (Math.abs(key.hashCode()) % (length-1) Lecture 9: Searching

  40. Issues with O-A Hashing • Each array cell holds only one element • Collisions and clustering can degrade performance • Once the array is full, no more elements can be added, unless we: • create a new array with the right size and hash functions • re-hash the original elements Lecture 9: Searching

  41. Chained Hashing • Each array cell can hold more than one element of the hash table • Hash the key of each element to obtain the array index • When a collision happens, the element is still placed at the original hash index • How is this handled? Lecture 9: Searching

  42. Answer • Each array location must be implemented with a data structure that can hold a group of elements with the same hash index • Most common approach • each array location stores the head of a linked list • items in the list all have the same has index Lecture 9: Searching

  43. element element element element key key key key link link link link Chained Hashing table … [0] [1] [2] [3] Any number of elements can beadded to the table without a need to rehash Lecture 9: Searching

  44. Java HashMap Lecture 9: Searching

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