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Discovering Electronic Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry

Explore the world of electronic transitions in molecules and complexes, absorption maxima characteristics, ligand-field splitting energy, and selection rules for transitions. Delve into the domain of magnetism, from Faraday's experiments to understanding Curie Temperature and various magnetic orders in solids. Unveil the origin of magnetism through electron properties and quantum mechanics principles. Dive into the realm of transition elements and their fascinating properties.

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Discovering Electronic Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry

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  1. Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry or How do we know what we made and does it have interesting properties?

  2. - n / cm-1 (frequency) What is electronic spectroscopy? Absorption of radiation leading to electronic transitions within a molecule or complex Absorption Absorption [Ru(bpy)3]2+ [Ni(H2O)6]2+ 104 10 ~14 000 25 000 50 000 200 400 700 visible UV UV visible l / nm (wavelength) UV = higher energy transitions - between ligand orbitals visible = lower energy transitions - between d-orbitals of transition metals - between metal and ligand orbitals

  3. Absorption maxima in a visible spectrum have three important characteristics number (how many there are) This depends on the electron configuration of the metal centre 2. position (what wavelength/energy) This depends on the ligand field splitting parameter, Doct or Dtet and on the degree of inter-electron repulsion intensity This depends on the "allowedness" of the transitions which is described by two selection rules

  4. 3+ Ti Absorption of light [Ti(OH2)6]3+ = d1 ion, octahedral complex white light 400-800 nm blue: 400-490 nm yellow-green: 490-580 nm red: 580-700 nm A This complex is has a light purple colour in solution because it absorbs green light l / nm lmax = 510 nm

  5. The energy of the absorption by [Ti(OH2)6]3+ is the ligand-field splitting, Do ES ES eg eg hn Do GS GS t2g t2g d-d transition complex in electronic excited state (ES) complex in electronic Ground State (GS) [Ti(OH2)6]3+lmax = 510 nm Do is  243 kJ mol-1 20 300 cm-1 An electron changes orbital; the ion changes energy state

  6. d2 ion Electron-electron repulsion eg eg x2-y2 x2-y2 z2 z2 t2g t2g xy xz yz xy xz yz xy + z2 xz + z2 z z y y x x lobes overlap, large electron repulsion lobes far apart, small electron repulsion These two electron configurations do not have thesameenergy

  7. Selection Rules Transition e complexes Spin forbidden 10-3 – 1 Many d5 Oh complexes Laporte forbidden [Mn(OH2)6]2+ Spin allowed Laporte forbidden 1 – 10 Many Oh complexes [Ni(OH2)6]2+ 10 – 100 Some square planar complexes [PdCl4]2- 100 – 1000 6-coordinate complexes of low symmetry, many square planar complexes particularly with organic ligands Spin allowed 102 – 103 Some MLCT bands in cxs with unsaturated ligands Laporte allowed 102 – 104 Acentric complexes with ligands such as acac, or with P donor atoms 103 – 106 Many CT bands, transitions in organic species

  8. 10 e 5 30 000 20 000 10 000 D/B = 32 - n / cm-1 n3 = 2.1n1 = 2.1 x 17 800 n3 = 37 000 cm-1 = 32 Tanabe-Sugano diagram for d2 ions [V(H2O)6]3+: Three spin allowed transitions E/B n1 = 17 800 cm-1 visible n2 = 25 700 cm-1 visible n3 = obscured by CT transition in UV 25 700 = 1.44 17 800 D/B

  9. Magnetism

  10. N S macroscopic world « traditional, classical » magnets

  11. N S macroscopic world A pioneering experiment by M. Faraday « Farady lines of forces » about magnetic flux

  12. N N N N attraction S S S S macroscopic world « traditional » magnets

  13. N N S S N N repulsion S S macroscopic world « traditional » magnets

  14. N S macroscopic world looking closer to the magnetic domains many sets of domains many sets of     atomic magnetic moments

  15. kT ≈ J T C Solid, Magnetically Ordered thermal agitation (kT) weaker than the interaction (J) between molecules … Paramagnetic solid : thermal agitation (kT) larger than the interaction (J) between molecules The magnetic moments order at Curie temperature A set of molecules / atoms : Magnetic Order Temperature or Curie Temperature kT << J kT >> J

  16. Ferromagnetism : Magnetic moments are identical and parallel = + Ferrimagnetism (Néel) : Magnetic moments are different and anti parallel Antiferromagnetism : Magnetic moments are identical and anti parallel = + = 0 + Magnetic Order : ferro-, antiferro- and ferri-magnetism

  17. Origin of Magnetism … the electron I am an electron • rest mass me, • charge e-, • magnetic moment µB everything, tiny, elementary

  18. µorbital = gl x µB x Origin of Magnetism « Orbital » magnetic moment « Intrinsic » magnetic moment µorbital due to the spin s = ± 1/2 µspin e- µspin = gs x µB x s ≈ µB µtotal = µorbital + µspin

  19. Dirac Equation The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 1930 Nobel Prize 1933 1905 1928 http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/PictDisplay/Dirac.html

  20. Electron : particle and wave Wave function or « orbital »n, l, ml … l = 0 1 2 3 s p d angular representation

  21. Energy Electron : also an energy level Orbitals Empty Singly occupied Doubly occupied

  22. Electron : also a spin ! Up Singly occupied Doubly occupied Down « Paramagnetic » S = ± 1/2 « Diamagnetic » S = 0

  23. Molecules are most often regarded as isolated, non magnetic Dihydrogen diamagnetic Spin S = 0

  24. the dioxygen that we continuously breath is a magnetic molecule orthogonal π molecular orbitals paramagnetic, spin S =1 Two of its electrons have parallel magnetic moments that shapes aerobic life and allows our existence as human beings

  25. Transition Elements

  26. Mononuclear complex ML6 Splitting of the energy levels E

  27. How large is the splitting ? Weak Field Intermediate Field Temperature Dependent Spin Cross-Over Strong Field High spin Low spin L = H2O [C2O4]2- L = CN-

  28. Spin Cross-Over Room Temperature 3 Red 0 The system « remembers » its thermal past ! O. Kahn, C. Jay and ICMC Bordeaux

  29. or parallel ? antiparallel ? S=O S=1 to get magnetic compounds … Understanding … why the spins of two neighbouring electrons (S = 1/2) become :

  30. Interaction Models between Localized Electrons

  31. Energy levels

  32. O2 H2 Aufbau Hund J = 2 k + 4ßS <0 >0 if S = 0 Orthogonality if S≠0;|ßS|>>k Overlap

  33. Exchange interactions can be very weak … Energy Exchange interactions order of magnitude : cm-1 or Kelvins … « Chemical » bonds Robust ! order of magnitude : >> 150 kJ mol-1 …

  34. Cu(II) Cu(II) ≈ 5 Å Negligible Interaction ! Problem : How to create the interaction … ?

  35. Ligand Cu(II) Cu(II) ≈ 5 Å Solution : The ligand ! Orbital Interaction …

  36. A B Ligand Examples with the ligand • Cyanide

  37. CN- Cyanide Ligand Friendly ligand : small, dissymetric, forms stable complexes Warning : dangerous, in acid medium gives HCN, lethal

  38. Dinuclear µ-cyano homometallic complexes

  39. “Models” Compounds Cu(II)-CN-Cu(II) J/cm-1 Compounds exp [Cu2(tren)2CN]3+ [Cu2(tmpa)2CN]3+ -160 -100 Overlap : antiferromatic coupling … Rodríguez-Fortea et al. Inorg. Chem. 2001, 40, 5868

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