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From orality to writing to Wittgenstein

Created by Brett Oppegaard for Washington State University's DTC 375 class, spring 2009. From orality to writing to Wittgenstein. Important human developments. 4.6 billion years ago – Earth formed 160,000 years ago – Oldest human fossils found (speech among humans began)

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From orality to writing to Wittgenstein

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  1. Created by Brett Oppegaard for Washington State University's DTC 375 class, spring 2009 From orality to writing to Wittgenstein

  2. Important human developments • 4.6 billion years ago – Earth formed • 160,000 years ago – Oldest human fossils found (speech among humans began) • 30,000 years ago – First cave paintings • 5,000 to 7,000 years ago – First writing systems appeared, starting as pictographs in Sumeria • 5,000 years ago – Phoenicians develop an alphabet; Egyptians create heiroglyphs Courtesy of About.com

  3. Important human developments • 776 B.C. – Homing pigeons used to tell Athens who won the Olympics • 530 B.C. – First library opens • 500 B.C. – Papyrus rolls and early parchments were developed into the first portable and light writing surfaces • 105 B.C. – Tsai Lun of China invents paper Courtesy of About.com

  4. Important human developments • 1455 A.D. – Gutenberg invents his printing press • 1714 – Henry Mill patents a typewriter • 1814 – Joseph Niépce creates first photo • 1877 – Thomas Edison patents the phonograph • 1910 – Edison, again, invents the first talking picture • 1914 – First cross continental telephone call made Courtesy of About.com

  5. Kenneth Burke's definition of man • Man is the symbol-using (symbol-making, symbol-misusing) animal • Inventor of the negative • Separated from his natural condition by instruments of his own making • Goaded by the spirit of hierarchy • And rotten with perfection.

  6. Wittgenstein's “Philosophical Investigations” • 'Language games' • And extra credit opportunity!

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