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Sustainable Electricity: Advancing Superconductivity for a Clean Future

Learn about the Center for Emergent Superconductivity, materials, and mechanisms for clean energy production. Explore the benefits, challenges, and potential of superconductivity in electricity transmission. Join the journey towards a sustainable energy future.

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Sustainable Electricity: Advancing Superconductivity for a Clean Future

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  1. The Center for EmergentSuperconductivity George Crabtree Materials Science Division Argonne National Laboratory • Outline • the BES Workshops and Energy Frontier Research Centers • electricity as a sustainable energy carrier • the Center for Emergent Superconductivity • materials • mechanisms • vortex matter and critical current OE Peer Review August 5-6, 2008

  2. The Energy and Science Grand Challenges • BESAC and BES Reports • Secure Energy Future, 2002 • Hydrogen Economy, 2003 • Solar Energy Utilization, 2005 • Superconductivity,2006 • Solid-state Lighting, 2006 • Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems, 2006 • Clean and Efficient Combustion of Fuels, 2006 • Electrical Energy Storage, 2007 • Catalysis for Energy, 2007 • Geosciences: Facilitating 21st Century • Energy Systems, 2007 • Materials Under Extreme Environments, 2007 • Directing Matter and Energy: Five Grand • Challenges for Science and the Imagination, 2007 • New Science for a Secure and Sustainable Energy Future, 2008 http://www.sc.doe.gov/bes/reports/list.html

  3. BES Workshop on Superconductivity, May 8-11, 2006 Workshop Co-chair: John Sarrao, LANL Co-chair: Wai-Kwong Kwok, ANL Panel Chairs Materials: I. Bozovic (BNL) Phenomena: J.C. Davis (Cornell) L. Civale (LANL) Theory: I. Mazin (NRL) Applications: D. Christen (ORNL) Plenary Speakers Paul Chu, Alex Malozemoff, George Crabtree, Mike Norman, Z.X. Shen Workshop Charge “identify basic research needs and opportunities in superconductivity with a focus on new, emerging and scientifically challenging areas that have the potential to have significant impact in science and energy relevant technologies” Pat Dehmer, DOE-Basic Energy Sciences Jim Daley, DOE-Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Participants ~ 100 researchers, representing 7 countries, 9 national labs, 28 universities, spanning basic and applied research

  4. EFRC Key Characteristics • To engage the talents of the nation’s researchers for the broad energy sciences • To accelerate the scientific breakthroughs needed to create advanced energy technologies for the 21st century • To pursue the fundamental understanding necessary to meet the global need for abundant, clean, and economical energy Be Bold, Imaginative, and Impactful! EFRC Director’s Meeting July 8 2009

  5. Energy Frontier Research Centers http://www.sc.doe.gov/bes/EFRC.html EFRC Director’s Meeting July 8 2009

  6. clean, efficient does no harm leaves no change e- load e- Electricity as a Sustainable Energy Carrier digital electronics hydro wind sun solar communication coal gas power grid transportation mechanical motion heat electricity industry nuclear fission lighting heating refrigeration fuel cells 35% of primary energy 34% of CO2 emissions 34% efficient

  7. + + + + + + + + An Exciting Promise: Electrify Transportation sustainable electricity production electric motor replaces gasoline engine e- battery sustainable hydrogen production tesla motors fuel cell O2 hydrogen storage H2 H2O breakthroughs needed x2-5 higher energy density in batteries catalysts, membranes and electrodes in fuel cells production and transmission of electricity for transportation

  8. The Grid: A Triumph of 20th Century Engineering Wind Clean, versatile power at the flip of a switch

  9. Sustained Interruptions 33% $52.3 B $26.3 B Momentary Interruptions 67% The 21st Century: A Different Set of Challenges renewable generation reliability power quality capacity electric power concentrated in cities and suburbs 33% of power used in top 22 metro areas urban power bottleneck average power loss/customer (min/yr) • US 214 • France 53 • Japan 6 2030 50% demand growth (US) 100% demand growth (world) long distance electricity transmission storing electrical energy $79 B economic loss (US) LaCommare & Eto, Energy 31, 1845 (2006)

  10. Superconductivity: Moving Electricity Sustainably High temperature superconductivity carries electricity without loss • capacityhigh current / low voltage • 5 times power in same cross section • reliability / quality smart, self-healing power control • efficiencyzero resistance (DC) • 100 times lower than copper (AC) • half the size / weight

  11. Breaking the Urban Power Bottleneck Complex materials architectures Cu shunt layer Ag cap layer YBa2Cu3O7 superconductor LaMnO3 buffer MgO template Al2O3 / Y2O3 Ni barrier Ni alloy substrate Superconducting Grid Demonstrations Copenhagen, Denmark 2001 Columbus, OH 2006 Albany, NY 2007 Long Island NY 2007

  12. Research Challenges Vortex de-pinning dynamics: onset mechanism and speed High drive vortex dynamics: what limits ultimate dissipation? Reset vortex dynamics: return to equilibrium in zero current Limiting Faults with Superconductivity • Fast limiting of fault currents • avoid damage to grid and equipment • avoid power interruptions • Superconductors: smart, self-healing control fast,, smart, self-healing switch Resistance 0 Ic Current

  13. Adding Renewable Electricity Generation Coal 52% of electricity 34% of CO2 emissions Hg, SOx, NOx

  14. Superconducting Wind Generation Conventional Gearbox 5 MW ~ 410 tons Conventional Gearless 6 MW ~ 500 tons HTS Gearless 8 MW ~ 480 tons Wind turbine output limited by weight supported on the tower Superconducting generators: half the size and weight  double the output for same land area Generator Gearbox Shaft Matthews, Physics Today 62(4), 25 (April 2009)

  15. Making the Grid Ready for Renewables Wind Demand Sun breakthroughs needed long distance reliable, efficient delivery of electricity

  16. Long Distance DC Superconducting Pipelines Wind Resources Potential DC Superconductor Pipeline Network lower voltage: 200 kV vs 765 kV multi-terminal topology reduced right of way: 25 ft vs 600 ft no AC losses: reduced cooling Marginal Fair Good Excellent Outstanding Superb a White Paper May 2009 Superconductor Electricity Pipeline AC/DC Converter Stations http://www.amsc.com/products/applications/utilities/superconductorpipeline.html

  17. Center for Emergent Superconductivity Brookhaven National Laboratory Argonne National Laboratory University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign American Superconductor Corporation Superpower, Inc J.C. Seamus Davis Director Peter Johnson, John Tranquada, George Crabtree, Mike Norman, Dale Van Harlingen, Laura Greene Program Committee Ivan Bozovic, Cedomar Petrovic, Alexei Tsvelik, J.C. Campuzano, Wai-Kwong Kwok, Alexei Koshelev, Peter Abbamonte, Tony Leggett, Jim Eckstein Principal Investigators Aug 1, 2009 materials vortex matter mechanisms

  18. Materials Routes to enhanced superconductivity Higher Tc, Higher Jc, Lower anisotropy Balance layer Cuprates MgB2 Pnictides Action layer Balance layer Action layer Targets Bulk crystalline High pressure, . . . Artificially layered MBE, PLD Pnictides Cuprates systematic oxygen underdoping • Search strategies • for new superconductors • Quaternary and higher compounds • Variable valence • Charge/Cooper pair density • Highly correlated normal states • Competing high temperature ordered phases Non Fermi liquid metal T Pseudogap Normal metal AFM SC oxygen content  charge/Cooper pair density   anisotropy

  19. Mechanism Real space inhomogeneous superconductivity k-space stripes unified framework for real and momentum space phenomena k-space Fermi Arcs Neutron spectroscopy STM Angle Resolved Photoemission • Theoretical tools and issues • phenomenological pairing descriptions • phase fluctuations • pre-formed pairs • collective electronic modes • exact 1D chains + interactions among chains • effective low energy Hamiltonian from exact high energy correlated states • origin of superconducting condensation energy • nanoscopically inhomogeneous superconductivity – charge and gap Non Fermi liquid metal T Pseudo gap Normal metal AFM SC oxygen content  charge/Cooper pair density   anisotropy

  20. Vortex Matter and Critical Current 20 BSCCO YBCO Multi-dimensional interacting vortices ~ 2 gap superconductors & multiferroics 2 stage melting independent dynamic control line liquid pancake liquid 15 normal metal disordered solid Hucp Magnetic Field (T) 10 vortex lattice 5 Hlcp Bose glass Hz Pancake vortices 90 50 60 70 80 Temperature (K) Josephson vortices Hx Understand high drive dynamics Understand quenching dynamics onset / reset dynamics two phase dissipation damping by vortex liquid Thermo-optical imaging arrest fledgling quenches ~ healing crack propagation fast,, smart, self-healing switch Resistance 0 Current Ic

  21. The Superconducting Landscape DOE - OE BES-EFRC Brookhaven Argonne / UIUC AFOSR MURI Stanford / Maryland San Diego DOE – BES Core Programs NSF University PIs Europe Japan The world just got bigger Let’s connect the dots

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