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INLS 151 retrieving & analyzing information

Learn the processes of seeking, evaluating, and synthesizing information into a useful form. Explore core concepts in information science and technology, with a focus on digital systems.

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INLS 151 retrieving & analyzing information

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  1. INLS 151 retrieving & analyzing information rachaelclemens spring 2015

  2. today’s class what will you learn in this course? where does it fit in your college education? what are your responsibilities? syllabus roster / attendance / waitlist discussion groups quiz

  3. housekeeping items • restrooms • women’s room right next to classroom • men’s room at other end of hallway • water fountain – hallway • elevator (basement, SILS Library, 2nd & 3rd floor) • SILS Library/Lab – 1st floor • BSIS Maj/Min – admission date / requirement • online version of INLS 200

  4. course description introduction to and application of the processes that can be used in seeking information, evaluating the quality of the information retrieved, and synthesizing the information into a useful form.

  5. course description introduction to and application of the processes that can be used in seeking information, evaluating the quality of the information retrieved, and synthesizing the information into a useful form.

  6. course description introduction to and application of the processes that can be used in seeking information, evaluating the quality of the information retrieved, and synthesizing the information into a useful form.

  7. course description introduction to and application of the processes that can be used in seeking information, evaluating the quality of the information retrieved, and synthesizing the information into a useful form.

  8. core concepts information science information technology people

  9. information

  10. technology *focusing primarily on digital systems

  11. people

  12. today’s class what will you learn in this course? [hand out syllabus]

  13. today’s class what will you learn in this course? where does it fit in your college education? • application to other classes/projects • strategies for searching for information, literature, data • criteria for evaluating information • scientific research process & methods • using information • lifelong learning

  14. information in support of your decision-making…

  15. class websites course website: ils.unc.edu/courses/2015_spring/inls151_003/ forum in Sakai: https://sakai.unc.edu INLS151.003.SP15

  16. today’s class what will you learn in this course? where does it fit in your college education? what are your responsibilities? syllabus roster / attendance / waitlist discussion groups quiz

  17. in groups of 4… • introduce yourself to your colleagues • what are your most frequent sources for information? List 5 places or people or sources that folks in your group consult/monitor most frequently for information. • what do you find most challenging about the whole process of information seeking? • how could a class on retrieving and analyzing information be most beneficial to you? what would you like to learn?

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