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Streamlined Serials Management System Overview

Explore the stages of cataloging, subscriptions, prediction, check-in, and more in the serials module. Access titles, manage orders, and track subscriptions efficiently. Interactive navigation trees aid in easy access and management of serial records.

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Streamlined Serials Management System Overview

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  1. Version 16 Serials

  2. Session Agenda • Stage 0: Introduction • Stage 1: Cataloging • Stage 2: Subscriptions • Stage 3: Prediction • Stage 4: Check-in • Stage 5: Routing • Stage 6: Claiming • Stage 7: Binding • Stage 8: SerialFinance Serials

  3. Stage 0:Introduction Serials

  4. Acquisitions and Serials/Serials Overview • There are six Navigation • Trees, the last two directly • relevant to serials control: • Order Navigation Tree • Invoice Navigation Tree • Admin Navigation Tree • Index Navigation Tree • Serial Navigation Tree • Search Navigation Tree • You may use the direct access options to access titles that are managed through this Module (i.e. for whom orders were created). Direct access to serial titles Direct access to orders and invoices Serials

  5. Acquisitions and Serials/Serials Overview • Once a serial title is opened in Acquisitions and Serials, all its related functions, from ordering to check-in, are available under various Navigation Trees. • Order Navigation Tree: budget/subscription management • Administration Navigation Tree: Budget/vendor/currency definitions • Invoice Navigation Tree: invoice management • Serials Navigation Tree: Subscription/prediction/check-in/routing Serials

  6. Acquisitions and Serials/Serials Overview • Use the OverviewModeto view • all the records related to the BIB • record (ADM, HOL, items, • subscriptions, orders and loans). • Click on any node to view • its full details in right pane: Serials

  7. The Operations Bar (Bottom) Lower-left: displays server communication. When the client communicates with the server, a red ‘stream’ displays: • Lower-right (right-click) Login, • password changing and privileges • Menu language setup • Connect to a different library • Printing options • Exit all ALEPH applications Open other Modules: Circulation, Cataloging, ILL and ALEPHadm Serials

  8. Select Library • To connect to an administrative library select:ALEPH/Connect to… • You may also connect by right-clicking on the Library icon on the Operations Bar: • Look at the Title (Windows) Bar to view the library (and server) you are currently connected to. Serials

  9. Importing Tables • When you connect to the required library, the system checks to make sure that the module is using the most recent version of the print files. • If these have been modified, they will be downloaded to your pc (Depending on setup). • You will see a ‘Transfer File’ window appear briefly upon initial connection: Serials

  10. Serials Functions • Subscription • Prediction Patterns (Holdings Control) • Check-in • Claiming • Routing • Global Changes/Bindery • Standing Orders • What’s done elsewhere…Where? • Serial title cataloging Catalog Module • HOL record cataloging Catalog Module • Serial ordering and encumbrance Acquisitions and Serials and • Serials Module • Vendor/budget/currency definitions Admin Tree in Acquisitions and Serials Module Serials

  11. Definitions: Subscriptions and Items • Issue at hand: “Time”, Vol. 144, no. 26. • The library has three Subscriptions of • “Time”(perhaps one for each sublibrary/Holding location). • Three Items: each physical copy of this issue • received by the library. Serials

  12. Definitions: Orders vs. Subscriptions • Order: Assuming there is a single order with the vendor for 3 copies - 3 Units are entered into the Order Form. • Subscription: Each copy received from the vendor must have an ALEPH Subscription Record. • In Serials, 3 Subscriptions should therefore be created for the above. Serials

  13. Serials Records Relationships Bibliographic Record Holdings Record (Prediction*) Administrative Record (Prediction*) HOL-Item Link Subscription Subscription Routing List Routing List Items Items *The prediction pattern resides in the HOLdings record. Serials

  14. The Subscription Record • Subscription records (Z16) contain information relevant to the individual subscriptions (copies) of the serials held by the library. • The subscription record defines item parameters, such as location and claim information, for each of the serial items linked to that record. • *There should be one subscription record per each ‘copy’* • Subscription log record (Z71) – subscription transactions and order transactions (if the subscription is linked to the order). Serials

  15. Serials Subscriptions - an Example • 3 subscriptions (same vendor, different sublibraries): Serials

  16. Item Records Item records (Z30) are created for each physical copy of an issue, and are linked to subscriptions. Item records are created automatically once issues are expected. They may also be created manually. These items can be requested, loaned and viewed on the OPAC (based on item status and depending on table setup). Serials

  17. Item List - an Example • An Items List of a bi-monthly title (Staff view): Serials

  18. Item Records An item list of a quarterly title (Web OPAC view): Serials

  19. Claim and Routing Records • Claim records (Z20) • There is a claim record for each claim and its resulting vendor’s reply. Each claim sent will creates a new claim record. • Routing Lists (Z18), Routing List Member (Z14) and Routing • Trace (Z22) • “Routing” means that each new checked-in issue will be loaned (or given) automatically to a group of patrons. • Routing Lists are created for specific subscriptions. Each • subscription can have several routing lists linked to it. Serials

  20. Prerequisites for Serials Control • A bibliographic (BIB) record (Cataloging Module) • A holdings (HOL) record with a Prediction Pattern (Cataloging or Acquisitions and SerialsModules) • Vendors defined (Admin Navigation Tree Tab in Acquisitions and Serials Module) • Budgets and Currencies defined, required for the acquisitions process (Admin Navigation Tree Tab in Acquisitions and Serials Module) Serials

  21. Workflow 1: Defining a New Serial (with order) • Import or Catalog the Bibliographic record • Create a HOLdings record • Create a prediction (853/853X fields in the HOL record) • ‘Push’ to Acquisitions and Serials Module • Create an ORDER for the title • Create SUBSCRIPTION records for each copy ordered by the library • Select the Serials Navigation Tree Tab • Link the Subscription to a HOLdings record • Create Routing List (s) (optional) • Open expected items – you’re ready to start check-in. Serials

  22. Workflow 1: Defining a New Serial (without order record) • Catalog the Bibliographic record • Create a HOLdings record • Create a prediction (853/853X fields in the HOLdings record). • ‘Push’ to Acquisitions and Serials Module • Create SUBSCRIPTION records for each copy ordered by the library • Link the Subscription to a HOLdings record • Create Routing List (s) (optional) • Open expected items – you’re ready to start check-in. Serials

  23. Searching for Serial Titles • There are two methods for finding serial titles: • Direct Search for a specific title by various indexes such as Title, ISSN or SICI code. • The SearchNavigation Tree Tab – keyword searching/browsing for titles. Serials

  24. Searching for Serial Titles • After locating the desired record in the Search Navigation Tree Tab, highlight it in the upper pane, so that it will display in full in the lower pane. • Click on the “Serials” button to move into • the Serials Navigation Tree Tab; • relevant nodes • display: Serials

  25. Stage 1:Cataloging Serials

  26. Cataloging the Serial Title • In the Cataloging Module, catalog the following title, based on your position number in the class (Journal of Academic…1 for position 1 etc.): • Journal of Academic Librarianship x • ISSN: 0099-1333 • Imprint: New York : Elsevier Science Inc. • Frequency: bimonthly Serials

  27. Pushing the New Record to Serials • After saving the new record on the server, selectCataloging/Open Serials Record to ‘push’ the new title to the Serials Navigation Tree Tab in the Acquisitions and Serials Module: Serials

  28. Stage 2:Subscriptions Serials

  29. Notes on Subscriptions • The Subscription Record in the Acquisitions and Serials Module is an internal ALEPH mechanism. • The Subscription period specified in the Order Form refers to an external record intended for the vendor. • Subscriptions ‘pass on’ to items created from them parameters such as Item Status, Location (sublibrary/ collection/call number), claim definitions etc. Serials

  30. Creating the Subscription • Create 2 subscriptions for your serial title: • To do: • Create 2 open-ended subscriptions (for 2 • different sublibraries), both ending on 12/31/2099. Serials

  31. The Subscription List • To add a new subscription, click the “Add” button in the Subscription List: Serials

  32. The Subscription Information Form Mandatory fields Serials

  33. The Subscription Log • To view, click the “Subscription Log”buttonin the Subscription List: • If the Subscription is • linked to an order, order- • related transactions will • also display. Order-related log transactions Subscription-related log transactions Serials

  34. The Subscription Log • System-generated (automatic) transactions : • 32 – Subscription created • 33 – Subscription changed • 34 – Change to issue arrival date • 35 – Issue modified (Issue item) • Transactions that can be added manually : • 95 – Subscription history note • 98 – Correspondence with vendor Serials

  35. The Holdings Connection • One or more HOLdings records may be linked to the BIBliographic record. • Subscriptions may then be linked to HOLdings records. • In most cases the HOLdings record will include the prediction pattern. Serials

  36. The Holdings Connection • From the lower pane of the Subscription List, it is possible to link a Subscription to a Holdings record from 4. HOL Links tab in the lower pane. Click “Create New” to add a HOL link to the subscription currently highlighted in the Subscription List: Serials

  37. The Holdings Connection And see the change here... and here Change holdings information here BIB Item Item HOL Subscription Item Item HOL Subscription HOL Subscription Serials

  38. Subscription Renewals • Depending on the Renewal Date specified in the Order Form (3. Vendor tab), it is possible to send renewal letters to the vendor using a batch service (acq-23). The Renewal Date is automatically increased by one year once letters have been sent: Serials

  39. Stage 3: Prediction Serials

  40. Prediction Theory • In order that the system can generate serial item (issue) records automatically (needed for efficient check-in and claiming), the system requires two types of records: a Subscription and a Publication Pattern. • This allows the system to open item records for expected issues. In ALEPH, every copy of every issue of a serial must have an item record to enable check-in, claiming, routing and circulation activities. • A serial Publication Pattern is based on information both in the Publication Pattern (for example, frequency and numbering pattern) and on the library's collection (that is, the first controlled volume number and year). Serials

  41. Prediction with fields 853/853X • This method involves two fields, 853 and 853X (based on MARC 21 Holdings). Catalog these fields in the HOLdings record so that it will produce items ready for check-in. • 853 has the serial’s general prediction data and issue description • 853X has information on that serial in our library collection and links it to a subscription. • Example: • 853 defines the title as a monthly, with issues described in the format of “v.1:no. 1(1999:Jan.)”. • 853X says our library’s controlled collection starts with the v.5:no.6 (2003:Jun.) issue, and issue dates are on the 10th of each month. Serials

  42. Schedule or Pattern? • Two methods of prediction are available (but all pattern records for a given title must be defined in the same type of record): Schedule or Pattern (in either the ADM or the HOL record). • Pattern (fields) • "Pattern" uses the MARC 21 Caption and Pattern fields (853/4/5), and proprietary Enumeration and Chronology fields (853X/4X/5X). These should be either in the ADM or the HOL record linked to the BIB record. • Schedule (Form) Not used by North American Libraries • “Schedule” is a format specific to the ALEPH system. As a rule of thumb, the ALEPH Publication Schedule Form can be used for simple patterns. Serials

  43. Pattern Fields Method • Whenever the terms “853 or 853X” are used, they also mean to refer to 854 or 854X, and 855 or 855X. • 853 and 853X: for the basic pattern of a title • 854 and 854X: for supplements • 855 and 855X: for indexes Serials

  44. Prediction Pattern Fields • $$a - f Enumeration (6 levels) • $$g - h Alternative enumeration (2 levels) • $$i - l Chronology (4 levels) • $$m Alternative Chronology • $$o Type of supplementary material (only in 854/855) • $$u Number of units per next higher level • $$v Numbering continuity • $$w Frequency code (from MARC21) • $$x Calendar change • $$y Regularity pattern • $$3 (ALEPH) Publication date of first controlled issue • $$8 (ALEPH) Link an 853/853X pair where more than one pattern exist for one title • $$9 (ALEPH) Link a pattern to a subscription Serials

  45. Prediction Pattern • You may enter a new pattern in one of two ways: • In the Cataloging Module – during normal cataloging • Create from a pattern template (recommended) , or • Create from scratch • In the Acquisitions and Serials Module – after cataloging, using special forms. Serials

  46. Cataloging Module Pattern Creation • The 853/853X pair can be cataloged at the title- cataloging stage. • After the BIB record is saved to server, open/create the HOLdings record, and catalog the 853/853X pair there. • The fastest way is to use existing pattern templates. Serials

  47. Cataloging Module Pattern Creation • The list of pattern templates is available from Edit/Expand from Template[Ctrl+E] when you are connected to an ADM or to a HOL library. Serials

  48. Cataloging Module Pattern Creation • Select the template which best matches the required pattern and click “Open”. • The cataloging draft will then open, showing the 853/853X fields that were pre-defined for this pattern. • You may need to modify some of the subfields to reflect your own library’s collection, especially in the 853X field. • See a preview of one cycle of items that will be created from the new pattern by clicking Edit/Preview Publication Schedule (while the 853X field is highlighted): Serials

  49. Cataloging Module Pattern Creation • An example of a cataloging draft created from a bimonthly template (note that standard fields such as LDR, 008 and LKR are included in the pattern templates): Serials

  50. Pattern-Making in Serials • To create the pattern in the Acquisitions and Serials Module, you must first define a Subscription record (to which the pattern will be linked.) • Prediction Patterns created in Serials will be created by default in the ADM record, unless a HOLdings record already exists. • In that case, a window displays with a choice between existing ADM and HOLdings records that are linked to the BIB record. Serials

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