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The escape room in Nashville will require you to find hidden clues and solve challenging puzzles throughout the room. So take a look underneath the rug or sift through the books on the shelves, and take a closer look at all those paintings on the wall.
ESCAPE ROOM IN NASHVILLE https://escaperoom.com/blogs/10-amazing- escape-room-experiences-in-nashville The escape room in Nashville will require you to find hidden clues and solve challenging puzzles throughout the room. So take a look underneath the rug or sift through the books on the shelves, and take a closer look at all those paintings on the wall. You may find a string of numbers you need for a combination lock or a good old-fashioned key for a padlock. Everywhere you look is a potential clue to get out of an escape room or riddle waiting to be solved. But hurry, the clock starts ticking the moment you enter the escape room! THE VACCINE INHERITANCE Theonce-boomingcitiesarenotdead silentandtherearealmostnotracesof life! Wonderingwhathappened? Howdid itcometothis? Itallstartedwhenthe infamouspatientzerowasdiscovered. A manwhowasinfectedbyanunknown viruswasadmittedintothehospitaland withinafewmonths, almost90% ofthe world’spopulationwaseitherdeador sufferingsomethingevenworse! Yourunclehasleftallhis inheritancetoyoubutinreturn, you mustfollowthegiveninstructions andlookforthecluesthathave beenhiddenallovertheplace!You havesixtyminutestocompletethe giventaskandsolvethemysteryleft behindbyyourmadscientistuncle. RUNAWAY TRAIN Youwereabsolutelythrilledabout thistripalongwithyourfriendsand asthetraindepartedfromthe railwaystationandenteredthe pasturesinthecountryside, everyonewasbewitchedbythe absolutelybeautifulviewofthevast fields. Fieldsfullofflowersandthe distantmountainsbroughtavery soothingfeelingtoyoursoul. MYSTERYMANSION Somepeoplesaythemansion hauntedbyghosts, somesaythe ownersoftheplacemetavery dismalendbuttruthbetold, no-one reallyknowsifanyofthosethings actuallyhappened. Themansionhas beenleftabandonedformanyyears nowandnooneintheirrightmind darestogetclosetoit. Onmany occasions, peoplehaveswornthat theyheardstrangesoundsandsaw weirdlightsemanatingfromthe place!