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RAFA GOVERNANCE. Current Structures and Responsibilities 2018 Conference Resolution 1 – One Member One Vote (OMOV) 2018 Conference Resolution 2 – RAFA Charity Registration Branch Views and Actions – feedback into Meeting Minutes. ROYAL AIR FORCES ASSOCIATION.

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  1. RAFA GOVERNANCE • Current Structures and Responsibilities • 2018 Conference Resolution 1 – One Member One Vote (OMOV) • 2018 Conference Resolution 2 – RAFA Charity Registration • Branch Views and Actions – feedback into Meeting Minutes

  2. ROYAL AIR FORCES ASSOCIATION Established under a Royal Charter to promote: the welfare by charitable means of….. through the comradeship engendered by it Members RAFA is a Charity registered with the Charities Commission: has Trustees responsible for all that the charity does has the Governance Handbook which regulates all parts of the Association

  3. RAFA COUNCIL AREA HQs Geographic BRANCHES Circa 280 Primary Unit of the Association Separate Charities – Registered with Charities Commission Un-incorporated associations MEMBERS Circa 72000

  4. RAFA COUNCIL TRUSTEES Officers - 4 Elected Members – 8 Area Representatives – 5 RAF Representatives -3 Benevolent Fund Rep BRANCH COMMITTEE TRUSTEES Officers – 4/5 HWO, Wings Appeal Coord Others MEMBERS


  6. RAFA COUNCIL AREA HQs ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONFERENCE Required by the Charter Review Council Report and RAFA Accounts Support election of some Council Members Consider, and make decisions on, Resolutions from Council, Areas or Branches MEMBERS BRANCHES

  7. 2018 CONFERENCE RESOLUTION 1One Member One Vote (OMOV) • Council was asked to study the feasibility of all members voting [individually] on Association elections and resolutions, and report findings to Conference 2019 • All contactable members were asked in Nov 18 to advise (yes or no) if they would like to have the right to vote individually on Association Council elections and Annual Conference resolutions.

  8. 2018 CONFERENCE RESOLUTION 1One Member One Vote (OMOV) • A large percentage of members were contacted by email or letter • 16% of the membership voted: of these, 77% said yes (Jan 19 AIRMAIL). • i.e. supported by circa 12% (9000) members • Council Membership Committee now considering, and drafting Council position for discussion at Conference 2019

  9. 2018 CONFERENCE RESOLUTION 1One Member One Vote (OMOV) - Issues • 16% response rate • Conflation of Association Council elections and Annual Conference resolutions – not the same • Discussion at W, M &SW Area Conference? • Branch views?

  10. 2018 CONFERENCE RESOLUTION 2RAFA Charity Registration • Council was asked to examine and review the merits of: • All branches becoming legally part of the Association under a single charity registration, vice, • The continued individual charity registration of Branches • Report findings (and proposals) to Conference 2019

  11. 2018 CONFERENCE RESOLUTION 2RAFA Charity Registration - Actions • Sec Gen consulting with Regulators • Association ‘roadshows’ to seek opinion • Aiming to make proposals that: • Maintain local integrity of Branches to continue to provide welfare, support and comradeship • Keep local use of locally raised funds • Reduce burden of Regulations • Reduce financial liability of Branch Committees

  12. 2018 CONFERENCE RESOLUTION 2RAFA Charity Registration - Timetable • Early 2019 • Continue consultation (Regulators, other Charities (e.g. RBL), membership) • Review in Council Feb and Apr • 11/12 May 19 • Report to Annual Conference and seek approval for proposed way ahead • May 2019 – May 2020 • Work up Resolutions for Conference 2020

  13. 2018 CONFERENCE RESOLUTION 2RAFA Charity Registration - Issues • Consultation? • Impact assessment? • Discussion at W, M &SW Area Conference? • Branch views?

  14. 2018 CONFERENCE RESOLUTIONSBranch Action Options • Do nothing, await Council Conference reports • Write to WM&SW Area Chairman seeking briefing and discussion at Area Conference • Expand note to Area Chairman to express Branch views on either/both of Resolutions – Branch delegate would need to be prepared to table

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