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KANDUNGAN/ CONTENT: • SejarahPerkembanganbidangkomunikasi(Developments in the communications field) • SejarahPerkembanganbidangkomunikasidi Malaysia (Developments in the communication field in Malaysia) • 7 TradisiPenyelidikanIlmuKomunikasi • Kaedahpenyelidikankomunikasi: Apakaitandenganteorikomunikasi(Communication research methods: What relevance with the communication theory) • Prosespenyelidikan & prosespembentukanteori(Research process & theory formation process)
PerkembanganBidangKomunikasi • Komunikasimenjaditumpuandenganperkembanganpesatteknologikomunikasispt radio, tv, telefon, satelit, rangkaiankomputersertaperkembanganperindustrian & politikdunia. (Communications became the focus with the rapid development of communication technology, e.g. radio, television, telephone, satellite, computer networks and industrial development and world political) • SelepasPerangDunia Ke2 – bidangsains & komunikasidiiktirafsebagaibidangpengajian yang sahdanpenting. (After the 2nd World War - science and communications is recognized as a legitimate field of study and important)
PerkembanganKomunikasidi Barat ~1. ERA AWAL~ KebangkitanRetorik /Rhetoric Resurrection (1900 – 1930) Bidangpengucapanawammasihdipandangrendahberbandingdenganbidangkesusasteraan(The field of public speaking is still considered low compared to literature) Memberipanduanpraktikdalammempengaruhipenerimamelaluihebahanawam, interpretasilisan, drama, debatdanperbincanganmejabulat(To provide practical guidance to influence the recipient via the public address, oral interpretation, drama, debate and roundtable discussions)
PerkembanganKomunikasidi Barat ~ERA AWAL~ KebangkitanRetorik /Rhetoric Resurrection (1900 – 1930) Kritik: hanyasesuaipadamasaitu – ucapansebagaikomunikasikepadapenerima yang khusus, & tumpuanutamaialahanalisis & apresiasikaedah yang digunakanolehperucap(Discussion: only suitable at the time - a speech as communication to specific recipient & the main focus is the analysis & appreciation is a method used by the speaker)
PerkembanganKomunikasidi Barat ~2. ERA KOMUNIKASI & SAINS SOSIAL~ Kesan Media/Media Effects (1930 – 1960) Griffin (1997) – era kebangkitan 4 orangsarjanaiaituthe era of the rise of four scholars ; Harold Laswell, Kurt Lewin, Paul Lazarsfeld, & Carl Hovland “bapapenyelidikan” “father of research" Schramm (bapakomunikasi) menubuhkan program IjazahKedoktoran (Ph.D) pertamadiUniversiti of Iowa danInstitutPenyelidikanKomunikasi. Schramm (father of communication) establish a PhD program (PhD) in the first at the University of Iowa and the Institute of Communications Research)
PerkembanganKomunikasidi Barat ~3. ERA EVOLUSI EMPIRIK~TeoridalamTabungUji (1950 – 1970) Sekumpulanpenyelidikkomunikasimembentukpertubuhankomunikasi yang dikenalisebagai International Communication Association (ICA). (A group of communications researchers develop communication organization called the International Communication Association) Pembentukan model linear oleh Shannon & Weaver (1948) - (dimudahkanoleh David Berlo, 1960) telahmerubahorientasibidangkomunikasi.(The formation of the linear model by Shannon and Weaver (1948) -(facilitated by David Berlo, 1960) has changed the orientation field of communications) ►Model SMCR
PerkembanganKomunikasidi Barat ~4. ERA PERGOLAKAN 60AN~ AsasPelancaranKomunikasi Interpersonal (1960 – 1970) Komunikasi interpersonal menggantikanpidatoumum(Interpersonal communication replace public speaking) Pengajaranbertukarkepadakursuskomunikasibukan verbal, membentukkepercayaan, pendedahankendiri, mengatasikonflik(The course of teaching changes to non-verbal communication, builds trust, self disclosure, resolving conflicts)
PerkembanganKomunikasidi Barat ...sambungan Fokuskomunikasibertukar (darimenerangkankebenaran→menunjukkankesetiaankepadapasangan) (Focus on communication changes (from clear → show loyalty to the spouse) Jabatankomunikasi interpersonal dan media menjadisemakinpenting(Department of interpersonal communication and the media is becoming increasingly important)
PerkembanganKomunikasidi Barat ~5. ERA RETORIK BARU~ (1965 – 1980) Edwin Black (1965) – mengutarakancarabarumenganalisisucapan. (highlight new ways to analyze speech) Ucapanawamtidakmempunyaikaitandenganucapan yang disediakandenganrapi @ hujah2 yang diterimaakal.(Public speech has nothing to do with the speech prepared with care @arguments made sense) Munculartikel; The Rhetoric of Black Power (Burgess, 1968) & The Rhetoric of Confrontation (Scott dan Smith, 1969).
PerkembanganKomunikasidi Barat ~6. ERA PENCARIAN MODEL SEJAGAT~ (1970 – 1980) Penyatuan/penggabungancubadilakukan. (Consolidation / merger sought to do) Kebanyakanbuku yang ditulissekitar 1970-an memberigambaran model proseskomunikasi & setiapsatu yang dihasilkanlebihkompleksdaripadasebelumnya. (Many books written in the 1970s give a model of communication process and each produced more complex than ever) Model yang dihasilkanpadamasainitiadasatu yang memberigambaranmenyeluruhtentangproseskomunikasi. (The model produced at this time no one gave an overview of the communication process)
PerkembanganKomunikasidi Barat ~7. ERA PERGOLAKAN BIDANG KOMUNIKASI~ (1980 – Kini) Selainkursuskomunikasiantaraperseorangan & massadiminati, komunikasikeorganisasian, kemahirankepimpinan, pengurusankonflik, periklanan & perhubunganawamjugadiminatisebagaibidangbaru. (Besides interpersonal communication courses & mass course interested, organizational communication, leadership skills, conflict management, advertising and public relations as well as new areas of interest) Banyakjurnalditerbitkantermasuk /Many journals published include; Communication Theory, Language and Social Interaction, the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
PerkembanganKomunikasidi Barat ~Era Pergolakan Bidang Komunikasi~ (1980 – Kini) • Terdapat 5 trend pengajiankomunikasidalam jurnal2 diatasiaitu; (There are five trends communication studies in journals above;) • Minat yang meningkatdalampenyelidikaninterpretif(Interest that increasing in interpretif research) • Lebihbanyakkajianmenggunakankaedahetnografi(More research using ethnographic methods)
PerkembanganKomunikasidi Barat Sambungan…. • Percubaanuntukmenembusimindadenganmembentuk model struktur mental & proseskognitif(Attempts to penetrate the mind by forming a mental model of the structure and cognitive processes) • Tumpuankepadafenomenapercintaan, persahabatan & kekeluargaan(The focus on the phenomenon of love, friendship & family) • Perpecahandalampengajiankomunikasisekitar 1990-an. (The break in communication studies around the 1990's)
PerkembanganBidangKomunikasi Di Malaysia • Perkembanganbidangkomunikasisecarasistematikdi Malaysia bermuladenganpenubuhan 4 jabatankomunikasidinegaraini. (The development of a systematic communication in Malaysia started with the four departments of communication in the country) • Pertama (1) – JabatanKomunikasidi USM tahun 1970 • Kedua (2) – KajianSebaran Am di ITM/UITM tahun 1972 • Ketiga (3) – JabatanKomunikasidi UKM tahun 1976 • Keempat (4) – JabatanKomunikasi Pembangunan di UPM tahun 1979
PerkembanganBidangKomunikasi Di Malaysia • TokohSarjanakomunikasi di Malaysia- Prof. Dr. MohdYusofHussain(dulu UPM, sekarang UIA)- Prof. Dr. SyedArabiIdid(dulu UKM, sekarang UIA) - Prof Dr. SamsudinAbd. Rahim(UKM)
PROF DR MOHD YUSOF HUSSAIN B.A. (Hons)(UM), M.Sc.(Philippines), Ph.D.(Wisconsin)
PROF. DATO' SRI DR. SYED ARABI IDIDFormer IIUM Rector( Jun 2006 - Jun 2011)
Perkembanganbidangkomunikasidi Malaysia amatdipengaruhiolehapa yang berlakudi Barat keranapengasaskomunikasimendapatpendidikan & latihandi Barat, namunianyadisesuaikandenganpersekitarannilaidanbudayamasyarakatkita. (Developments in the field of communications in Malaysia is influenced by what happens in the West because the founders of communication were attained their education & training from the West, but the knowledge adapted to the environment and cultural values of our society)
PengenalanIntroduction • Disiplin komunikasi adalah luas dan mendalam • Bidang komunikasi dapat difahami dengan melihat kepada tradisi penyelidikannya dan konteks komunikasi di mana ia berlaku. Communication field can be understand by looking it’s tradition of research (theoretical in nature) and the contexts of communication took place (practical in approach) KOM3207
TradisiPenyelidikan yang menghasilkanTeoriKomunikasiTraditions in Communication Theory Cybernatic Socio-Psychological Phenomenological Socio Cultural Semiotic Critical Rhetorical KOM3207
1. RETORIKAL (Rhetorical) • “Seni praktikal” ucapan/ “practical art” of talk • Kajian tentang aspek2 yang berkait dengan ucapan awam, dan fungsinya dalam masyarakat (interested in public address and public speaking and their functions in a society) • Teori retorikal sebagai panduan untuk: Rhetorical theory is valued for: • Memahami pengaruh ucapan/ understand the influence of speech • Bagaimana menyuburkan ucapan berkesan/ how to cultivate our public speaking effectiveness KOM3207
2. SEMIOTIK (Semiotic) • Kajiantentangsimbol/ makna– a study of signs • Simboladalahsebahagiandaripadakehidupansosial- signs are apart of a social life • Merangkumimaknatersuratdantersirat – signs in words and can be something else • bergantungkepadakonteks- considered in context KOM3207
3. FENOMENALOGIKAL (PHENOMENOLOGICAL) • Intepretasi personal tentangkehidupandanaktivitiseharian – personal interpretation of everyday life and activities • Melihatsesuatuperkaraataukejadianmelaluilensaperibadi- involves looking at things and events through a personal lens • Banyakdiaplikasikandalamisu-isu yang berkaitdengan: applicable to issues pertaining to: keperbezaan – diversity, identiti- identity, kelassosial – social class, seksualiti – sexuality, and keagamaan- religion KOM3207
4. SIBERNETIK (CYBERNETIC) • Komunikasidilihatsebagaisainspemprosesanmaklumat – muladiperkenalkanolehShanondan Weaver • Tumpuandiberikankepadaunsurgangguandalamproseskomunikasi. • Communication as information science- first introduced by Shannon and Weaver: communication involves noise. • This approach focus at problems such as noise in the communication process. • Also unravel the complexities of message meaning by underscoring the unpredictability of the feedback received. KOM3207
5. PsikologiSosial(Socio-Pychological) • Menegakkan model2 sebab-akibat Uphold a cause-effect model • Kajiandarisudutpandangan yang berpegangkepadatingkahlakuseseorangadalahdipengaruhiolehsesuatu – dikenalisbg “pembolehubah” Examined from view that holds that someone’s behavior is influenced by something else – call “variable” KOM3207
MenekankankepentingankajianberbentukeksperimendancubamemahamihubungansebabakibatMenekankankepentingankajianberbentukeksperimendancubamemahamihubungansebabakibat Underscored the importance of experimental research and trying to understand causal links. KOM3207
6. SosioBudayaSocio - cultural • Berpandanganbahawaindividuadalahsebahagiandaripadakumpulanmasyarakatbesar yang mempunyaiperaturandanpolainteraksitersendiri/unik Suggest that individuals are parts of larger groups who have unique rules and patterns of interaction. KOM3207
Perbualandaninteraksiperludicirikandgnmemahami “suara”, danpandanganindividu yang selalunyaberkaitdengancaraperbualanhariannya Dialogue and interaction must be characterized by understanding of “voice”, and individual point of view that inevitably finds its way into everyday conversation. KOM3207
7. Kritikal(Critical) • Menumpukankepadaisu-isuketidakadilan, penindasan, kuasadandominasilinguistik (Concerned with injustice, oppression, power, and linguistic dominance). KOM3207
Mengkritiksusunansosial (membongkarbgmnmsyarakatmentakrifkankebebasan, kesaksamaan) Critiquing the social order and imposing structures or individuals (Attempt to unravel how society defines freedom, equality, and reason) KOM3207
KaedahPenyelidikanKomunikasi: KaitannyadenganTeoriKomunikasi • Tiadateorikomunikasijikatiadaproses/kaedahpenyelidikan. Bersetuju @ tidak?? (No theory of communication if there is no process / research methods. Agree or not?) • Kaedaheksperimen– membentukhubungansebab-akibatdenganmemanipulasisecarasistematiksatuvariabeldalamsituasi yang dikawalketatuntukmelihatkesankeatasvariabelbergantung. (Experimental methods - develop cause-effect relationships tosystematically manipulate a variable in a tightly controlled situation to stick to see the effect on the dependent variable)
KaedahPenyelidikanKomunikasi: KaitannyadenganTeoriKomunikasi • Kaedahtinjauan– menggunakanborangsoalselidik & analisis data memberijawapantentangpandangan, perasaan @ tindakanseseorang. (The survey method – using a questionnaire and data analysis provide answers about the views, feelings @ person’s action) • Eksperimenadalahkaedahkuantitatif yang digunakanolehahlisainsuntukmengujiteori. (Experiments and surveys are quantitative methods used by scientists to test theories) • Kaedahanalisistekstual– menerangkan & membuatinterpretasisesuatumesej. (Methods of textual analysis - to explain and interpret a message)
KaedahPenyelidikanKomunikasi: KaitannyadenganTeoriKomunikasi • Kaedahetnografi– pendekataninterpretifuntukmencarimaknasesuatufenomena→ melibatkandirisecaraperibadidalamprosespenyelidikandenganmemerhati, mendengardenganteliti, menghargai & melibatkandiridalamupacara puak2. (Ethnographic methods - interpretive approach to find the meaning of a phenomenon → get involved personally in the research process by observing, listening, appreciate and participate in tribal ceremonies) • Analisistekstual & etnografiadalahkaedahkualitatif yang digunakanolehsarjanakemanusiaan. (Textual analysis and ethnography is qualitative methods used by humanities scholars)
ProsesPenyelidikan & ProsesPembentukanTeori • Peringkatdalamprosespenyelidikan • (Stage in the research process)
ProsesPenyelidikan & ProsesPembentukanTeori • Setiapperingkatadalahsalingberkaitdansalingmempengaruhi. (Each stage is interconnected and affect each other) • Pemerhatianmerangsang persoalan2 baru – Teoridicabarolehpemerhatian & persoalan – Teorimenjuruskepada persoalan2 baru & pemerhatiandikenalpastisebahagiannyateori. (Observations stimulate new questions - Theory challenged by the observation & question - theory leads to new questions and observations identified some theoretical)
3 BentukKeilmuanBidangKomunikasiBormann (1965) Objektif: Membentukpiawai yang bolehdigunakanuntukmelihatfenomena(Objective: Develop a standard that can be used to view the phenomenon) (1) KeilmuanSaintifik (Scientific knowledge) Replikasi: kaedahkajian(Replication: research method) Bermatlamatkansains(Science orientation) Masalahsemulajadi(Natural problem)
3 BentukKeilmuanBidangKomunikasiBormann (1965) (2) KeilmuanHumanistik(humanistic knowledge) Subjektif(Subjective) Fokuskepadaindividu & respon(Focus on Individual & response) Tiadabeza: apa & siapa(No difference: what & who) Sesuaiuntukseni, pengalamanperibadi & nilai(Suitable for art, personal experience & value) Berminatdalamkesindividu(Interested in the individual case) Gunagerakhati, kreativiti, interpretasi, celikakal(Use intuition, creativity, interpretation, insight)
3 BentukKeilmuanBidangKomunikasiBormann (1965) Adaunsursains & kemanusiaan(There are elements of science & humanities) Objektif: manusia(Objective: human) (3) KeilmuanSainsSosial(Science Social Knowledge) Membentukpersetujuan: pemerhatian(Formed consent: observations) Libatkanprosesmentafsirpemerhatian(Involve the interpretation of the observations) Isufalsafahsainssosial(Philosophy of social science issues) Persetujuan: unsurkemanusiaanpentingdalamkaedahsaintifik(Agreement: The essential human element in scientific method)
KomunikasisebagaiSainsSosial • Kenapakomunikasidikatakansebagaisainssosial??(Why communication is said to be the social sciences?) • Komunikasimelibatkanprosesmemahamibagaimanamanusiabertindak, bertukar & mentafsirmesej(Communication involves the process of understanding how people act,change & interpret the message) • Komunikasimenggabungkankeduaunsursaintifikdankemanusiaan(Communication combining scientific and human elements)
BagaimanaIlmuDihasilkan..? Penemuan(findings) Data terhasildaripadapemerhatianobjektif(Data produced from objective observation) Ilmudihasilkanmelalui… (Knowledge generated through…) Interpretasi(interpretation) Data: makna & interpretasisarjana(Data: meanings & interpretation from scholars) Kritik(criticism) Data: pertimbangan(Data: consideration)
RUMUSAN • 7 era perkembangankomunikasi di barat • 7 tradisiilmuteorikomunikasi • Sesuatubidangilmuberkembangmelalui proses penyelidikandanpenghasilan, pengujian, penghujahan, & penerokaanteori.