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XLink, XPointer, XInclude and XBase. Outline 1 Introduction 2 XML Linking Language (XLink) 2.1 Simple Links 2.2 Extended Links 3 XLink and DTDs 4 XML Pointer Language (XPointer) 5 XML Inclusions (XInclude) 6 XML Base (XBase). 1 Introduction. XLink
XLink, XPointer, XInclude and XBase Outline1 Introduction2 XML Linking Language (XLink) 2.1 Simple Links 2.2 Extended Links3 XLink and DTDs4 XML Pointer Language (XPointer)5 XML Inclusions (XInclude)6 XML Base (XBase)
1 Introduction • XLink • Describing links between resources (e.g., documents) • XPoint • “Pointing” to document contents • XInclude • Including existing XML document into another • XBase • Specifies “base” URL for relative URLs
2 XML Link Language (XLink) • XLink • Links “resources” from XML documents • E.g., link documents, audio, video, database data, etc. • Resources accessed through multiple links
2.1 Simple Links • Simple link • Links one resource to another (similarly to HTML link) • Linking elements • Specify linking information <book xlink:type ="simple" xlink:href ="/textbooks/xmlHowToProgram.xml"> • Linking element (book) is local resource • xmlHowToProgram.xml is remote resource • Arc • Markup that specifies how to traverse betweenresources
XLink Example <?xml version = "1.0"?> <contacts xmlns:xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <contact xlink:type = "simple" xlink:href = “brit.xml" xlink:role = "http://www.msn.com/brit" xlink:title = “Britney Spears"> xlink:show = "new“ xlink:actuate = "onRequest"> Britney </contact>
2.2 Extended Links • Extended links • Link multiple combinations of local and remote resources • Multidirectional links • Traverse between resources • Can link any number of resources • Unidirectional links may not offer return to local resource
1 <?xml version ="1.0"?> 2 3 <!-- Fig. 14.8 : booklinks.xml --> 4 <!-- XML document containing extended links --> Mark up link to book’s authors 5 6 <books xmlns:xlink ="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" 7 xlink:type ="extended" 8 xlink:title ="Book Inventory"> Mark up link to publisher 9 10 <author xlink:label ="authorDeitel" Mark up link to warehouse 11 xlink:type ="locator" 12 xlink:href ="#authors" 13 xlink:role ="http://deitel.com/xlink/author" 14 xlink:title = "Deitel & Associates, Inc."> 15 <persons id = "authors"> 16 <person>Deitel, Harvey</person> 17 <person>Deitel, Paul</person> 18 </persons> 19 </author> 20 21 <publisher xlink:label ="publisherPrenticeHall" 22 xlink:type ="locator" 23 xlink:href ="/publisher/prenticehall.xml" 24 xlink:role ="http://deitel.com/xlink/publisher" 25 xlink:title ="Prentice Hall"/> 26 27 <warehouse xlink:label ="warehouseXYZ" 28 xlink:type ="locator" 29 xlink:href ="/warehouse/xyz.xml" 30 xlink:role ="http://deitel.com/xlink/warehouse" 31 xlink:title ="X.Y.Z. Books"/> Fig. 14.8 XML document containing extended links. Lines 10-19Lines 21-25Lines 27-31
32 Create local resource JavaBook, which links to (or from) an author or publisher 33 <book xlink:label ="JavaBook" 34 xlink:type ="resource" Create outbound arc that links to arcrole when user requests it 35 xlink:role ="http://deitel.com/xlink/author" 36 xlink:title ="Textbook on Java"> 37 Java How to Program: Third edition Create outbound arc between book local resource and publisher local resource 38 </book> 39 40 <arcElement xlink:type ="arc" Create inbound arc that has starting remote reference (warehouseXYZ) and ending local resource (JavaBook) 41 xlink:from ="JavaBook" 42 xlink:arcrole ="http://deitel.com/xlink/info" 43 xlink:to ="authorDeitel" 44 xlink:show ="new" 45 xlink:actuate ="onRequest" 46 xlink:title ="About the author"/> 47 48 <arcElement xlink:type ="arc" 49 xlink:from ="JavaBook" 50 xlink:arcrole ="http://deitel.com/xlink/info" 51 xlink:to ="publisherPrenticeHall" 52 xlink:show ="new" 53 xlink:actuate ="onRequest" 54 xlink:title ="About the publisher"/> 55 56 <arcElement xlink:type ="arc" 57 xlink:from ="warehouseXYZ" 58 xlink:arcrole ="http://deitel.com/xlink/info" 59 xlink:to="JavaBook" 60 xlink:show="new" 61 xlink:actuate ="onRequest" 62 xlink:title ="Information about this book"/> 63 Fig. 14.8 XML document containing extended links (Part 2). Lines 33-38Lines 40-46Lines 48-54Lines 56-62
Extended Links Example <arcElement xlink:type = "arc" xlink:from = "JavaBook" xlink:arcrole = http://www.msn.com/xlink/jb xlink:to = "authorSpears“ xlink:show = "new“ xlink:actuate = "onRequest“ xlink:title = "About the author"/>
3 XLink and DTDs • DTDs used with documents that use XLink • Validation • Reduce the number of XLink attributes in XML document <car xmlns:xlink ="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"xlink:type ="simple"xlink:role ="MT4606"xlink:title ="The Latest Model"> • Provide default values in DTD, and rewrite as: <car xlink:role ="MT4606"xlink:title ="The Latest Model">
1 2 3 4 <!ELEMENT books (author, publisher, warehouse, book, persons, arcElemen t*)> 5 <!ATTLIST books 6 xmlns:xlink CDATA#FIXED "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" 7 xlink:type (extended) #FIXED "extended" 8 xlink:role CDATA#IMPLIED 9 xlink:title CDATA#IMPLIED> 10 11 <!ELEMENT book (#PCDATA)> 12 <!ATTLIST book 13 xlink:type (resource) #FIXED "resource" 14 xlink:role CDATA#FIXED "http://www.msn.com/xlink/book" 15 xlink:title CDATA#IMPLIED 16 xlink:label NMTOKEN#IMPLIED> 17 18 <!ELEMENT author (person*)> 19 <!ATTLIST author 20 xlink:type (locator) #FIXED "locator" 21 xlink:href CDATA#REQUIRED 22 xlink:role CDATA#FIXED "http://www.msn.com/xlink/author" 23 xlink:title CDATA#IMPLIED 24 xlink:label NMTOKEN#IMPLIED> 25 26 <!ELEMENT publisher EMPTY> 27 <!ATTLIST publisher 28 xlink:type (locator) #FIXED "locator" 29 xlink:href CDATA#REQUIRED 30 xlink:role CDATA#FIXED "http://www.msn.com/xlink/publisher"
31 xlink:title CDATA#IMPLIED 32 xlink:label NMTOKEN#IMPLIED> 33 34 <!ELEMENT warehouse EMPTY> 35 <!ATTLIST warehouse 36 xlink:type (locator) #FIXED "locator" 37 xlink:href CDATA#REQUIRED 38 xlink:role CDATA#FIXED "http://www.msn.com/xlink/warehouse" 39 xlink:title CDATA#IMPLIED 40 xlink:label NMTOKEN#IMPLIED> 41 42 <!ELEMENT arcElement EMPTY> 43 <!ATTLIST arcElement 44 xlink:type (arc) #FIXED "arc" 45 xlink:arcrole CDATA#IMPLIED 46 xlink:title CDATA#IMPLIED 47 xlink:from NMTOKEN#IMPLIED 48 xlink:to NMTOKEN#IMPLIED 49 xlink:show (new | replace | embed | undefined) #IMPLIED 50 xlink:actuate (onLoad | onRequest | undefined) #IMPLIED> 51 52 <!ELEMENT persons (person+)> 53 <!ATTLIST persons id ID #REQUIRED> 54 55 <!ELEMENT person (#PCDATA)>
4 XML Pointer Language (XPointer) • XPointer • References fragments of XML document via URI • Link to specific part of resource • Instead of linking to entire resource • Link to specific locations (i.e., XPath tree nodes) • Link to ranges of locations • Uses XPath to reference XML document nodes • Also used for searching XML documents via string matching
1 <?xml version ="1.0"?> 2 <!-- contacts.xml --> 3 <!-- contact list document --> 4 5 <contacts> 6 <contact id ="author01">Spears, Britney</contact> 7 <contact id ="author02">Mubarak, Shakira</contact> 8 <contact id ="author03">JLo</contact> 9 </contacts> XPointer Example
4 XML Pointer Language • Example • Assume contact list has relative URI /contacts.xml • XLink references entire contact list with URI xlink:href ="/contacts.xml" • XPointer references specific part: • Element contact with id of author02 xlink:href = "/contacts/xml#xpointer(//contact[@id = ‘author02]’)"
5 XML Inclusions (XInclude) • XInclude • Reuse XML documents • Include XML documents within others • Use include element <includerxmlns:xinclude ="http://www.w3.org/1999/XML/xinclude"xinclude:href ="test.xml"xinclude:parse ="xml"/>
6 XML Base (XBase) • XBase • Provide base URIs for relative links • Similar to HTML element base <contactxml:base ="http://www.msn.com"xlink:type ="simple"xlink:hrefs ="/authors/authors01biography.xml"xlink:role ="http://www.msn.com/xlink/contact"xlink:title ="About this author"/>