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Concerns & Hopes: Global Economy Outlook Analysis

Delve into the challenges and potential solutions for the global economy in the short and long term. Explore stagnating productivity, investments, and the impact of stalling globalization. Discover how shaping Europe's economic policy can steer the future. Learn why the global growth trend is concerning, with insights into productivity growth and the investment community’s role. Unravel the complexities of global trade and debt dynamics. Stay informed to navigate the economic landscape effectively.

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Concerns & Hopes: Global Economy Outlook Analysis

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  1. Three Reasons to Worry about the Global Economy Fredrik Erixon FT Investment Expert 2016 October 18, 2016 Bruxelles, 20th April 2015

  2. And one reason to be frightened Shaping Europe's international economic policy

  3. Short-term outlook - dismal • Global growth clearly beyond trend – 3.1% in 2016 and 3.4% in 2017 • Far smaller in the US, EU and Japan • Continued structural growth slow-down in China • Why – new normal, secular stagnation, or will it get better beyond the corner? • Medium and long-term outlook poor – long trend of supply-side stagnation in major economies Shaping Europe's international economic policy

  4. New book details the presentation • Supply-side factors holding back growth and innovation • Investment community is part-responsible for dreary economic trend

  5. 1. Stagnating productivity growth Shaping Europe's international economic policy

  6. GDP/person employed Shaping Europe's international economic policy

  7. Labour Productivity Growth

  8. G7 Labour Productivity Growth Shaping Europe's international economic policy

  9. Western Total Factor Productivity growth Shaping Europe's international economic policy

  10. 2. Investments – or how big firms spend their money

  11. Decomposing Investment Slump: 2008-2015

  12. U.S. Business Investment/GDP

  13. U.S. Business Net Lending and Borrowing

  14. U.S. Ratio of Investment/Cash to Shareholders

  15. 3. Stalling Globalisation Shaping Europe's international economic policy

  16. The Value of Global Exports 1800-2014 Shaping Europe's international economic policy

  17. Panic – no, not Trump

  18. Global Gross Debt Shaping Europe's international economic policy

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