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World Bank & Government of India Supported Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Project

World Bank & Government of India Supported Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Project. State Project Management Unit (SPMU), RWSSP-UP State Water & Sanitation Mission (SWSM), Uttar Pradesh February 09, 2015. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS Training of Trainers ( ToT ) At UAA, Nainital.

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World Bank & Government of India Supported Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. World Bank & Government of India Supported Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Project State Project Management Unit (SPMU), RWSSP-UPState Water & Sanitation Mission (SWSM), Uttar PradeshFebruary 09, 2015 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS Training of Trainers (ToT) At UAA, Nainital

  2. Present Institutional Arrangements

  3. State Level Arrangements SPMU to provide technical and managerial support for implementation of RWSSP-UP Structure of State Project Management Unit Positions of SPMU have been sanctioned by GO no. 554 Dated 01.03.2013

  4. State Level Arrangements Additional Support to SPMU: Following four full time consultants have also been taken in SPMU for Specific Assignment

  5. District Water & Sanitation Mission(DWSM) jk’Vªh; xzkeh.k is;ty dk;ZØe ds fn”kk funsZ”kksa ds Øe esa “kklukns”k la0 2211 fnuakd 29-11-2010 ls Mh-MCyw-,l-,e- dk iquZ xBu ftyk is;ty ,oa LoPNrk fe”ku ¼Mh-MCyw-,l-,e-½ dh cSBd izR;sd rhu ekg esa ,d ckjA

  6. Roles & Responsibilities of DWSM

  7. District Water & Sanitation Committee (DWSC) jk’Vªh; xzkeh.k is;ty dk;ZØe ds fn”kk funsZ”kksa ds Øe esa “kklukns”k la0 2211 fnuakd 29-11-2010 ls Mh-MCyw-,l-lh- dk iquZ xBu ftyk is;ty ,oa LoPNrk lfefr ¼Mh-MCyw-,l-lh-½ dh cSBd izR;sd nks ekg esa ,d ckjA

  8. Roles & Responsibilities of DWSC

  9. District Level Arrangements DPMUs to be set up in 10 Project Districts for providing Technical and Managerial Support to DWSC in implementation of RWSSP Structure of District Project Management Unit Positions of DPMU have been sanctioned by GO no. 551 Dated 27.03.2014

  10. Alternative Arrangement of DPMU Certain Conditions of GO for sanctioning positions of DPMU could not be fulfilled and as it alternative arrangement GO no. 1349 dated 20.10.2014 issued for partial merger of DWSC and DPMU, having the following constitution:- • Presently above functionaries are discharing the duties of DPMU & it is functional in all ten project districts

  11. Roles & Responsibilities of DPMU

  12. Thank You

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