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The development of public child care and preschools in Europe. Path Dependencies and change . Hildesheim University, Germany 19.-21. October 2006. Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments Anette Borchorst Associate Professor
The development of public child care and preschools in Europe. Path Dependencies and change. Hildesheim University, Germany 19.-21. October 2006 Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments Anette Borchorst Associate Professor Department of History, International and Social Studies Aalborg University Denmark
Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments • Key characteristics of the Danish child care system • Path dependent policies? 3. Restructuring child care policies. Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments Key characteristics of the Danish child care system A. Financing: Extensive public commitment B. Guiding principle: Universalism – Child care as a right of the child C. Social Pedagogy: Integration of care and education D. Administration: Ministry of Social Affairs→ Ministry of Family and Consumer Affairs/Municipalities Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments • Financing: Extensive public commitment • The market plays a limited role in child care • 1/3 of the facilities are self owned (often with a special profile like Christian, Rudolf Steiner a. oths.) • Denmark has comparatively high expenditures for families with small children and for child care provisions. Particularly for the under 3s. Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Number of children in publicly supported child care in percentage of all children 1980-2002 Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments Types of child care provisions • Crèches • Family day care • Kindergardens • Age integrated institutions • Leisure time facilities • School based leisure time facilities Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments B. Universalism – child care as a right of the child • 1964 universalist legislation • Dual motivation: child centered and considerations of women’s employment • Legislation – stipulates the rights of the children Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments C. Social Pedagogy (Sozial Pädagogik): Integration of care and education • Social is not residual, Pedagogical has not got a negative connotation, Pedagogy is not education in a strict sense • Ideas about the upbringing and cultural formation of pre-school children (German, Italian influence) • Care and education was integrated in the people’s Kindergardens 1901- • Social pedagogical traning of the staff • Social pedagogical curriculum Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments D. Administration • Has been kept together under the auspices of the Ministry of Social Affairs for many years, recently transferred to the Ministry of Family and Consumer’s Affairs • Decentralization to the municipalities, responsible for establishing, running and supervising the facilities. Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments 2. Path dependency Which version? • Strict rational choice/economic appraoch increasing returns (Pierson) • Broad history matters • Timing, sequence, opportunity structures, discourses, actors and alliances Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments Path dependancy: social pedagocial ideas and public commitment • Integration of care and education: social pedagogic facilities • 1919,1933, 1949, 1964 regulations • Timing: universalism was adopted, before child care highly politizised • Broad political consensus • Influential actors: Fröbel pedagogues and professionals (till the early 1970s) • Path breaking developments did not occur in the mid 1970s in spite of drastic changes in economic and political opportunity structures Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments 3. Restructuring child care policies? • Common challenges to welfare policies: globalization, ageing, multiculturalism • Strong dominance of neo liberal discourse • The state has put an economic strain on the municipalities Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
¨Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments En kvindevenlig velfærdsstat “A woman-friendly state would not force harder choices on women than on men, or permit unjust treatment on the basis of sex. In a woman-friendly state women will continue to have children, yet there will also be other roads to self-realization open to them. In such a state will not have to choose futures that demand greater sacrifices from them than are expected of men. It would be, in short, a state where injustice on the basis of gender would be largely eliminated without an increase in other forms of inequality, such as among groups of women.” Helga Hernes, Helga (1987). Welfare State and Woman Power. Essays in State Feminism, Vojens: Norwegian University Press: 15. Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments A strong bread-winner state • Comparatively high activity- and employment rates • Comparatively low share of part timers • Women perform more household work than men, but comparatively less than women in most other EU countries, Danish men do comparatively more Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments Dilemmas and paradoxes: • A highly gender segregated labour market (public – private) • A child penalty (the more children women get, the less income increases, career chances and pension earnings) • Well developed rights to receive care, but not strong rights to give care Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments Child friendly policies? • Child centered perspective • Provisions improve cognitive skills (Esping-Andersen) • Challenges the social heritage • Success in eradicating child poverty • But: trade-off between quantity and quality Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments The Danish Welfare Commission • Set up in 2003 • 7 out of 9 members neo classical economist • A narrow utilitarian approach to welfare • Welfare policies are the problem Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments Average net contributions to the public sector, men and women, 2001 Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments New-born girls can – without adjustment of the financial policies – expect to receive 2.4 million DKK (net) from the public sector while a new-born boy is anticipated to contribute with 0.8 million DKK. This redistribution takes place because the welfare society compensates women for receiving lower salaries on an average than men due to the fact that women in connection with maternity leave are away from the labour market and that they on an average live longer than men. Velfærdskommissionen (2004). Fremtidens velfærd kommer ikke af sig selv. Analyserapport, maj. Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments (Translation of the story in a Danish newspaper) Women cost bick buggs- men pay the lion’s share Women’s maternity leave, lower salaries and longer life expectation, makes them costly for society; men pay the bill. Over a life span, women receive more in public benefits than they pay in taxes. Men, on the contrary pay more taxes, than they get in return in the form of cash benefits and service benefits. Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments Experts for the European Council • Recommendations for the implementation of the Lisbon strategy • Women friendly policies a social investment and a win-win solution Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments Expert recommendations for the implementation of the Lisbon strategy It is uncontroversial to promote better opportunities for women, not only because they respond to women’s demands but also because their employment may yield increasing social returns. In many countries women constitute a massive untapped labour reserve that can help narrow future age dependency rates and reduce associated financial pressures. Moreover as, women’s educational attainment exceeds men’s, clearly there exists an often large, untapped productive reservoir. We also know that female employment is one of the most effective means of combating social exclusion and poverty. All this implies that ‘women-friendly’ policy is, simultaneously, family- and society-friendly. If it yields a private return to individual women, it also yields substantial collective return to society at large. It should, accordingly, be defined as social investment. • Gösta Esping-Andersen et al. (2001). Why we need a new welfare state, Oxford: Oxford University press, pp. 94. Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark
Danish child care polices - between path dependent and path-breaking developments What is the most likely scenario? • Neo liberal discourses hegemonic – nationally and internationally? • Celebration of the Danish flexicurity success (flexible labour market, high level of security, women high and stable employment) - Actors, alliances, competing discourses Anette Borchorst, FREIA,Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 2,9200 Aalborg East Denmark