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SED-fitting of HERSCHEL fields

SED-fitting of HERSCHEL fields. Elodie GIOVANNOLI, Véronique BUAT, Denis BURGARELLA, Stefan Noll, Sebastien HEINIS, Olivier ILBERT. Cumberland Lodge, 2010. CIGALE : Code Investigating GALaxy Emission *. Provides physical informations about galaxies by fitting their UV-to-IR SED.

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SED-fitting of HERSCHEL fields

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  1. SED-fitting of HERSCHEL fields Elodie GIOVANNOLI, Véronique BUAT, Denis BURGARELLA, Stefan Noll, Sebastien HEINIS, Olivier ILBERT Cumberland Lodge, 2010 Elodie GIOVANNOLI

  2. CIGALE : Code Investigating GALaxy Emission * Provides physical informations about galaxies by fitting their UV-to-IR SED. CIGALE code developped at LAM-Marseille (Burgarella et al. 2005, Noll et al. 2009b). First application at high-z, LIRGs sample at z=0.7 : Giovannoli et al. (2010) CIGALE is based on the use of a UV-optical SED + dust IR emitting component. First, UV-to-IR models are built and secondly these models are fit to the observed SEDs INPUT : Photometric broad-bands Star Formation History Dust Attenuation IR library AGN templates Fraction of AGN OUTPUT:Input parameters M Ldust Fit of the entire spectrum : energetic budget between stellar emission and dust emission Results : Bayesian analysis (close to Kauffmann et al. 2003) Elodie GIOVANNOLI *http://www.oamp.fr/cigale/

  3. CIGALE : Code Investigating GALaxy Emission * Provides physical informations about galaxies by fitting their UV-to-IR SED. CIGALE code developped at LAM-Marseille (Burgarella et al. 2005, Noll et al. 2009b). First application at high-z, LIRGs sample at z=0.7 : Giovannoli et al. (2010) CIGALE is based on the use of a UV-optical SED + dust IR emitting component. First, UV-to-IR models are built and secondly these models are fit to the observed SEDs INPUT : Photometric broad-bands Star Formation History Dust Attenuation IR library AGN templates Fraction of AGN OUTPUT:Input parameters M Ldust Fit of the entire spectrum : energetic budget between stellar emission and dust emission Results : Bayesian analysis (close to Kauffmann et al. 2003) Elodie GIOVANNOLI *http://www.oamp.fr/cigale/

  4. STELLAR POPULATIONS Stellar populations : Populations synthesis codes Maraston et al. (2005) PEGASE Combination of 2 stellar components with ≠ ages  young +old stellar population Complex star formation histories DUST ATTENUATION Calzetti et al. (2000) UV bump power law Central wavelength Width Amplitude slope 5500 Å Elodie GIOVANNOLI

  5. CIGALE : Code Investigating GALaxy Emission * Provides physical informations about galaxies by fitting their UV-to-IR SED. CIGALE code developped at LAM-Marseille (Burgarella et al. 2005, Noll et al. 2009b). First application at high-z, LIRGs sample at z=0.7 : Giovannoli et al. (2010) CIGALE is based on the use of a UV-optical SED + dust IR emitting component. First, UV-to-IR models are built and secondly these models are fit to the observed SEDs INPUT : Photometric broad-bands Star Formation History Dust Attenuation IR library AGN templates Fraction of AGN OUTPUT:Input parameters M Ldust Fit of the entire spectrum : energetic budget between stellar emission and dust emission Results : Bayesian analysis (close to Kauffmann et al. 2003) Elodie GIOVANNOLI *http://www.oamp.fr/cigale/

  6. STELLAR POPULATIONS Stellar populations : Populations synthesis codes Maraston et al. (2005) PEGASE Combination of 2 stellar components with ≠ ages  young +old stellar population Complex star formation histories DUST ATTENUATION Calzetti et al. (2000) UV bump power law Central wavelength Width Amplitude slope 5500 Å Elodie GIOVANNOLI

  7. CIGALE : Code Investigating GALaxy Emission * Provides physical informations about galaxies by fitting their UV-to-IR SED. CIGALE code developped at LAM-Marseille (Burgarella et al. 2005, Noll et al. 2009b). First application at high-z, LIRGs sample at z=0.7 : Giovannoli et al. (2010) CIGALE is based on the use of a UV-optical SED + dust IR emitting component. First, UV-to-IR models are built and secondly these models are fit to the observed SEDs INPUT : Photometric broad-bands Star Formation History Dust Attenuation IR library AGN templates Fraction of AGN OUTPUT:Input parameters M Ldust Fit of the entire spectrum : energetic budget between stellar emission and dust emission Results : Bayesian analysis (close to Kauffmann et al. 2003) Elodie GIOVANNOLI *http://www.oamp.fr/cigale/

  8. IR libraries Chary & Elbaz (2001) 105 templates Dale & Helou (2002) 64 templates Siebenmorgen & Krügel (2007) ~7000 SEDs Library of Black bodies Now : β=1.5, Tdust varies Work in progress : several black bodies several β and Tdust, collaboration with the Herschel Reference Survey Team, nearby universe Draine & Li (2007) library will be added soon 1539 SEDs Elodie GIOVANNOLI

  9. CIGALE : Code Investigating GALaxy Emission * Provides physical informations about galaxies by fitting their UV-to-IR SED. CIGALE code developped at LAM-Marseille (Burgarella et al. 2005, Noll et al. 2009b). First application at high-z, LIRGs sample at z=0.7 : Giovannoli et al. (2010) CIGALE is based on the use of a UV-optical SED + dust IR emitting component. First, UV-to-IR models are built and secondly these models are fit to the observed SEDs INPUT : Photometric broad-bands Star Formation History Dust Attenuation IR library AGN templates Fraction of AGN OUTPUT:Input parameters M Ldust Fit of the entire spectrum : energetic budget between stellar emission and dust emission Results : Bayesian analysis (close to Kauffmann et al. 2003) Elodie GIOVANNOLI *http://www.oamp.fr/cigale/

  10. MOCK CATALOGUE Sample of objects detected in several photometric bands Numeric code : SED fitting This way to build a mock catalogue from the best fitting model of the sample enable us to choose realistic models in agreement with our sample. Selection of the best model χ2 for each object. Artificial galaxies for which we know the flux, the star formation and physical parameters The fluxes in each band for each ‘perfect’ object is noised with a Gaussian distribution of the error. We choose a random distribution inside a gaussian curve having a specific σ 2σ Elodie GIOVANNOLI The ‘mock’ galaxies are then fitted by the code Catalogue of artificial galaxies detected in the same filters as the observed galaxies.

  11. CIGALE : pre-Herschel analysis Giovannoli E., Buat V., Noll S. et al, (2010), accepted on June, 3rd • THE SAMPLE • 181 LIRGs from the GTO, SPITZER/MIPS Chandra Deep Field South •  Le Floc’h et al. (2005) •  NUV • U B V R I z J H K • 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0 µm • 24, 70 µm • Photometric redshifts given by COMBO17, z=0,7+/- 0,5 • 80% detected in NUV • 34% detected at 70 µm Maraston + Dale&Helou Bayesian analysis Best model Elodie GIOVANNOLI Empty : Detected at 24µm Filled : Detected at 70µm log Mstar, M log Ldust, L log SFR, Myr-1 Fraction of AGN Fraction of young stellar population Attenuation in the V-band

  12. CIGALE : pre-Herschel analysis Giovannoli E., Buat V., Noll S. et al, (2010), accepted on June, 3rd SFR - Mass Young Population older than 0.3 Gyr Galaxies detected at 70µm exhibit colder dust temperatures as traced by the ratio f60µm/f100µm than expected from local relations between dust luminosity and temperature. Young Population younger than 0.3 Gyr HERSCHEL…. Z=2 Z=1 log SFR, Myr-1 Z=0 Dust temperature log Mstar, M HERSCHEL…. Elodie GIOVANNOLI

  13. HERSCHEL : HerMES project • ✔Dust attenuation • ✚ LIR/LUV • ✚ Slope β of the UV continuum • Reliability of IR and UV emisssions to measure the SFR in galaxies • HerMES : Herschel Multitiered Extragalactic Survey • Oliver et al. (2010 • Many well-studied extra- galactic fields (totalling ∼ 70 deg 2 ) at various depths GOALS  Buat V., Giovannoli E., Burgarella D. et al, (2010), . MNRAS submitted Elodie GIOVANNOLI

  14. SED fitting for the z<0.2 HerMES sample Buat V., Giovannoli E., Burgarella D. et al, (2010), . MNRAS submitted Lockman – SWIRE HerMES XID catalogue 250, 350, 500µm SPIRE ✚ u g r i z’ SDSS 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0 µm IRAC 24, 70, 160 MIPS Roseboom et al. 2010 & Vaccari et al. 2010 7435 sources detected at 5σ at 250 µm 3862 sources having a z Cross-match between 24µm positions from the XID catalogue and NUV positions from DIS catalogue in 2 arcsec Martin et al. 2005 Deep Imaging Survey FUV, λ ≈ 153 nm NUV, λ ≈ 231 nm Reliable estimate of the UV slope β=2.23(FUV −NUV)−2.0 Kong et al. (2004) • 0<z<1 • 2426 galaxies detected in NUV • z<0.2 • 830 galaxies detected at both FUV + NUV with Δm < 0.1 mag 16 filters Elodie GIOVANNOLI

  15. SED fitting for the z<0.2 HerMES sample Buat V., Giovannoli E., Burgarella D. et al, (2010), . MNRAS submitted Lockman – SWIRE HerMES XID catalogue 250, 350, 500µm SPIRE ✚ u g r i z’ SDSS 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0 µm IRAC 24, 70, 160 MIPS Roseboom et al. 2010 & Vaccari et al. 2010 7435 sources detected at 5σ at 250 µm 3862 sources having a z HeDaM : Herschel Database in Marseille http://hedam.oamp.fr/HerMES/ July 1st, 2010: First release of HerMes data Cross-match between 24µm positions from the XID catalogue and NUV positions from DIS catalogue Martin et al. 2005 Deep Imaging Survey FUV, λ ≈ 153 nm NUV, λ ≈ 231 nm Reliable estimate of the UV slope β=2.23(FUV −NUV)−2.0 Kong et al. (2004) • 0<z<1 • 2426 galaxies detected in NUV • z<0.2 • 830 galaxies detected at both FUV + NUV with Δm < 0.1 mag 16 filters Elodie GIOVANNOLI

  16. HerMES Lockman- Swire: Fit of the observed SEDs Maraston + Dale&Helou 0<z<0.2 Elodie GIOVANNOLI

  17. HerMES LOCKMAN-SWIRE : LIR/LUV vs. β Buat V., Giovannoli E., Burgarella D. et al, (2010), . MNRAS submitted The majority of the galaxies lie between the two relations. The dust attenuation for a given β is larger than that found in local normal star-forming galaxies but lower than in local starbursts. Local starburst relation, Kong et al. (2004) The bolometric IR luminosity LIR is estimated with CIGALE using the available bands between 24 and 250 µm (from 2 to 5 bands). The UV luminosity LUV is taken at 153 nm (the FUV rest-frame band of GALEX). logLIR/LUV β (from FUV – NUV) Local relation for star forming galaxies, Boissier et al. (2007) Elodie GIOVANNOLI

  18. HerMES Lockman - Swire: SFR - Mass Buat V., Giovannoli E., Burgarella D. et al, (2010), . MNRAS submitted At z<0.2 galaxies selected at 250µm are rather quiescent Boissier et al. (2007) models, 0<z<0.2 logSFR, M yr-1 logSFR, M yr-1 logMstar, M logMstar, M Elodie GIOVANNOLI

  19. Herschel LOCKMAN-SWIRE : SFRUV vs SFRtot Buat V., Giovannoli E., Burgarella D. et al, (2010), . MNRAS submitted SFRUV corrected from dust attenuation based on β over-estimates SFRtot Auv=4.43+1.99β Meurer et al. (1999) SFRtot =SFRIR + SFRUV SFRIR = log(LIR) -9.97 SFRUV = log(LUV) -9.69 ✔ UV emission not corrected from dust attenuation ✔ Calibrations from Buat et al. (2008), with the assumption of a constant SFR over 108 years and a Kroupa IMF SFRUV uncorrected from dust attenuation under-estimates SFRtot Elodie GIOVANNOLI

  20. HERSCHEL : GOODS – H project • GOODS – Herschel  The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey : far infrared imaging with Herschel • PI : David Elbaz & Marc Dickinson • HDF-N + CDFS ✔H-GOODS (PACS + SPIRE) ✔Phot-z calculated by O. Ilbert (v0) Peter Capak catalogue U,B,V,R,I,Z,HK ✔NUV fluxes extracted with U priors (S. Heinis) X-match H-GOODS (PACS + SPIRE) Phot-z (Capak photometry) + NUV ✔SED fitting with CIGALE H-GOODS- a very preliminary study Elodie GIOVANNOLI

  21. GOODS – H : Fit of the observed SEDs Maraston + Dale&Helou 0<z<2 Elodie GIOVANNOLI

  22. GOODS – H : Fit of the observed SEDs Work in progress Maraston + Dale&Helou 0<z<2 Elodie GIOVANNOLI

  23. Conclusions & Perspectives The fit with CIGALE to the observed SED of sources detected by Herschel reveals : CIGALE We obtain a very good fit to the observed SEDs having SPIRE data. The quality of the fit is even higher having PACS + SPIRE data.  Giovannoli et al. (2010) Pre - Herschel analysis Estimation of the dust temperature  extrapolation from 24µm + 70 µm  Buat et al. (2010) Herschel HerMES SFR – Mass + LIR/LUV – ß : At z<0.2 galaxies selected at 250µm are rather quiescent SFRUV corrected from dust attenuation based on β over-estimates SFRtot GOODS Work in progress Elodie GIOVANNOLI

  24. CIGALE : pre-Herschel analysis Giovannoli E., Buat V., Noll S. et al, (2010), accepted on June, 3rd Z=2 Z=1 SFR - Mass log SFR, Myr-1 SSFR - Mass Population older than 0.3 Gyr Z=0 Dust temperature Population younger than 0.3 Gyr log Mstar, M Elodie GIOVANNOLI log SSFR, yr-1 Fraction of the young stellar population > 10% Fraction of the young stellar population < 10% log Mstar, M

  25. SED fitting H - GOODS sample Cross-correlation in 2 ‘’ between 24µm positions and visible positions • 2032 sources having a photo-z 24µm 100, 160 µm PACS 250, 350, 500µm SPIRE David Elbaz catalogue 2575 sources photo-z U B V R I z’ from Capak et al. (2008) 0.0 < z < 2.0 Olivier Ilbert catalogue 36061 sources Addition of NUV when available (1666 sources). Flux extracted from U priors, Sebastien Heinis catalogue. 13 filters 275 Sources 0<z<1 202 objects 76% detected in NUV 0<z<2 90% detected in U 79 % detected at 250µm Final selection We focus on objects detected by PACS F100 µm ≥ 1.8 mJy F160 µm ≥ 4.5 mJy 5σ limit, Benjamin Magnelli If NUV > 26 (AB mag) we consider no detection

  26. HERSCHEL : HerMES project • HerMES : Herschel Multitiered Extragalactic Survey • Oliver et al. (2010)  Buat V., Giovannoli E., Burgarella D. et al, (2010), . MNRAS submitted HerMES: Flux limited 250 μm samples of galaxies observed in the Lockman field The samples are cross-matched with Spitzer/MIPS and GALEX catalogues in the range 0<z<0.2. The bolometric IR luminosity LIR is estimated with the SED-fitting code CIGALE using the available bands between 24 and 250 µm (from 2 to 5 bands). The UV luminosity LUV is taken at 153 nm (the FUV rest-frame band of GALEX) Elodie GIOVANNOLI

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