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South Sudan. State building should be…. Endogenous development (from within) And should involved… State-society bargaining to build more effective, legitimate and resilient states Not about transferring institutional models but…
State building should be… • Endogenous development (from within) And should involved… • State-society bargaining to build more effective, legitimate and resilient states • Not about transferring institutional models but… • …local political processes which create public institutions and generate their legitimacy in the eyes of a state’s population
In reality… • Donor managerialism… • …& its quest for rapid modernisation of South Sudan’s fragile state… • …diverts scarce resources… • …into unhelpful ideological battles
Modernising forces – donor supported/driven etc RSS Criminal Code Emphasis on formal institutions, laws, etc Focus on individuals SPLA Act Police Act SPLA/SPLM GoSS Elections Referendum 2005 CPA period starts 2011 Independence
Modernisation through workshops Who could turn down: ‘enhance development practitioners’ facilitation skills for the capacity-building of gender-disadvantaged women’? Everyone likes the rules of the game – but what are they? – and for whose game? And if there appear to be no rules, let’s introduce them: Criminal Code Police Act Penal Code SPLA Act
And if something’s missing…? • ‘We look at it and we say what is needed and we provide it….’ • E.g. Joint Operations Centres in all states • ‘…Instead, we should come in and ask what is working.’
Trauma Food security Violence Education Factors and Trends Land use Emphasis on negotiation; compromise; restoration Gender roles Violent hinterland Alcohol Customary law/Cultural practice (local) Traditional chiefs/Local authorities Dynamic The group matters Youth violence Counties; Payams; Bomas Key choices & clashes Modernising forces – donor supported/driven etc RSS Criminal Code Emphasis on formal institutions, laws, etc Focus on individuals SPLA Act Police Act SPLA/SPLM GoSS Elections Referendum 2005 CPA period starts 2011 Independence
Resistance to OECD ideology… OECD ‘normative state’: ‘the way you did it in the west is the way you want everyone to do it – but in a fraction of the time’ ‘you want a ‘right-sized’ army but a big army is how we keep everything in balance’ Multi-party democracy ‘you want one party per tribe? Chaos’ Duty bearers & rights holders, civil society holding government to account ‘you think government is bad, and everyone else good’ Gender Equality – ‘you want two commanders in the household and that doesn’t work.’
SPLM counter ideology emerging… • New rules – generated by SPLM • The Draft NGO Act (curbing external service providers) • Draft Civic Engagement Act (curbing externally supported human rights work) • Others to come? (anti-terrorism, media limitations, anti-homosexuality, tax & land?) • ‘Gender’ terminology banned; ‘women’ ok • Distraction from own process of society-state bargaining
Donor response to Political Economy Analysis • ‘Interesting but it doesn’t really change anything does it?’ (UK) • ‘You shouldn’t be wasting your time doing this kind of thinking…’ (US)
Trauma Food security Violence Education Factors and Trends Land use Emphasis on negotiation; compromise; restoration Gender roles Violent hinterland Alcohol Customary law/Cultural practice (local) Traditional chiefs/Local authorities Dynamic The group matters Youth violence Counties; Payams; Bomas Informal/Non-formal web of relationshipswhich affect all decisions Key choices & clashes Modernising forces – donor supported/driven etc RSS Criminal Code Emphasis on formal institutions, laws, etc Focus on individuals SPLA Act Police Act SPLA/SPLM GoSS Elections Referendum 2005 CPA period starts 2011 Independence
7 Guiding Principles (from Ethiopia) • Prioritising the hardest-to-reach civil society and citizens • Focussing on people and on their capabilities and assets and traditions, not undermining these strengths • Building trust • Incentivising innovation & creativity • Social equality • Promoting decision-making at the most local level possible • Achieving best value for resources for poor people
Aim for more incremental convergence of modern & customary • Invest in people and processes that facilitate convergence – rather than fuel the ‘stand off’ • Find language which is based on commonly accepted principles, rather than contested
Trauma Food security Violence Education Factors and Trends Land use Emphasis on negotiation; compromise; restoration Gender roles Violent hinterland Alcohol Customary law/Cultural practice (local) Traditional chiefs/Local authorities Dynamic The group matters Youth violence Counties; Payams; Bomas Convergence Informal/Non-formal web of relationshipswhich affect all decisions Key choices & clashes Modernising forces – donor supported/driven etc RSS Criminal Code Emphasis on formal institutions, laws, etc Focus on individuals SPLA Act Police Act SPLA/SPLM GoSS Elections Referendum 2005 CPA period starts 2011 Independence