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. Outline. NEPAG and NEPP Objectives and OrganizationNEPAG and NEPP RelationshipUse of commercial off-the-shelf parts in spaceNEPAG/NEPP COTS Evaluation ActivityApproachUpscreen FlowResultsGlass Transition Temperature ResultsBreakdown VoltageC-Mode Scanning Acoustic Microscopy (C-SAM) ResultsConclusions.
1. Enabling COTS Parts Insertion in NASA Systems:A Combined NEPAG (Q, AE) – NEPP Program (AE) Activity Chuck BarnesNEPP Program ManagerJet Propulsion LaboratoryCalifornia Institute of TechnologyPasadena, CA
Mike SampsonNEPAG Program ManagerNASA Goddard Space Flight CenterGreenbelt, MD
NASA S&MA Directors’ MeetingDryden Flight Research CenterOctober 10, 2002
2. Outline
NEPAG and NEPP Objectives and Organization
NEPAG and NEPP Relationship
Use of commercial off-the-shelf parts in space
NEPAG/NEPP COTS Evaluation Activity
Upscreen Flow
Glass Transition Temperature Results
Breakdown Voltage
C-Mode Scanning Acoustic Microscopy (C-SAM) Results
3. NEPAG Charter and Objectives Charter
Provide knowledge, tools, information and resources to aid project EEE parts engineers and parts specialists in guiding parts selection decisions by designers and projects
Promote quality and reliability assurance processes to eliminate EEE part failures from the advanced stages of the project life-cycle
Reduce incidence of EEE parts failure through
Establishing an inter-agency working group of parts engineers from NASA Centers and JPL for agency-wide coordination of parts issues
Developing information technology-based communication system and tools to increase efficiency
Creating a knowledge-base of part supplier quality
Developing assurance tools for COTS parts
Maintaining a current NASA EEE parts selection list (NPSL)
Influencing non-government and government standards bodies
5. NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Program Program Objectives
Assess the reliability of newly available commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) electronic parts and packaging technologies
Evaluate advanced and emerging parts and packaging technologies to expedite their readiness for infusion in NASA systems
Develop new methods and processes for parts and packaging evaluation, selection, and qualification.
Disseminate quality assurance, reliability, radiation tolerance, validation, tools and availability information to the NASA community
Program Features
$9.4M/yr Program funded by the NASA Chief Engineer’s Office (Code AE)
Multi-Center Program - 80 to 85% of work at JPL and GSFC
JPL is coordinating Center
Program focus on TRL 3 to 6
Collaborations with DoD, Industry and Academia
Program content determined by both a proposal review process and by strategic shaping
Program made up of 4 projects – Parts Project, Packaging Project, Electronics Radiation Characterization Project and Information Management and Dissemination Project
Program focus is from individual part/component up to board level
6. NEPP Program Organization
7. Relationship of NEPAG and NEPP
8. Reasons for COTS Use in Space
Large, standardized software base
“Lower” cost, “quicker” delivery
Although upscreening can stretch delivery and raise cost substantially
Parts are small fraction of total satellite/spacecraft cost (5 to 10%), but this cost will be relatively higher in future
Rad-hard processing lines that do exist are 1 to 2 generations behind
Greater government reliance on industry standards and specifications for part procurement (Perry Directive)
For NASA, paradigm of “Better, Faster, Cheaper” allows for risk management at system level, rather than complete elimination of risk, and requires quick, inexpensive procurements
Access to high performance, state-of-the-art microelectronics
9. Relative Size of Space Market for Microelectronics
10. Problems with Use of COTS in Space Life cycle costs can actually be higher for COTS-intensive spacecraft due to added testing, part and system failure, system re-work, added cost of shielding
Reliability data on COTS is often unknown or unavailable to small customers
Lot traceability is often impossible with devices from the “same” lot that are actually made on different fabrication lines
Process changes unknown to the customer can result in reduced reliability and radiation tolerance
Variations between lots over time can nullify the validity of testing performed on a lot prior to purchase of a flight lot
Even for parts with satisfactory reliability and radiation tolerance, packaging can cause problems in the space environment
Simple passives - capacitors, resistors - can cause failures on the board or internal to hybrids
Recent experiences with DC-to-DC converters
Commercial competitiveness to reduce cost, improve performance can jeopardize availability of specific parts required in future systems
Space applications do not usually allow for repair or replacement
Hubble Space Telescope, Shuttle and International Space Station are exceptions
Radiation degradation can’t be solved by leveraging off other high-reliability, high volume users (automotive industry)
11. Enabling COTS Parts Insertion in NASA Systems:NEPAG/NEPP COTS Evaluation Activity NEPAG and NEPP are working together to evaluate the practical and technical issues surrounding use of COTS in NASA systems
Practical issues
Surveys of test houses (capabilities, handling procedures etc.)
Surveys of distributors (how do they do business?)
Visits to manufacturers (how do they collect their data?)
Cost/benefit comparison for typical screens and qualification Tests
Proper and effective oversight/insight into vendors, distributors and test houses
Technical issues
Validation of vendor part technical data
Analysis of upscreening steps and philosophy for added value in the NASA environment
Detailed investigation of selected upscreening steps and failure mechanisms revealed by these steps
Establish guidelines for how/if NASA can reliably select/test/apply Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) and Plastic Encapsulated Microcircuits (PEMs)
Establish methods for assessing the validity/applicability of vendor supplied qualification/test data for COTS/PEMS technologies
Determine appropriate upscreening flows for NASA applications
12. NASA Unique Approach The NEPAG/NEPP approach to evaluating COTS and upscreening for space is unique compared to other studies in that we will
Gather a complete data set on the same sample of COTS devices, using established methods to measure the assembly, materials, design, performance, and reliability attributes
Provide detailed evaluation of upscreening steps and their added value or lack thereof, and the failure mechanisms mitigated by these steps
Assess robustness of parts evaluated by drawing any correlations between any failures (or lack thereof) and the inherent manufacturer’s advertised quality and reliability
Establish NASA guidelines for using COTS in space applications, utilizing a risk posture approach for different critical and non-critical missions and then making recommendations on how to mitigate the risk according to the mission requirements
13. NEPP/NEPAG COTS Evaluation Approach
NEPAG is focusing on passives (capacitors, resistors) while NEPP is concentrating on active microcircuits
Team approach used for major decisions and tracking
Establish NEPAG/NEPP team for deciding on major task steps, parts selection, test house selection, upscreening flow details
Representatives from: GSFC, JPL, ARC, GRC, JSC, KSC, LaRC, MSFC, USAF, Aerospace Corp., TRW, APL, NAVSEA, ESA, NASDA
Tracking teams for test houses and data established for passives and actives
Procure devices for evaluation based upon actual NASA program needs
Passives are Base Metal Electrode (BME) ceramic chip capacitors
0805 and 0402 Chip Sizes
6.3 V to 50 V Ratings
Four Different Manufacturers (+ 2 High Rel Suppliers)
Actives are all plastic encapsulated microcircuits (PEMs)
8-bit high speed, low power Analog/Digital Converter (ADC1175) • Device spares already requested by a flight project
16 channel analog multiplexer (MAX306)
High speed operational amplifier (LT1468)
High precision voltage reference (AD780)
High common mode voltage difference amplifier (INA117)
Survey manufacturers and review “internal” qualification process and test data
Subject selected devices to extensive screening/qualification/evaluation test protocol as an “independent” verification of the vendor’s qualification and to determine added value of individual screening steps
Publish results in the form of a NASA Guideline Document for Proper Selection & Qualification Methodology for COTS/PEMS devices
14. Outline of PEMs Upscreening Test Flow
15. NEPP/NEPAG COTS Evaluation Phase 1 status
Two active and two passive device manufacturers visited/surveyed
Some vendors allow communication only through distributors
As indicated on title page, “Lots” may be mixes from various lines/locations
Big problem for high reliability, radiation tolerant applications such as NASA flight systems
Vendor data reviewed
Life testing is done on high runners (mature parts)
Data exclusion rules used to stop “freak” lots from upsetting failure-in-time (FIT) calculations
Sample quantity, test duration, test conditions and frequency of testing vary widely between vendors
Sampling (or not) from lines, locations, wafer fabs or package styles can be random
Published FIT values applicability to procured product is vendor and part type dependent and may be unknown
NEPP/NEPAG screening/qualification testing in progress
Several test houses were visited and two were selected for actives, one for passives
Selection process mimics what flight project would do
Identify problems with test houses – already demonstrated value of having regular onsite inspections of work
Destructive Physical Analyses (DPAs) have been completed
Initial electrical characteristics look good but data have not been analyzed in detail
PEMs encapsulant glass transition temperatures vary widely and do not always agree with vendor data
Passives (capacitors)
One lot failed to meet dissipation factor limit during initial electricals
One DPA lot showed a proportionally large delamination
16. Measurement of PEM Glass Transition Temperature
17. Features/Issues for Tg Results on Five Microcircuits Each sample is from a different manufacturer
The Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) values vary more than was anticipated according to vendor data
One manufacturer expressed surprise at the low value as their policy was to control Tg to >160C
117C is below the standard burn-in and test temperature NASA often uses for space parts – 125C and the Tg we desire of 145C which provides a 20C margin to the burn-in
The high thermal expansion above the Tg value raises reliability concerns such as:
Excessive stress on wire bonds
Delamination between encapsulant and lead frame or die paddle
Excessive stress on the die
Other reliability concerns when transition temperature is exceeded are
CTE of epoxy encapsulant will permanently change (breakdown of chemical cross-linking of polymers)
Displacement of wire bonds resulting in a premature wear-out and breakage of wires
Premature aging (e.g. storage)
Induced stresses between materials internal/external) because of CTE mismatch; reduces temp. cycling capability
Adhesion degradation
Release of Bromine, Red Phosphorous (flame retardants); can cause corrosion, lifted bonds due to release of ionics)
Device performance degradation
18. COTS Capacitor Tests – Breakdown Voltage vs. Dielectric Thickness
19. Additional Recent Results DPA Results
Contrary to the vendor’s website advertisement, pure tin was found on two device types of the five being tested (this is a prohibited material for NASA applications)
Contrary to the vendor’s website advertisement, glass transition temperatures for the epoxy compound on two device types were below the industry norm
As noted earlier, this can cause reliability problems
Unplated areas of base lead frame metal (can lead to corrosion, oxidation, etc.)
One device used steel as the base material for the lead frame as opposed to alloy 42 and copper materials normally used by most vendors
Screening Results
Significant value has been demonstrated for having regular onsite NASA oversight/insight into testing
For one device type, 500 parts were procured from distributor
Three different date codes were supplied
Electrical verification to the vendor’s data sheet advertised limits showed two date codes met the limits, while one date code experienced 16 failures out of 250 tested
C-Mode (horizontal scan) Scanning Acoustic Microscopy (C-SAM) Inspections
One device type has completed CSAM tests
Results show all 250 devices have delamination problems which exceeds industry acceptable standards
>10% delamination is unacceptable
20. NEPAG/NEPP ADC1175CIJM C-SAM Accept and Reject Examples
21. Conclusions Early results already show that vendor data cannot always be trusted
Observed low glass transition temperature results suggest potential severe reliability problems especially for use of burn-in to eliminate bad parts
Multiple date codes within a lot buy have demonstrated significant variations in quality and reliability
Capacitor voltage breakdown data has shown variations from one manufacturer to another that may result in reliability problems
C-SAM results show extensive delamination problems
Important result from the point of view of test value since C-SAM has been controversial in terms of its value added
These results are from very early analysis of test results and we expect additional significant insights into the upscreening process for COTS parts