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RATE-RATIO-PROPORTION PROBLEMS. Question1:. If x:y:z=2:3:4 and 4x-2y+5z=44 are given, then find x. Question2:. Question3:. a-1 is directly proportional to b+2. When a=5, b is 2. Then find b when a is 9. Question4:.
Question1: If x:y:z=2:3:4 and 4x-2y+5z=44 are given, thenfind x.
Question3: a-1 is directly proportional to b+2. When a=5, b is 2. Then find b when a is 9
Question4: a-3 is inversely proportional to b+3. When a is 4 b is 5. Find b when a is 5.
Question5: • The arithmetic mean of a and y is 16. The arithmetic mean of a and z is 18 and the arithmetic mean of y and z is 24. Find the number z.
Question6: • The geometric mean of x and y is 2. The arithmetic mean of 1/x and 1/y is 3 find the arithmetic mean of x and y.
Question7: • The number of students in three classes are proportional to ½, 1/3 and ¼. If the total number of students in three classes is 130, find the number of students in each class.
Question8: • If one can paint the wall with area 200 using 5 kg paint, what can be the area if you use 8 kg paint?
Question9: • 3 equal taps can fill the pool with 40 in 36 hours. Using the same type of 6 taps, in how many hours can the pool be filled?
Question10: • The sum of age of 28 people in class is 500. If the average ages of women is 18 and the average ages of men is 20, how many women in this class?
Question11: • The average score of 3 mathematics exams of Ahmet is 80. If the average of the first two scores is 75, what did Ahmet get in the third exam?
Question12: • If the students in the classroom sit in twos, 6 students cannot sit. If they sit in threes, 2 desks remain empty. Using these information find the total number of students in the classroom.
Question13: • In the line of ticket office, Emine is the 8th one from the start, and Murat is the 11th one from the end. There are 5 people between Emine and Murat and Murat is closer to the ticket office than Emine. Therefore, how many people are there in the line?
Question14: • The number of women is 3 times of the number of men. After 4 couples get off from the bus, the number of women becomes 4 times of the number of men. Then what is the total number of people at first?
Question15: • In the exam there are 40 questions and each question is 6 points. Also, 4 wrong answers erase 1 right answer.
Question16: • The 27kg flour will be divided into packets with 2, 3 and 5 kg. The total number of packets is 11. If one must use at least one from each packet with 2, 3, and 5 kg, at most how many packets with 2 kg can she use?
Rememberthat: • In t years, everyonewill be t yearsolder. • T yearsago, everyonewas t yearsyounger. • Thedifferencebetweentheages of twopeople is alwaysconstant. • Thesum of theages of n peoplewillincreaseby n.t years in t years.
Question 1: A mother is 38 yearsoldand her daughter is 13 yearsold. In how manyyearswillthemother be twice as old as her daughter?
Question2: Thesum of theages of twochildren is 30. Fiveyearsago, onechildwassixyearsolderthantheotherchild. Findtheiragesnow.
Question3: Thesum of theages of threechildren is 27. In how manyyearswillthesum of theirages be 67?
Question4: A father has twosons. Thefather’sagenow is ten timesthedifference of theson’sages. Three yearsago, thefather’sagewasthreetimesthesum of his son’sages. Ifthefather is 30 now, how oldare his sons?
(work rate).(working time)=(amount of work done) OR r.t = w • REMARK: 1. If a number of workers can complete a job in t hours, thenthesamenumber of workers can complete of thejob in onehour. 2. Supposetwoworkers can complete a job in x and y hoursrespectively. Iftheyworktogether, theywillcompletethejob in t hours, where t is givenby + =
Question 1: Mustafa can paint a house in 18 hours. Murat can paintthesamehouse in 12 hours. If Mustafa worksalonefor 6 hoursandthenstops, how longwill it take Murat tofinishthejob?
Question2: Twopipes can fill a pool in 6 hours. Thelargerpipe can fillthepooltwice as fast as thesmaşllerone. How longdoes it takethesmallerpipetofillthepoolalone?
Question3: Twopipes A and B can fill a storage tank in 4 and 6 hoursrespectively. A drain C can emptythefull tank in 3 hours. How longwill it taketofillthe tank ifbothpipesandthedrainareopen?
Question4: Twopipes A and B can fill an emptypool in 6 and 8 hoursrespectively. A drain C can emptythefull tank in 12 hours. Fortwohours, thepipes A and B areleftopen. Then A and B areclosed. How longwill it takethedrain C toemptythewater in thepool?
Question 5: Erkin can plough a garden in 20 hoursand Asım can do thesamejob in 32 hours. Theyworktogetherfor 8 hours, then Asım stopsworking. How longwill it takeErkişntofinishthejob?
Question6: Inthestorage tank , theheight of drain C fromthebase of the tank is 1/3 of theheight of the tank. Pipes A and B can fillthe tank in 18 hoursand 24 hoursrespectively. Drain C can empty 2/3 of thefull tank in 36 hours. Ifallthepipesandthedrainareworking, how manyhourswill it takethepipestofillthe tank? A B C
REMARK: - b% = - b% of a number x is - Ifweincrease a number x by b%, theresult is = - Ifwedecrease a number x by b%, theresult is -=
Question 1: • x% of 40 is 8. Find x.
Question 2: Thenumber of workers in a factoryincreasesfrom 525 to 550. Findthepercentageincreases in thenumber of workers.
Question3: Theprice of a car goesupby 3%, which is $420. What is thenewprice of the car?
Question 4: 80% of thestudents in a classpass a mathexam. Ifsixstudentsfailedtheexam, findthenumber of students in theclass.
Question5: A shopkeeperbought a jacketand a suitfrom a wholesaler. He thensoldthejacketfor $55, whichwas 25% morethanthewholesaleprice.Hesoldthesuitfor $64, whichwas 20% lessthanthewholesaleprice. How muchmoneydidtheshopkeeperloseorearn?
Profit-loss eklenebilir • Extended kitabında var
Formulas: Annual interest: Monthlyinterest: Daily interest: Total Amount: A= P + I
Question1: Esra’sinvestment of $950 earned $57 in 3 months. Whatwasthemonthlyinterest rate?
Question2: A certainamount of moneywasinvestedwith an annualinterest rate of 25%. Afteroneyear, theamountincreasedto $2750. Whatwastheinitialprincipal?
Question3: Mehmet invested a sum of money. Afterfouryears, Mehmet’sinvestment had doubled. Whatwastheannualsimpleinterest rate?