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Konsep Metodologi

Konsep Metodologi. Prof. Madya Dr. Noor Aina Dani. By PresenterMedia.com. Persediaan untuk ujian :. METODOLOGI. Kerangka Teori. Kerangka Konsepsi. Tempat Kajian. Teori perlu dihurai mengikut karya pelopor asal. Lokasi kajian rintis dan kajian sebenar dijalankan.

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Konsep Metodologi

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  1. KonsepMetodologi Prof. Madya Dr. NoorAinaDani By PresenterMedia.com

  2. Persediaanuntukujian:

  3. METODOLOGI KerangkaTeori KerangkaKonsepsi TempatKajian Teoriperludihuraimengikutkaryapeloporasal Lokasikajianrintisdankajiansebenardijalankan Satuhalamanaliranpenyelidikanbermuladaripadatajukpenyelidikanhinggarumusan Jumlah 100% sampeldan % sampelkajian yang dipilihdaripadapopulasi Populasidanpensampelan

  4. Sampelkajian Kaedahkajian Pendekatankajian Pembolehubahkajian Apakaedahkajian yang digunakandancaramelaksanakankaedahkajian PU bebasdan PU bersandar Alatkajian yang digunakanuntukmengumpul data Pendekatankualitatifataukuantitatifataugabungan Siapasampelkajian, jberapajumlahnya, apaciri-cirinya Alatkajian yang digunakanmestiadakesahandankebolehpercayaan Instrumenkajian KesahandanKebolehpercayaankajian

  5. Tatacarakajian Penganalisisan data Kajianrintisdankajiansebenar Cara data dianalisis, samaadakualitatifataukuantatifatau kedua2nya atauguna SPSS

  6. 2. Techniques for data collection 3. Character of data • Empathy: The interviewer uses his personal empathy to make the respondents feel more at ease and therefore more willing to tell “their story”. • Anonymity: The respondents in the qualitative study will not be annonymous to the researcher as they will be in quantitave study. Firstly, data is collected during interaction between respondent and researcher, which points to dependence between data and researcher. Secondly, the researcher collects a large amount of data from a limited number of respondents. This data material consists at a minimum of interviews, field notes and “recollection”. Thirdly, a transcription of an interview is never an exact copy of the conversation, which took place.

  7. 4. Data Processing and presentation • The part of the qualitative data material which has a physical existence, e.g. recordings, transcripts and notes, is data as words/conversation-a kind of data that intuitively is regarded as much more complex to analyse than numerical data. • The result of both coding and analysis depends exclusively upon the researcher’s interpretation of meanings hidden in data. • The researcher is accountable for reporting datawithout using any statistical means for presenting or legitimating findings. • The quality of findings/results of a particular research project will be based on the researcher’s ability to present valid argumentation for findings/results to readers, while giving a fair presentation of data.

  8. A Case Study A university lecturer is conducting long-term research into the learning of English and Cantonese-using her 3 ½ year old son as a case study. She started last December and estimates the project will last 2 ½ years until her son is six. Preliminary findings show her students often have difficulty using plurals in sentences – a headache shared by Elvoo, who speaks Cantonese to his Hongkong-born parents and English to his 10-year-old sister, Poupee. If you ask Elvoo: “How many apples have you got? “He will answer: “Two apple.” This is because in Cantonese, plurals are expressed in a different way by using a noun classifier (collective term) in front of a singular noun. It would thus appear that a negative transfer of Cantonese to English has been at work here. And this partly explains why Elvoo has not learnt how to use plurals in English.

  9. Thank you

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