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This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWE CFCU is the Contracting Authorit y the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağan of this programme. Bir Eşitlik Yolculuğu: D&S for DWE.
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Bir Eşitlik Yolculuğu: D&S for DWE
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme Yolculuğun Övüncü 2/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Demokratik 3/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Stereotipilere Meydan Okumak 4/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Kadınlık Durumu 5/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Sui Generis 6/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme ‘…Bu nedenle kadın, girişimciliğin yanına ‘sosyal girişimcilik’i kolayca ekleyebilir. İşte bu girişimciliğe kadının benzersiz bir dokunuşudur…’ Aynur Bektaş TOBB Kadın Girişimciler Kurulu Başkanı 7/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Karne 8/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Toplumsal Cinsiyet Uçurumu (WEF, 2008) • Türkiye 134 ülke arasında, • Sağlıkta 93. sırada • Politik katılımda 107. sırada • Eğitimde 110. sırada 9/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Toplumsal Cinsiyet Uçurumu (WEF, 2008) • Türkiye 134 ülke arasında, • Toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğinde 129. sırada • Ekonomik katılım ve fırsat eşitliğinde 130. sırada 10/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme Küresel İşgücüne Katılım (2007) 11/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Küresel Kadın İstihdamı (ILO, 2007) • Dünya %49,1 • AB-25 %58,6 • Türkiye %22,2 12/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Türkiye’de Kadın İşgücü ve İstihdam (TÜİK, 07/2009) • Erkek İstihdamı 19 milyon 935 bin • Kadın İstihdamı 6 milyon 279 bin • Kadın İşgücü 7 milyon 263 bin • Çalışabilir Kadın 26 milyon 332 bin • İşgücüne Dahil Olmayan Kadın 19 milyon 69 bin • Tarımda Kadın İstihdamı 2 milyon 933 bini (%46,71) • Tarımdaki kadın istihdamının 2 milyon 145 bini (%75,95) ücretsiz aile işçisi 13/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Türkiye’de İşgücüne Katılım (TÜİK, 07/2009) • Genel %49,3 • Erkek %71,8 • Kadın %27,6 14/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme 15/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • İşverenler (TÜİK, 07/2009) • 1 milyon 195 bin işverenden, yalnızca 72 bini kadın 16/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Kalıcı Büyüme ve Refah 17/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme ‘Eğer kadınlar erkekler kadar istihdam edilebilseydi, AB’nin GSYİH’leri toplamı % 28 artacaktı.’ 18/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Eşitlik Bizi Güçlü Kılar 19/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Künye 20/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme 21/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Eğitim, Eğitim, Eğitim 22/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Net-work(ing) 23/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Pilot Proje 24/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Çare 25/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Model 26/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Sürdürebilirlikmek 27/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • İnsani Kavrayış 28/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Ruhu Olan Proje 29/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Yenilikçi ve Öncü 30/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Sosyal Sorumluluk Duyarlılığı 31/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • ‘Katkıda Bulunmaya Geldik’ 32/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Paydaşlık 33/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Takımdaşlık 34/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Öğrenen Organizasyon 35/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme Yolculuğun Çalışması 36/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • İşin Sırrı Özgüvende 37/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme Yolculuğun Güveni ve Gücü 38/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Yaşam Biçimi 39/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Yeni Bir Hayat 40/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme Yeni Bir Yol “Ya yeni bir yol bulacağız ya da yenisini yapacağız.” Hannibal 41/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Kendi Başına Değerli 42/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Kalıcı Kapasite İnşası 43/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • AB – Türkiye Bütünleşmesine Katkı 44/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme • Neşe 45/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme Yolculuğun Neşesi 46/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme Gazi Denizli’de 4 Mart 1931 Yolculuğumuza ‘övünç’ ile başladık, yol boyunca çok ‘çalıştık’ , kadınımıza hep ‘güvendik’… Ve sonunda ‘başardık’ diyebildik… 47/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 16.11.2009 Çırağanof this programme Teşekkürler 48/49
This project is funded by the European Union and D&S For DWECFCU is theContracting Authority the Government of Republic of Turkey. 13/16.11.2009of this programme 49/30