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Jeopardy. Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin. State Nicknames. All About Spongebob. Food. 10 Points. 10 Points. 10 Points. 20 Points. 20 Points. 20 Points. 30 Points. 30 Points. 30 Points. 40 Points. 40 Points.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

  2. State Nicknames All About Spongebob Food 10 Points 10 Points 10 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points

  3. State nicknames Question 10 Points What is New York's nickname? Answer

  4. State nicknames Answer 10 Points The Empire State

  5. State nicknames Question 20 Points What is “The Garden State”? Answer

  6. State nicknames Answer 20 Points New Jersey

  7. State nicknames Question 30 Points Washington state’s nickname is…? Answer

  8. State nicknames Answer 30 Points The Evergreen State

  9. State nicknames Question 40 Points The Lone Star State is..? Answer

  10. State nicknames Answer 40 Points Texas

  11. State nicknames Question 50 Points What is New Mexico’s nickname? Answer

  12. State nicknames Answer 50 Points The Land of Enchantment

  13. All about Spongebob Question 10 Points Who lives in a pine apple under the sea? Answer

  14. All about SpongebobAnswer 10 Points SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!

  15. All about SpongebobQuestion 20 Points In one episode, Spongebob injured which body part while shell boarding Answer

  16. All about Spongebob Answer 20 Points His Butt

  17. All about Spongebob Question 30 Points In another episode Spongebob gets tired of living life as a fry cook. He decides to become a wild animal. What wild animal was he? Answer

  18. All about Spongebob Answer 30 Points A jellyfish in jellyfish fields

  19. All about Spongebob Question 40 Points What is Spongebob’s address? Answer

  20. All about Spongebob Answer 40 Points 124 Conch street

  21. All about Spongebob Question 50 Points What is Spongebob’s dads name? Answer

  22. All about Spongebob Answer 50 Points Harold Squarepants.

  23. Food Question 10 Points What country is known for foods containing tomatoes and cheese? Answer

  24. Food Answer 10 Points Italy

  25. Food Question 20 Points This is the only fruit that has seeds on the outside of the fruit? Answer

  26. Food Answer 20 Points Strawberries

  27. Food Question 30 Points What food item doesn’t ever spoil? Answer

  28. Food Answer 30 Points Honey

  29. Food Question 40 Points In the 17th century carrots weren't orange. What color were they? Answer

  30. Food Answer 40 Points Purple

  31. Food Question 50 Points What is the white part of an egg called? (its not egg white) Answer

  32. Food Answer 50 Points Glair

  33. Final Jeopardy Make your wager Click for The Final Question

  34. Final Jeopardy A group of monkeys are called..? Answer

  35. Final Jeopardy Answer A Troop

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