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Enhancing Livestock Extension in Bangladesh: Agricultural Extension Basics

Explore the concept of agricultural extension with a focus on livestock, including policies, research-extension-farmer linkages, and extension-farmer interactions to improve farming practices and livelihoods in Bangladesh. Presented by Prof. Md. Mahbubul Alam, PhD.

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Enhancing Livestock Extension in Bangladesh: Agricultural Extension Basics

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  1. AEIS 529: Livestock ExtensionChapter 1: Agricultural Extension Basics Prof Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD Dept. of AEIS, SAU

  2. Outline Concept of Agricultural Extension New Agricultural Extension Policy Livestock Extension in Bangladesh Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  3. Concept of Agricultural Extension Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  4. “A process of developing capabilities of the individuals so that they can adequately respond to their situation.” “An applied social science that deals with principles and methods of extension, communication process, transfer of technology, programme building and evaluation with a view to bringing positive changes in a behavior of farming community.” Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  5. Ref. Bhuiyan, et al. 2014 Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  6. What Extension Does? Identify and overcome problems; farm, production & marketing problems through the exchange of information among farmers, extension staffs, input suppliers, credit agencies and marketing agents. Make better use of existing technology; through efficient use of feed, fertilizer, irrigation, etc. Introduce new technology; such as new breeds, new varieties, new crops, new equipment. Address farmers’ production constraints to research institutions; so that appropriate basic, applied or adaptive research can be carried out to address them. Create opportunities to learn and upgrade farmers’ skills; therefore they meet their needs and interest in such a way that leads to self-satisfaction and improve living standards. Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  7. Research-Extension-Farmer Linkage Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  8. Agricultural Extension Providers, Agricultural Information Service Centres Joint field visits, formal meetings, newsletters, research publications, etc. Extension workers Researchers Joint field visits, formal meetings, verbal communication, etc. Research Institutes, universities, Input providers Feedback (visits, verbal communication, letters) Upazila and district agricultural extension centres Feedback (visits, verbal communication, letters) Farm & home visits, farmers’ training, farmer-group meeting, demonstration, field days, farm publications, etc. Farm visits, on-farm research, field studies, field days, participatory appraisal, rapid rural appraisal, etc. Farmers Cooperatives, farmer groups Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  9. a) Research-Extension Linkage • Joint Field Visits • e.g. newsletter, brochures, folders, booklets • Observe fields conditions • Enables researchers to understand farmers and extension needs • Enables extensionists to be updated with latest research and disseminate accordingly • Formal Meeting • e.g. seminars, workshops • Share experiences, • Allow questions and immediate feedback • Research Publications • e.g. newsletter, brochures, folders, booklets • Present research result in simple, easy-to-understand format • Provides ‘first-hand’ tools fro extensionists about a field-related problem Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  10. b) Research-Farmer Linkage • On-farm research • Enables researchers to be updated with farmers’ problems • Allows researchers to develop context- and location-specific solutions • Allows joint problem-solving • Field studies • Allows researchers and farmers to exchange experience, and giving feedback on specific topics • Enables researchers to observe field-condition • Participatory data gathering • e.g. PRA, RRA • Enables joint identification of problems, and solutions • Enables researchers to understand farmers’ situation Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  11. c) Extension-Farmer Linkage • Farm and home visit • Enable extensionists to observe the real situations • Enable them to discuss and consult on specific problems • Strengthen understanding between extensionists and farmers • Farmers’ visit to local Agril. Extension offices • Allows farmers to seek solutions to farm-related problems • Farmers’ training • Enable farmers to learn, update their knowledge and skills • Demonstration (method & result) • Heighten farmers’ interest in new technology • Farm publications • e.g. circular letter, leaflet, bulletin, pamphlet Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  12. New Agricultural Extension Policy (NAEP) Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  13. Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  14. National Livestock Extension Policy (NLEP) Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  15. Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  16. NLEP: Objectives Fortify research-extension-farmers linkages, mobilize, build and develop farmer groups and producer organizations for better access to technologies, information and marketing channels; Promote sustainable improvements in safe milk, meat and eggs production to satisfy national demands, processing and value addition for optimal income & employment generation; Facilitate increased private sector participation and investments in livestock production, market development and export of livestock products and by products; Contribute towards national food security through enhanced production, processing and marketing of livestock products; Strengthen health services, veterinary public health, epidemiology of diseases and diagnostic facilities, diseases surveillances and reporting; Assist and motivate farmers in adopting suitable technologies through capacity building, harmonize extension services provided by public and private service providers at all levels including input suppliers, livestock commodity producers, producers organization and other agencies; Develop human resource and skill of extension service providers and farmers. Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  17. Emerging Livestock Development Issues Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  18. Emerging Issues Food security and malnutrition Food safety issues Veterinary public health issues Zoonosis, emerging, and re-emerging issues Bio-security Use of ICTs in livestock extension Disease surveillance, epidemiology & reporting system Organic farming Climate change Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  19. References Bhuiyan, M.H., Miah, M.A.M., Akanda, M. G.R. & Bashar, M.A. 2014. Agricultural Extension Education. Dept. of Agricultural Extension & Information System, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka. https://dae.portal.gov.bd/sites/default/files/files/dae.portal.gov.bd/page/dd7d2be1_aeef_452f_9774_8c23462ab73a/NAEP.pdf http://dls.portal.gov.bd/sites/default/files/files/dls.portal.gov.bd/page/b4ea0518_7cf7_43e5_b0b8_756b831991d4/Final%20Draft%20%20of%20National%20Extension%20Policy.pdfhttp://dae.portal.gov.bd/sites/default/files/files/dae.portal.gov.bd/page/dd7d2be1_aeef_452f_9774_8c23462ab73a/NAEP.pdf Presented by Md Mahbubul Alam, PhD

  20. Thank you

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