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CS170 Discussion – 2009-05-01

This project aims to add immediate file functionality to the Minix file system, allowing for faster file access and improved performance. The project involves setting the immediate flag for new files, handling file deletion, and implementing the immediate file feature. Note: Take regular backups of your Minix image to avoid data loss.

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CS170 Discussion – 2009-05-01

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  1. CS170 Discussion – 2009-05-01 Bryce Boe

  2. 9 Days left… • of your favorite class ever • of the best time of you life • of the most you’ve ever worked in your life • to complete project 6 • with the coolest TA ever (jk – or am I?)

  3. Project 6 – Immediate Files

  4. Why? Mullender, S. J. and Tanenbaum, A. S. 1984. Immediate files. Softw. Pract. Exper. 14, 4 (Jun. 1984), 365-368. DOI= http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/spe.4380140407

  5. Inside Minix

  6. v1, v2, v3 files • v1 files are for older files -- ignore • v2 files are what this version of minix creates • v3 files don’t exist, however there are a few comments about them -- ignore

  7. servers/mfs/inode.h EXTERN structinode { mode_ti_mode; /* file type, protection, etc. */ nlink_ti_nlinks; /* how many links to this file */ uid_ti_uid; /* user id of the file's owner */ gid_ti_gid; /* group number */ off_ti_size; /* current file size in bytes */ time_ti_atime; /* time of last access (V2 only) */ time_ti_mtime; /* when file data last changed */ time_ti_ctime; /* when was inode itself changed */ zone_t i_zone[V2_NR_TZONES]; /* zone numbers */ … <remainder of struct not saved on disk> }

  8. include/minix/const.h • Defines constants used by mfs • I_REGULAR – regular file • I_TYPE – mask for file type • Note: These are used in ushorts (2 bytes) • Suggestion: Add an I_IMMEDIATE that fits in ushort and doesn’t conflict with the masks

  9. Constants • I_TYPE 0170000 /* inode type */ • I_SYMBOLIC_LINK 0120000 /* symbolic link */ • I_REGULAR 0100000 /* regular file */ • #define I_BLOCK_SPECIAL 0060000 /* block special file */ • #define I_DIRECTORY 0040000 /* file is a directory */ • #define I_CHAR_SPECIAL 0020000 /* character special file */ • #define I_NAMED_PIPE 0010000 /* named pipe (FIFO) */ • #define I_SET_UID_BIT 0004000 /* set effective uid_t */ • #define I_SET_GID_BIT 0002000 /* set effective gid_t */ • #define ALL_MODES 0006777 /* all bits for u,g,o */ • #define RWX_MODES 0000777 /* mode bits for RWX only */ • #define R_BIT 0000004 /* Rwx protection bit */ • #define W_BIT 0000002 /* rWx protection bit */ • #define X_BIT 0000001 /* rwX protection bit */ • #define I_NOT_ALLOC 0000000 /* this inode is free */

  10. Adding Files • Set immediate flag whenever a regular file is initially created • Suggestion: Trace all the places where files can be created back to common code. • Hint: Somewhere in servers/mfs/open.c

  11. Deleting Files • When files are deleted typically indirect blocks need to be freed • Skip this step if immediate • Suggestion: As before trace the few places that perform this behavior to the common location • Hint: servers/vfs/link.c

  12. Writing Files • When file size grows beyond 34 bytes switch to “normal” method

  13. Reading Files • If immediate read from inode • If not read as normal

  14. How to start • Step 1: Successfully set immediate bit, and put checks on open/read/write/delete when an immediate file is encountered. • Step 2: Implement the immediate file • Warning: Make regular backups of your minix image, as you might destroy it

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