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Cre-health – a social innovation to empowerment and social inclusion by culture and creative activities. Theresia HolmstedtJensen , projectstrategist county of Dalarna dept culture and education theresia.jensen@ltdalarna.se
Cre-health – a social innovation to empowerment and social inclusion by culture and creative activities
Theresia HolmstedtJensen, projectstrategistcountyof Dalarna deptculture and education theresia.jensen@ltdalarna.se • Suzanne Lazar, representative of the non- profit organisation of SkådebananDalarna skadebanandalarna@telia.com
What is Cre-health • Cre-health – a social innovation to improve empowerment and social inclusion by culture and creative activities. • 5 arts x 2 times x 3 hours • 10-12 participants • Certified artists • Certified process-leader • One from the staffnormallyworkingwith the group
Innovation-model Idea Method Partners Social innovation Arenas Resources
Needs Innovation-model Social Societal Involvegroups Idea Experiences Users Producers Method Partners Social innovation Usersproducers Stakeholders Arenas Test Resources Networks Cooperation Evaluation Knowledge Organisation
Challanges and solution to implementculture as a tool for social inclusion 1.Culture is considered as amusement and is not taken seriously. 2. Something new and unknown. 3 An uncertainity between ”buyers” and ”sellers” about what to offer and what you get. 4. Activities within culture for health or inclusion are made by enthusiasts and when they quit it all stops. 5. Culture for health or inclusion is often run in projects with good results, but there has not been a long-term strategy, and when the project is over it’s all over. 6. Considered as high costs, as always when starting something new. • 1 and 2 Base the work on research and studies aboutculture and itsimpact. Spreadthisknowledgewidely. Pin-pointkey-persons.Make peopleparticipate in culturalactivities, youdon´t understand howpowerfultheyareifyouhaven’ttried. • 3. ”Box-it- in”. It’seasier to buy a kit, than a lotoflooseends. Convince ” buyers” thattheseactivitiesarequalityassured and evaluated. • 4. Make a method and train the artists in thismethod, this make the activities long-term resilient. • 5. Rig a project and find a project-leaderthat is aiming at finding a long-term solution. • 6. Show economical studies thatsayhowefficiantculture is to helath and social inclusion.
Where are we now? • Cre- health is tested in two pilotes and has been used by Finsam two more times and from two other projects run by the city of Falun for young unemployed people. • New perspectives on patients. The medical care in Dalarna is running a work to change the relation between care-giver and patient. This demands new perspectives and parts of Cre-health have been tools in that work. • As a start to a Cre-health program for youngster, all staff working with them, particpated in Cre-health activities designed for the staff-group • An interreg project is going on to explore possibilities and obstacle about culture and health.
Where do we want to be? • Cre-health would like to be a widely spread tool to promote empowerment and well-being either you are;young and unemployed or tired of schoolsuffering from stress-related illnesses or are close to become burnout, an ordinar person wanting to take care of yorself, a refugee needing to express yourself beyond words, an oldie wanting to maintain your body and soulor… • How do we get there?Meetings, meetings, meetings,making good things, mouth to mouth