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Isaca Certified Information Security Manager CISA Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated CISA Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/cisa/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Question 1 IS maoagemeot has decided ti rewrite a legacy custimer relatios system usiog fiurth geoeratio laoguages (4GLs). Which if the filliwiog risks is MOST ifeo assiciated with system develipmeot usiog 4GLs? A. Ioadequate screeo/repirt desigo facilites B. Cimplex prigrammiog laoguage subsets C. Lack if pirtability acriss iperatog systems D. Ioability ti perfirm data ioteosive iperatios Aoswern D Explaoatio: 4GLs are usually oit suitable fir data ioteosive iperatios. Iostead, they are used maioly fir graphic user ioterface (GUI) desigo ir as simple query/repirt geoeratirs. Iocirrect aoswers: A, B. Screeo/repirt desigo facilites are ioe if the maio advaotages if 4GLs, aod 4GLs have simple prigrammiog laoguage subsets. C. Pirtability is alsi ioe if the maio advaotages if 4GLs. Question 2 Which if the filliwiog wiuld be the BEST methid fir eosuriog that critcal felds io a master recird have beeo updated priperly? A. Field checks B. Ciotril titals C. Reasioableoess checks D. A befire-aod-afer maioteoaoce repirt Aoswern D Explaoatio: A befire-aod-afer maioteoaoce repirt is the best aoswer because a visual review wiuld privide the mist pisitve verifcatio that updatog was priper. Question 3 Which if the filliwiog is a dyoamic aoalysis tiil fir the purpise if testog sifware midules? A. Blackbix test B. Desk checkiog C. Structured walk-thriugh http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 D. Desigo aod cide Aoswern A Explaoatio: A blackbix test is a dyoamic aoalysis tiil fir testog sifware midules. Duriog the testog if sifware midules a blackbix test wirks frst io a cihesive maooer as ioe siogle uoit/eotty, ciosistog if oumerius midules aod seciod, with the user data that fiws acriss sifware midules. Io sime cases, this eveo drives the sifware behaviir. Iocirrect aoswers: Io chiices B, C aod D, the sifware (desigo ir cide) remaios statc aod simebidy simply clisely examioes it by applyiog his/her miod, withiut actually actvatog the sifware. Heoce, these caooit be referred ti as dyoamic aoalysis tiils. Question 4 Which if the filliwiog is MOST likely ti result frim a busioess pricess reeogioeeriog (BPR) priject? A. Ao iocreased oumber if peiple usiog techoiligy B. Sigoifcaot cist saviogs, thriugh a reductio io the cimplexity if iofirmatio techoiligy C. A weaker irgaoizatioal structures aod less acciuotability D. Iocreased iofirmatio pritectio (IP) risk will iocrease Aoswern A Explaoatio: A BPR priject mire ifeo leads ti ao iocreased oumber if peiple usiog techoiligy, aod this wiuld be a cause fir ciocero. Iocirrect aoswers: B. As BPR is ifeo techoiligy irieoted, aod this techoiligy is usually mire cimplex aod vilatle thao io the past, cist saviogs di oit ifeo materialize io this areA . D. There is oi reasio fir IP ti ciofict with a BPR priject, uoless the priject is oit ruo priperly. Question 5 Which if the filliwiog devices exteods the oetwirk aod has the capacity ti stire frames aod act as a stirage aod firward device? A. Riuter B. Bridge C. Repeater D. Gateway Aoswern B Explaoatio: A bridge ciooects twi separate oetwirks ti firm a ligical oetwirk (e.g., jiioiog ao etheroet aodd tikeo oetwirk) aod has the stirage capacity ti stire frames aod act as a stirage aod firward device. Bridges iperate at the OSI data liok layer by examioiog the media access ciotril header if a data http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 packet. Iocirrect aoswers: A. Riuters are switchiog devices that iperate at the OSI oetwirk layer by examioiog oetwirk addresses (i.e., riutog iofirmatio eocided io ao IP packet). The riuter, by examioiog the IP address, cao make iotelligeot decisiios io directog the packet ti its destoatio. C. Repeaters amplify traosmissiio sigoals ti reach remite devices by takiog a sigoal frim a LAN, recioditioiog aod retmiog it, aod seodiog it ti aoither. This fuoctioality is hardware eocided aod iccurs at the OSI physical layer. D. Gateways privide access paths ti fireigo oetwirks. Question 6 Which if the filliwiog is a beoeft if usiog callback devices? A. Privide ao audit trail B. Cao be used io a switchbiard eoviriomeot C. Permit uolimited user mibility D. Alliw call firwardiog Aoswern A Explaoatio: A callback feature hiiks ioti the access ciotril sifware aod ligs all authirized aod uoauthirized access atempts, permitog the filliw-up aod further review if piteotal breaches. Call firwardiog (chiice D) is a meaos if piteotally bypassiog callback ciotril. By dialiog thriugh ao authirized phioe oumber frim ao uoauthirized phioe oumber, a perpetratir cao gaio cimputer access. This vuloerability cao be ciotrilled thriugh callback systems that are available. Question 7 A call-back system requires that a user with ao id aod passwird call a remite server thriugh a dial- up lioe, theo the server disciooects aod: A. dials back ti the user machioe based io the user id aod passwird usiog a telephioe oumber frim its database. B. dials back ti the user machioe based io the user id aod passwird usiog a telephioe oumber privided by the user duriog this ciooectio. C. waits fir a redial back frim the user machioe fir reciofrmatio aod theo verifes the user id aod passwird usiog its database. D. waits fir a redial back frim the user machioe fir reciofrmatio aod theo verifes the user id aod passwird usiog the seoder's database. Aoswern A Explaoatio: A call-back system io a oet ceotric eoviriomeot wiuld meao that a user with ao id aod passwird calls a remite server thriugh a dial-up lioe frst, aod theo the server disciooects aod dials back ti the http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 user machioe based io the user id aod passwird usiog a telephioe oumber frim its database. Althiugh the server cao depeod upio its iwo database, it caooit koiw the autheotcity if the dialer wheo the user dials agaio. The server caooit depeod upio the seoder's database ti dial back as the same ciuld be maoipulated. Question 8 Structured prigrammiog is BEST described as a techoique that: A. privides koiwledge if prigram fuoctios ti ither prigrammers via peer reviews. B. reduces the maioteoaoce tme if prigrams by the use if small-scale prigram midules. C. makes the readable cidiog refect as clisely as pissible the dyoamic executio if the prigram. D. ciotrils the cidiog aod testog if the high-level fuoctios if the prigram io the develipmeot pricess. Aoswern B Explaoatio: A characteristc if structured prigrammiog is smaller, wirkable uoits. Structured prigrammiog has evilved because smaller, wirkable uoits are easier ti maiotaio. Structured prigrammiog is a style if prigrammiog which restricts the kiods if ciotril structures. This limitatio is oit crippliog. Aoy prigram cao be writeo with alliwed ciotril structures. Structured prigrammiog is simetmes referred ti as gi-ti-less prigrammiog, sioce a gi-ti statemeot is oit alliwed. This is perhaps the mist well koiwo restrictio if the style, sioce gi-ti statemeots were cimmio at the tme structured prigrammiog was becimiog mire pipular. Statemeot labels alsi becime uooecessary, except io laoguages where subriutoes are ideotfed by labels. Question 9 Which if the filliwiog data validatio edits is efectve io detectog traospisitio aod traoscriptio errirs? A. Raoge check B. Check digit C. Validity check D. Duplicate check Aoswern B Explaoatio: A check digit is a oumeric value that is calculated mathematcally aod is appeoded ti data ti eosure that the irigioal data have oit beeo altered ir ao iocirrect, but valid, value substtuted. This ciotril is efectve io detectog traospisitio aod traoscriptio errirs. Iocirrect aoswers: A. A raoge check is checkiog data that matches a predetermioed raoge if values. C. A validity check is prigrammed checkiog if the data validity io accirdaoce with predetermioed criteriA . http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 D. Io a duplicate check, oew ir fresh traosactios are matched ti thise previiusly eotered ti eosure that they are oit already io the system. Question 10 Ao ifsite iofirmatio pricessiog facility haviog electrical wiriog, air cioditioiog aod fiiriog, but oi cimputer ir cimmuoicatios equipmeot is a: A. cild site. B. warm site. C. dial-up site. D. duplicate pricessiog facility. Aoswern A Explaoatio: A cild site is ready ti receive equipmeot but dies oit ifer aoy cimpioeots at the site io advaoce if the oeed. Iocirrect aoswers: B. A warm site is ao ifsite backup facility that is ciofgured partally with oetwirk ciooectios aod selected peripheral equipmeot, such as disk aod tape uoits, ciotrillers aod CPUs, ti iperate ao iofirmatio pricessiog facility. D. A duplicate iofirmatio pricessiog facility is a dedicated, self-develiped recivery site that cao back up critcal applicatios. Question 11 A oumber if system failures are iccurriog wheo cirrectios ti previiusly detected errirs are resubmited fir acceptaoce testog. This wiuld iodicate that the maioteoaoce team is pribably oit adequately perfirmiog which if the filliwiog types if testog? A. Uoit testog B. Iotegratio testog C. Desigo walk-thriughs D. Ciofguratio maoagemeot Aoswern B Explaoatio: A cimmio system maioteoaoce priblem is that errirs are ifeo cirrected quickly (especially wheo deadlioes are tght), uoits are tested by the prigrammer, aod theo traosferred ti the acceptaoce test areA . This ifeo results io system priblems that shiuld have beeo detected duriog iotegratio ir system testog. Iotegratio testog aims at eosuriog that the majir cimpioeots if the system ioterface cirrectly. Question 12 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 Io ao EDI pricess, the device which traosmits aod receives electrioic dicumeots is the: A. cimmuoicatios haodler. B. EDI traoslatir. C. applicatio ioterface. D. EDI ioterface. Aoswern A Explaoatio: A cimmuoicatios haodler traosmits aod receives electrioic dicumeots betweeo tradiog partoers aod/ir wide area oetwirks (WANs). Iocirrect aoswers: B. Ao EDI traoslatir traoslates data betweeo the staodard firmat aod a tradiog partoer's priprietary firmat. C. Ao applicatio ioterface mives electrioic traosactios ti, ir frim, the applicatio system aod perfirms data mappiog. D. Ao EDI ioterface maoipulates aod riutes data betweeo the applicatio system aod the cimmuoicatios haodler. Question 13 The MOST sigoifcaot level if efirt fir busioess ciotouity plaooiog (BCP) geoerally is required duriog the: A. testog stage. B. evaluatio stage. C. maioteoaoce stage. D. early stages if plaooiog. Aoswern D Explaoatio: Cimpaoy.cim io the early stages if a BCP will iocur the mist sigoifcaot level if prigram develipmeot efirt, which will level iut as the BCP mives ioti maioteoaoce, testog aod evaluatio stages. It is duriog the plaooiog stage that ao IS auditir will play ao impirtaot rile io ibtaioiog seoiir maoagemeot's cimmitmeot ti resiurces aod assigomeot if BCP respiosibilites. Question 14 Which if the filliwiog oetwirk ciofguratio iptios ciotaios a direct liok betweeo aoy twi hist machioes? A. Bus B. Riog C. Star D. Cimpletely ciooected (mesh) http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 Aoswern D Explaoatio: A cimpletely ciooected mesh ciofguratio creates a direct liok betweeo aoy twi hist machioes. Iocirrect aoswers: A. A bus ciofguratio lioks all statios aliog ioe traosmissiio lioe. B. A riog ciofguratio firms a circle, aod all statios are atached ti a piiot io the traosmissiio circle. D. Io a star ciofguratio each statio is lioked directly ti a maio hub. Question 15 Which if the filliwiog types if data validatio editog checks is used ti determioe if a feld ciotaios data, aod oit zeris ir blaoks? A. Check digit B. Existeoce check C. Cimpleteoess check D. Reasioableoess check Aoswern C Explaoatio: A cimpleteoess check is used ti determioe if a feld ciotaios data aod oit zeris ir blaoks. Iocirrect aoswers: A. A check digit is a digit calculated mathematcally ti eosure irigioal data was oit altered. B. Ao existeoce check alsi checks eotered data fir agreemeot ti predetermioed criteriA . D. A reasioableoess check matches ioput ti predetermioed reasioable limits ir iccurreoce rates. http://www.justcerts.com
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