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There is a ‘Fee for Care’ [FFC] and covers most services and the patient gets most general services for this amount.<br>Visit: http://www.healthy2fit.com/medical-treatment-all-year-round-with-concierge-medicine/
Medical Treatment all year round with Concierge Medicine Generally, there are three types of concierge medicine available today. There are variations of these but usually they fall into one of these categories: 1.There is a ‘Fee for Care’ [FFC] and covers most services and the patient gets most general services for this amount. It is either paid annually or quarterly and gets the usual treatment in the physicians’ rooms. Ifinjections (vaccinations) or other outside services such as X-Rays or blood tests for example are needed, the patient pays extra, usually cash. 2.The next is a ‘ Fee for extra Care’ (FFEC) which is almost the same however, this service is where the additional fees are charged to a patient’s insurance scheme or Medicare. Normally this type of fee charged included immediate access to the doctor or physician with limited of ‘no wait facilities’, maybe access to the doctor’s cell or mobile phone plus unlimited visits to the doctor. Even email services where prescriptions for medication etc. can be obtained via electronic mail and appointments made. 3.The next model is a combination of both models where the physician charges a fee for amounts not covered by a Medicare or health insurance. This is a sort of ‘Top -Up’ service and covers any amounts not reimbursed by other services. You also get the same immediate access to the doctor or physician with limited of ‘no wait facilities’, access to the doctor’s cell phone plus unlimited visits to the doctor. Even email services where prescriptions for medication etc. can be obtained via electronic mail and appointments made. Some of these concierge services are cash only. The supply of concierge medicineis a great help to the elderly, who may find it difficult to travel to and from to a doctor’s rooms to get medicines prescriptions etc. There are also elderly citizens who are unable to visit a doctor for one or more reasons. They may unable to walk or be permanently in a wheelchair etc. which requires a specific mode of transport. In this case some patient care by telephone or email is much more convenient. In the case where a patient is in an old age or frail care home, if it found that most of these facilities do not have permanent physicians on their staff. In order for them to get prescription or scheduled medication from a pharmacy without a prescription is impossible. Concierge physicians suppling medicinewillinstruct the pharmacy by telephone if needs be who will offer to send the medicine to the patient. The doctor may first visit the patient to ensure that a certain drug is necessary, after which they can communicate by email or simply by telephone.
There are many plusses in being supplied bya concierge doctor and it is quite comforting toknow that it is more easily available. The pharmacist will then have the necessary information to supply a repeat of the medicine without a further referral to the doctor, if a repeat script is given, which in most cases it is. To have these facilities brought to you by your own concierge physician when falling ill, is more than a comforting thought. Articles Source : http://www.healthy2fit.com/medical-treatment-all-year-round-with-concierge- medicine/