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There are many instances where the concierge doctor is a more practical solution to personal health care. The term concierge doctor refers to a physician who carries on a practice with a monthly retainer or an annual fee which the patient pays out-of-pocket.<br>
A More Practical Health Care System There are many instances where the concierge doctor is a more practical solution to personal health care. The term concierge doctor refers to a physician who carries on a practice with a monthly retainer or an annual fee which the patient pays out-of-pocket. Although general Medicare or Medicaid in the US is present undergoing reform most of the general healthcare facilities are provided by private organizations with the exception of around 60% of the hospitals which are government owned. The government also funds Medicare for government employees. Private citizens normally purchase health insurance unless they are provided with healthcare by their employer. As the concierge doctor is usually an out-of-pocket expense and considered a non-tax claimable item and therefore non-refundable, many people still prefer this method for medical care. Private healthcare insurance is available in the US but is not really considered more practical than the concierge doctor. Also, private healthcare does not always pay 100% of the medical bill in any event. So, expensive healthcare insurance has no advantage over the concierge doctor. For example, most doctors will not give out their private mobile telephone numbers for reasons that most do not make house calls and therefore you need to make an appointment to visit his rooms. A concierge doctor will do just the opposite. You can make a call and he will visit you if required. There may be some tests to be conducted or X-rays all of which he can organize whilst visiting you. In the event that a patient may require an urgent appointment with a physician there is a good chance he might have to wait a week or more unless there is an emergency in which case a hospital visit may be needed. A concierge doctor will respond almost immediately and will even visit you over a weekend. Most private physicians do not operate over weekends or public holidays however, you have paid for your concierge doctor to be on call twenty-four hours out of twenty-four. These are benefits you will only get with this sort of service. Concierge doctors can also join a nationwide group such as MDVIP. This company which happens to be based in Florida operates countrywide. Here the doctor will limit his patients to a maximum of 600 whilst your private physician will have a patient base of over 2000 in all probability. If you are traveling country wide and out of reach of you own concierge physician, an MDVIP office in another state will provide you with the same facilities and assign a concierge doctor to assist you. Summing up, there are many, many benefits for this option in health care and the medical plans offered by concierge doctors are wide and varied. You will however, need some form of state or federal healthcare insurance to cover bills such as hospital stays, X-rays CAT scans and medical laboratory tests such as blood tests. Of course, prior to 1980 healthcare in the US included both of these options Source: http://pathtohealthnutrition.com/practical-health-care-system/ **********